For Her

Oct 30, 2011

Last week I lost a total of 10 pounds due to total devastation. This week I'm back up 2 pounds but I expected a little bounce back. Last Saturday (29th), my sister and I held my mom's memorial and it couldn't have turned out better. My mom would have been so happy. However, I was so busy all day that I didn't eat, and then indulged in some post-memorial wine with my family. Big mistake. I didn't even drink that much but felt horrible all day yesterday. Anyway- now that the memorial is done, it's time to start living life again. My mom is always on my mind but she wouldn't ever want me to live my day to day life miserable.

So starting today I'm getting completely back on the wagon. Vitamins, food, gym...all of it. Things are finally calming down at work so I will have more time for the gym again. I did easily give up a few bad things already. I went from drinking 5+ cups of coffee a day to only 1. Switched out crackers and nuts for mini rice cakes (just a couple does the trick with only a fraction of the cals/carbs). I'm doing this for me, but I'm also doing this for her. We don't know exactly why she got Breast Cancer (no history in our family), but her doctor originally suspected it could be from life long obesity issues. My mom was my original support person when I was going through the process of getting WLS. I can't just throw it away because I lost her. I miss her so much.....


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May 04, 2010
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