Broken Hearted!!!

May 16, 2009

Hey guys, I just wanted to come by and let you guys know whats going on.   Well my boyfriend of almost a year broke things off with me.  My heart is hurting but I'm going to be strong.  He told me he loved me but he didn't he have the same feelings as he had with his ex-fiance.  He is not the cheating type of man and by far the best man that I have been with on this rollercoster of life of mines.  I really wanted things to work out but they didnt but a friend of mines told me that things happen for a reason and that, that was not in gods plan for me.  This is new for me cause I've never had anything happen like this usually I break up with dudes because they cheated and feel bad about it for a minute cause I want that companionship but with this one its different.  I dont want to let go but I know I have to and that it unhealthy for me.  I miss him and love him more than he can imagine, he apologized and told me that he loves me but I just dont know why that cant be enough.  I will get over it but it hurts so much, I think I need some me time and what better place then IRAQ where you get to do nothing but think...  Anyhow I just wanted to let yall know whats up and I'll holla at yall later.

Take Care, B.


About Me
May 10, 2009
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