Oct 20, 2012

Its been a minute since I've been here but I guess you could say its from the embarassment of the lapband and the stories.  I havent had any weight lost since about 2 years ago and though I have not sky rocketed back close to the 300 weight class, I am on my way up.  I did some research on the VSG and will be getting revised next month, I tried to be positive with my band but this is not the system for me.  Although I dont want to get cut on again I think this is going to be just what I needed.  I miss eating fruits the most because I cant get them down with the band.  No kind of meat that is dry or has hard edges because it will cause me to SLIM as the term I have come to find most use.  I am so proud of you, who have been successful with the band but I cant do it anymore.  I never had acid reflux until starting last month which is crazy!  I have been working out still just to keep myself in routine but no results to go with it so i do it just so I amin the habit after I have my revision.  I am nervous to see the damage this band has caused because pictures and stories I have heard is not the business.  I thought that this system would help me but in the long run its actually more harm then good.  I went to and they have some good information if anybody is looking and thinking of changing.  I wish everybody continued success in whatever they decide to do but Im doing whats best for me in the long run.  Take care everybody and I will be here to post after my surgery...




Apr 04, 2010

Hello all I am finally back I fell off the posting wagon but I am back on again.  I know you probably want to know of the weight lost I am currently down to 243 pds from the 274 I started at.  I know its not much to have had this surgery over a year now, but between working here in Iraq and extended stays without being able to see my doc I think I am doing well.  I havent started back working out but I am on it again come Monday hopefully when I go back for a visit to the doc in May I will have a new number for pds LOST for you guys I want to be in th mid 230's or 220's.  I think I have finally found the sweet spot when I got my last fill.  It constantly reminds me if I am taking to big of a bite and when to say no so over all it is exactly where it needs to be as opposed to the other visits.  I think I am at about 6 mil liters or 7 on a 10 militer band so I think that is really good.  I am trying ladies I stayed in the gym last time and gained three pounds so i have to work extra hard and add in some weight training this time.  Anyhow I just wanted to share a little bit being that it has  been forever.  I am so proud of all the ladies that I started this journey with and who are doing so well.  You guys are my inspiration truley.  Keep up the good fight and i will be sure to be in that bikin come next year summer....



WhO KnEw?????

Jul 26, 2009

Well I know it has been a minute, and I know that you guys have some stories to tell, well I have a story to tell myself.  Anyhow I had my first fill after 4 months and I am happy to say that I am no longer 274 I am now 246.6 and steady losing slowly and healthy. I am really blessed and truly happy.  I think I worked hard and used my tool not always to my advantage but did keep my eye on the prize.  Lapband has made a huge impression on my life and my struggle with weight and I am so happy that i am moving along to a happier and healthier me.  Well if you guys got any news hit me up and let me know how your doing, and if you have any questions about lapband hit me up.  If I dont have the answer I will try to find it out for you.

Luv yall, B.


I just dont know??

Jun 16, 2009

Hey guys I know I've been gone for a minute but just wanted to stop by and say hi.  Well I have been working out still on MWF with step aerobics and its great.  My legs are starting to take shape again, and boy I cant wait to wear shorts.  I had to put a belt on and I havent worn a belt since I was in high school so let say 11 years   However although my clothes are getting loose I cant tell if my body has changed that much .  The scales in the weight room are broken so that was a big mess, cause i am compulsive when it comes to getting on a scale and know I'm losing.  It was hard because I didnt know if I was losing I felt healthier but I couldnt see if my body shape change with how I felt.  So I must admit I went about two weeks eating stuff that was a complete no, no.  I felt so bad about it and did it anyway how dumb is that?????  I mean I was still working out but the eating went out the window.  It even came to a point were I thought I had damaged my band and I still dont know if I have or havent but, I will be going for my first fill here in June and I will find out if I did any damage and if my weight loss is going good or not.  I'm so nervous to get on a real scale.  I mean when I was going for wls I got on the scale here and it was reading 291 pounds????  So I had the idea that I had completely let myself go and I was out of control but when I got to the doctors office i found out I was only 273 not saying that, that was good but it was better than 291...  Anyhow I got off  So we will see if all the work I have been doing has paid off or if I need to go back to the drawing board.  I hope this wls works for me I am really trying but I see so many people getting RNY and was wondering if anybody could tell me about there experience and what its like etc.  I  mean I dont plan on taking out my band unless it just doesnt work at all and I am not successful with it.  Anyhow I am still going to work this tool till the end.  Well I'm getting off of here and just wanted to say hi and let you guys know whats up with me.  Once I get home to TX I will take pictures and put up before and afters.  I wish you well guys.

Later, B.

ShOuLd I Or ShOuLd I nOt?

May 21, 2009

Hey everybody this post isnt about weight its about relationships.  You already know I had a break up not to long ago, but there is a man who has been patiently standing on the side lines.  He knew I had a boyfriend and that I wasnt interested in anybody.  I did think he was cute though but I would never disrespect my relationship like that so I just talked to him every once in a while when I saw him.  Well I told him the deal with me and my ex and he said he was sorry to hear that and that he didnt want to see me sad etc...  Anyhow he asked if he could kiss me yesterday and I was like WHAT then I asked him what for he said because he's always wanted to but he respected the fact that I had a relationship.  I told him no I was okay but I have to admit I would have but for some reason I feel bad about even thinking about another man.  I mean I feel like I havent mourned my old relationship is that crazy.   Should I even dwell on it since he was the one who said he didnt want to be with me?  I mean I feel lost, and this guy to me is sincere for the most part he has been honest about his feelings towards me and just said what he feels and I respect him for that cause not many men are going to do that, but at the same time I am being cautious.  He is god fearing, he has three class to go before he is finished with his degree in engineering (I KNOW I SPELLED THAT WRONG)  He is Samon and very handsome wit a nice body not saying thats all I noticed but he is just a cool individual.  I really dont want to push him away because of my old relationship but I feel guilty about talking or getting to know somebody new because my old relationship just ended.  I need some advice and if you guys have any please share because I dont know what I should do?!!! Thanks guys for any advice.

LAter, B.
1 comment

I'm GoInG DoWn

May 20, 2009

I am on cloud nine right now!!!  I had two cookies yesterday and was so mad at myself before and while I was eating them.  I was dissappointed with myself and was thinking that doing this is going to keep me where I am.  I went to step aerobics and kicked my own A** for those two cookies.  About 5 minutes ago I decided to weigh myself not feeling at all encouraged because of what I did the day before.  I went in there as long as I didnt gain then I can redeem myself and guess what??????????? Your girl lost another two pounds!!!!!.  I have been 258 for three weeks regardless of how much I worked out that two pounds didnt want to crumble, but the scale today said 256 and I about feel over.  "  I am the master living here free from doubt free from fear"  It has been a long time coming and I cant believe it, it just really feels worth while.  I know its only two pounds but I will never have to worry about those two every again and its more than gratifying to know all the work I am putting into this is paying off.  It may not come when you want it to but it surely came on time for me today.  I am overjoyed and wanted to share.

LAter, B.

FiRsT fILl

May 18, 2009

HEY, HEY, HEY, Well today I did step aerobics I really wasnt even really excited about it so I didnt put my all in it.  However I did just call to make an appointment for a fill, so on my vacation in June I will be going to get my first fill ever.  I am really excited because I have never had a fill since I've had the surgeryin FEB.  I havent lost anymore weighteither even though I work out and do good about my eating.  I think getting a fill and trying to find the (SWEET SPOT) will surely work to my advantage.  Like I said I have been taking in more food but I am watching myself and being careful about calories and trying to get in the protein which is hard but I try.  I am so excited about going home so I can continue to progress with my weight loss.... So how is everybody else doing? I know we all get caught up in ourselves and our goals but I just wanted to know how everybody is doing and progressing in their journeys.  When you get a chance send me a message and let me know.

LAter, B.

Broken Hearted!!!

May 16, 2009

Hey guys, I just wanted to come by and let you guys know whats going on.   Well my boyfriend of almost a year broke things off with me.  My heart is hurting but I'm going to be strong.  He told me he loved me but he didn't he have the same feelings as he had with his ex-fiance.  He is not the cheating type of man and by far the best man that I have been with on this rollercoster of life of mines.  I really wanted things to work out but they didnt but a friend of mines told me that things happen for a reason and that, that was not in gods plan for me.  This is new for me cause I've never had anything happen like this usually I break up with dudes because they cheated and feel bad about it for a minute cause I want that companionship but with this one its different.  I dont want to let go but I know I have to and that it unhealthy for me.  I miss him and love him more than he can imagine, he apologized and told me that he loves me but I just dont know why that cant be enough.  I will get over it but it hurts so much, I think I need some me time and what better place then IRAQ where you get to do nothing but think...  Anyhow I just wanted to let yall know whats up and I'll holla at yall later.

Take Care, B.

Productive Anger Management

May 14, 2009

You know I was kinda mad about that last post of but I was like hell what am I gone do bar-b-QUE ( ROO BRUHS)  or mildew...  So I was like I'm going to get my behind on some piece of equipment so I got on the treadmill for 40 minutes.  MANNNNNN I havent ran in soooooooooo long boy and my legs told on they were so heavy so as you could guess the running didnt last long but I did get 40 minutes in to make me feel better. Working out is a big change cause usually it would be something to eat... I cant wait to get my next fill so i can get this show on the road.  I really wanted to be around 220 when I got home but it doesnt look to promising.  However when I go back on my next vacation maybe in September or November its gonna be a wrap cause your girl is gone be on it and doin it big.  Aight then let me get on just wanted to come let yall know what was on my mind.

LAter, B.


No GaIn No LoSe EiThEr!!!

May 14, 2009

Well guys I got on the scale and no lose but on the greater not no gain either.  I dont know what I'm doing wrong or maybe losing weight has gotten harder than I think.  I think I'm gonna have to do some more cardio or something?  I dont think its my eating.  I had a slim fast today as a meal replacement and to get in some protein.  I have a question has anybody heard anything about salad not being good for bandsters?  Anyhow I just wanted to come by and let you guys know what was going on with me, and as we see its nothing but I'm not broken at all just more dedicated and I'm going to get after it some more....  I'll make sure i will post and let you guys know whats up when I weigh again.

LAter, B.
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May 10, 2009
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