I just dont know??

Jun 16, 2009

Hey guys I know I've been gone for a minute but just wanted to stop by and say hi.  Well I have been working out still on MWF with step aerobics and its great.  My legs are starting to take shape again, and boy I cant wait to wear shorts.  I had to put a belt on and I havent worn a belt since I was in high school so let say 11 years ago..lol..   However although my clothes are getting loose I cant tell if my body has changed that much .  The scales in the weight room are broken so that was a big mess, cause i am compulsive when it comes to getting on a scale and know I'm losing.  It was hard because I didnt know if I was losing I felt healthier but I couldnt see if my body shape change with how I felt.  So I must admit I went about two weeks eating stuff that was a complete no, no.  I felt so bad about it and did it anyway how dumb is that?????  I mean I was still working out but the eating went out the window.  It even came to a point were I thought I had damaged my band and I still dont know if I have or havent but, I will be going for my first fill here in June and I will find out if I did any damage and if my weight loss is going good or not.  I'm so nervous to get on a real scale.  I mean when I was going for wls I got on the scale here and it was reading 291 pounds????  So I had the idea that I had completely let myself go and I was out of control but when I got to the doctors office i found out I was only 273 not saying that, that was good but it was better than 291...  Anyhow I got off subject..sorry..lol...  So we will see if all the work I have been doing has paid off or if I need to go back to the drawing board.  I hope this wls works for me I am really trying but I see so many people getting RNY and was wondering if anybody could tell me about there experience and what its like etc.  I  mean I dont plan on taking out my band unless it just doesnt work at all and I am not successful with it.  Anyhow I am still going to work this tool till the end.  Well I'm getting off of here and just wanted to say hi and let you guys know whats up with me.  Once I get home to TX I will take pictures and put up before and afters.  I wish you well guys.

Later, B.


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May 10, 2009
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