
Oct 05, 2011

The scale hasn't move for me in weeks and I know full well it is my fault. When I'm upset I eat and lately, crackers and flavored peanuts have been my go to foods. Not only is it comfort food but the crackers seem to calm my stomach. I've been upset to say the least. My mom's cancer started in her breast a year ago, spread to her left lung a few months ago and is now in her brain. Last Friday she had a seizure and we were told to strongly consider stopping her treatments..... We discussed it and decided to at least wait and see if the radiation on her brain and chemo help at all. My mom, who has been my best friend since I was maybe 13 and who I used to talk to every single day on the phone, barely even knows where she is half the time anymore.

Anyway, I don't want to talk about that. It hurts. A couple of days ago, I completely cleaned out my desk of any crackers, peanuts, peanut butter etc... I cut myself off from stopping at McDonald's or Jack in the Box on the way to work (egg mcmuffin or breakfast jack- eat only half the bread). I started packing healthier foods that will fill me up. Breakfast has been: 2 eggs, 2 slices turkey bacon, 1/2 yogurt (Sometimes I can eat it all, sometimes I can't). Lunch: Turkey Chili (homemade) with 1/4 brown rice, salsa & ff sour cream. Snack (if needed): 4 crackers+cheese+turkey or 1/4 skinless apple+string cheese. Dinner: grilled chicken(or shrimp)+veggie or leftover lunch. My hair has started falling out AGAIN so I'm going to start adding a protein shake into my day again. I quit taking Biotin too so I'm going to start that again too. My hair was finally starting to look cute! I weighed myself this morning and I am down 2 pounds! Woo hoo! I was starting to stress a little although, even though the scale hasn't budge in almost a month, I went from a size 18W in jeans to a REGULAR size 16!! :D Crazy how this new body works.... I would really REALLY like to see under 200 soon. I've been so close for so long....


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May 04, 2010
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