I'm GoInG DoWn

May 20, 2009

I am on cloud nine right now!!!  I had two cookies yesterday and was so mad at myself before and while I was eating them.  I was dissappointed with myself and was thinking that doing this is going to keep me where I am.  I went to step aerobics and kicked my own A** for those two cookies.  About 5 minutes ago I decided to weigh myself not feeling at all encouraged because of what I did the day before.  I went in there as long as I didnt gain then I can redeem myself and guess what??????????? Your girl lost another two pounds!!!!!.  I have been 258 for three weeks regardless of how much I worked out that two pounds didnt want to crumble, but the scale today said 256 and I about feel over.  "  I am the master living here free from doubt free from fear"  It has been a long time coming and I cant believe it, it just really feels worth while.  I know its only two pounds but I will never have to worry about those two every again and its more than gratifying to know all the work I am putting into this is paying off.  It may not come when you want it to but it surely came on time for me today.  I am overjoyed and wanted to share.

LAter, B.


About Me
May 10, 2009
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