ShOuLd I Or ShOuLd I nOt?

May 21, 2009

Hey everybody this post isnt about weight its about relationships.  You already know I had a break up not to long ago, but there is a man who has been patiently standing on the side lines.  He knew I had a boyfriend and that I wasnt interested in anybody.  I did think he was cute though but I would never disrespect my relationship like that so I just talked to him every once in a while when I saw him.  Well I told him the deal with me and my ex and he said he was sorry to hear that and that he didnt want to see me sad etc...  Anyhow he asked if he could kiss me yesterday and I was like WHAT then I asked him what for he said because he's always wanted to but he respected the fact that I had a relationship.  I told him no I was okay but I have to admit I would have but for some reason I feel bad about even thinking about another man.  I mean I feel like I havent mourned my old relationship is that crazy.   Should I even dwell on it since he was the one who said he didnt want to be with me?  I mean I feel lost, and this guy to me is sincere for the most part he has been honest about his feelings towards me and just said what he feels and I respect him for that cause not many men are going to do that, but at the same time I am being cautious.  He is god fearing, he has three class to go before he is finished with his degree in engineering (I KNOW I SPELLED THAT WRONG)  He is Samon and very handsome wit a nice body not saying thats all I noticed but he is just a cool individual.  I really dont want to push him away because of my old relationship but I feel guilty about talking or getting to know somebody new because my old relationship just ended.  I need some advice and if you guys have any please share because I dont know what I should do?!!! Thanks guys for any advice.

LAter, B.

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