July 7, 2008:  Weight (225 lbs):  it’s been eons since I last posted, but thought I better soon or just give it up.  As you can see, I have put on a few pounds since my last post, but most of the pounds were done intentionally.  I had gotten down to what I considered to be almost an unhealthy low weight that I tried to concentrate on a weight where I felt good, looked ok, and my co-morbidities stayed way.  So far, 225 seems to be a pretty good number.  It doesn’t fluxuate much more then a couple of pounds either way.  When the doctor told me a couple of years ago that the appetite would start coming back, he sure wasn’t kidding!  I sometimes feel like I could eat all the time.  But, I am still cursed or blessed (depending on how you look at it) with dumping syndrome.  I still get really sick if I eat the wrong foods or too much.  My wife and I try to take frequent walks, I enjoy golfing and even an occasional dip in the pool with the kids.  I would agree that my physical activity should be more than what it is, but with two jobs, eight kids, and only 24 hours in a day, I am doing to best that I can!!  My wife Sandy’s surgery was a fantastic success as well.  She dropped over half of her body weight and now weighs about 118 lbs from a starting weight of 242.  She seems to feel pretty good and as long as she keeps her sugars in line, she does very well eating.  Me, on the other hand, I seem to get sick pretty much every meal to some extent.  I guess it’s my body keeping me in line because it doesn’t really matter what I eat.  Not much else going on other than just daily life.  Had knee surgery in March and it went well.  My shoulder is still a major pain in the a** (a bit south of where my shoulder is located) but I manage.  It just doesn’t seem to want to get better.  Will try to post more often.  Talk again later. Tom

March 6, 2007:  198 pounds (down 242 total). I guess quite a lot of time has passed since my last update.  I have had 4 surgeries and been in the hospital a total of 17 days from August 22 until now.  My fall on the ice in March of 2006 did considerable damage to my left shoulder coupled with a nasty staph infection has made life very interesting to say the least.   I truly haven't worked more than maybe 3 or 4 weeks since August and there have been many ups and downs in my life.  My weight has actually been pretty stable and for that I am greatful.  During the first three surgeries, my weight actually dropped below 180 lbs.  That is way lower than I feel comfortable with so prior to my 4th surgery, I "beefed" up a bit to about 208.  The weight that I put on has been dropping off during my recooperation period.  I truly believe that my weight will be between 190 and 200 as my range from now on.  I guess I am satisfied with that.  Much less and I feel pretty sickly, much more and I panic thinking that the weight is going to come back on again.  My friend had gastric surgery a few days ago and he has been on my mind quite a bit lately.   I am really happy with the fact that he went through with it and I am equally concerned that he will have some complications that will set him back.  He's a pretty strong guy so I think he will come through it pretty well.  I am hoping he contacts me so that I can talk to him about how it went for him and to see how he is feeling.  I am kind of the one who turned him on to this surgery so in some ways I almost feel somewhat responsible for how he does.  I know that is crazy, but that is how I feel.  My wife had the surgery back in June and her weight loss is going great.  She is down almost 75 lbs and I am so proud of her.  She is feeling pretty good and is really enjoying getting new clothes.  I actually think that is the best part of all of this is to be able to shop for new clothes.  I honestly would love her no matter what she weighed so it didn't really make a difference to me,  but seeing that she is feeling better about herself just makes her that much more beautiful in my eyes.  It is fun to be able to see others conquor their biggest challenges in life.   I guess not much else is happening here in our lives.  The kids are doing fine and we are all looking forward to springtime.  I am hoping to update a little more often. 

August 9, 2006: 190 lbs (down 250 total). It has been a while since I have updated my profile. Now, one might look at my weight loss and say "oh oh, he's put back on 10 lbs!!" Well, for me it is a celebration! I had actually lost too much and have been making a conscious effort to put some weight on. I still feel really good and am still probably 10 to 20 lbs lighter than I want to be. But, I feel as if I am in control and I can continue to tweek my weight as time goes on. I am very aware of what I am eating and feel that I control and it doesn't control me. I will be having shoulder surgery on August 22. I have a fully torn rotater cuff and the doctor is going to be putting in a graft to reconnect the muscle together. He said there is a chance that it will not be fixable, but he will do his best. My faith is strong and whatever will be will be! My new job is going well at PRACS. It is very challenging and very heart wrenching at times, but I feel that I am doing my best and that is all that I can do. Will write more later. PS: my wife had her surgery on June 28th and she is down 22 lbs already! She is very excited and I am so proud of her. She has recovered from the initial surgery must faster than I did! Way to go baby!!

July 14, 2006: 180 lbs (down 260 total) well, it�s been a little while since I�ve updated my website. My wife Sandy had RNY gastric bypass on June 28, 2006, 16 days ago. She is down around 10 lbs already and I think she is a little discouraged because she hasn�t lost the weight as fast as mine dropped off right after my surgery. I have tried to assure her that my situation was not normal and that she should be happy with her progress. She seems to be recovering much quicker than I did with my surgery to which I am very happy for her. I found out after having an MRI yesterday that I have a fully torn rotator cuff. I go in Tuesday to have surgery scheduled. Supposedly I will have my arm/shoulder in a splint for about a month and then will have to go through physical therapy to rehab my shoulder. I am really hoping it works out, as the pain that I have been having has been overwhelming. When the x-rays didn�t show anything, I thought I was losing my mind. The doctor gave me some meds for pain, but really didn�t know what was causing the problem. A person gets a little tired of popping pain meds after a while, so I decided to go back and ask him to look deeper into the situation. He scheduled an MRI for yesterday. With about 11 minutes left in the test, I began having a panic attack. My shoulder was really squeezed in there so as to keep it from moving and it hurt worse than you would believe. I was having a hard time breathing and really was fighting to keep control. I just kept talking to myself to calm down and to try and think of something else besides what was happening. I honestly did not think I was going to make it through it. I guess my fear of having to repeat the test was even bigger and I made it through! Never a dull moment!! I went in this morning to discuss the results of the test. My biggest fear was that the doctor would walk in and say that he still didn�t find anything. I think I would have gone crazy!! The second biggest fear that I was having was the big �C�. Yes, I mean cancer. For some reason, I have been having this ongoing dream that I had bone cancer. You can call a person paranoid all you want, but I have seen several friends that were basically the same age as I succumb to cancer in the past year or so, so I have learned long ago to never say never. I was actually almost relieved when he said it was a torn rotator cuff. Eating has its ups and downs. I definitely am able to eat more, but I still have my moments where nothing seems to go very well. My weight has been up and down about 10 pounds. That kind of scares me a little bit so I am beginning to concentrate on trying to keep it on a more consistent keel. I am down to wearing size Lg shirts with about 16� neck. My pants are 34 x 34 for the most part. I guess I couldn�t have asked for better considering my neck was 24� when I began and my waist was 60!!

April 15, 2006: weight 185 lbs (down 255 overall): Well, happy Easter to all! It's Easter Sunday and I am feeling great! No complaints. My wife and I are in the process of making a huge meal for the family as well as some extended family. I look forward to having a taste of just about everything on the menu. For once, I do not worry about eating too much and I am in total control of my destiny. It is a very empowering experience. I can't tell you how good it feels. Not too much else going on around here other than Spring is here and the weather is absolutely beautiful. It is about 70 degrees and sunny skies. We are going to spend some time outside today as well as just relaxing and having some nice family time together. I wish all of you happy holidays and a wonderful future in your weight loss quest. Take care, Tom

March 6, 2006: weight 191.5 (down 248.5 overall): What can I say, I'm starting to worry a little bit. The weight loss just doesn't seem to be stopping. I went to my regular family doctor last week as I have been having some problems with my shoulder and he told me that he thought it was bursitus. He gave me a couple of shots in my shoulder and that seemed to help. Eating has been so-so. Stress plays a major part in how the food stays down. If I am stressed in any way, I might as well just forget about eating. I have started taking my protein shake again, so I am hoping that will help a bit. I am also contemplating joining a health club to try and rebuild my muscles and try to "bulk" up a bit. I am almost literally skin and bones now. Not something that I am used to at all. I feel pretty good except for a bit of a depression problem. But, physically I feel pretty good. I am hoping the next time I update, I will be able to report a weight gain!! Wish me the best! Tom

February 17, 2006:weight 197 lbs (down 243 overall): Well, it's been a little while since I have written on my profile so I will do my best to get everything caught up to date. The weight still continues to fall off, but is finally slowing down a bit. I am truly beginning to start feeling better and my strength is increasing every day. It has been a little over 14 months now since surgery and it almost seems like another lifetime ago since I was so drastically overweight. Weighing 440 lbs seems like a dream to me now. It is so much fun shopping for clothes now as I am able to wear size large shirts for the first time in probably 30 years. The selection is so much better than it was when I wore xxxxxxlg shirts!! A whole lot less fabric also!! I have lost a total of 8" on my neck, 30" on my chest, and 26" on my waist. You would think I would have skin hanging to the ground but quite the contrary. I am as well as my doctors, pretty amazed at the fact that I do not have much of a skin problem. I was fully prepared to begin setting up for a skin removal surgery to take care of that problem. Now, as it stands, I do not anticipate needing it. What a relief as I have heard that it can be quite painful and is also generally not covered by insurance. We are currently having some extensive remodling done to the house and I do not think something like a surgery would fit into the budget very well.
My wife, Sandy, has now begun starting the process to have the same surgery as I have. At first, I was against it, but after she and I talking, I will support her 100% in whatever her decision is. She is teatering back and forth on whether or not to have the lap band or having the full RNY. I am an advocate of the RNY simply because you do not have a way out. I am not criticising the lap band at all, but it would not have been the procedure for me. I will, again, support whatever route she wants to take. In talking to friends and family, they are a bit surprised that Sandy is wanting the surgery as most of them make the same comment, "she isn't really that overweight, is she?" Well, I don't see her that way, but my love for her is blinding so I don't really care what size she is. But, according to surgery guidelines, she does qualify. She has a very good attitude about what this surgery can accomplish for her by stating that she just wants to feel better. I completely concur with her on this regard. I have said to many that looking better is something that will just happen naturally, but feeling better is the ultimate goal. She just had surgery on her foot yesterday and will be in a walking cast for 4 to 6 weeks. The loss of weight will only help her feet problems. She will have the other foot operated on as soon as this one is healed up.
I have been doing quite a bit of public speaking ever since my surgery. Last count, I have spoken to 11 different groups of people through Altru Hospital/Clinic who are thinking of either having the surgery or are just working on changing their lifestyles to lose weight. I have spoken to groups through the psychiatric departments as well as the diabetic clinic departments. I truly enjoy doing this as if there is anyway I can help someone who is going to be going through this whole procedure just by telling them what I have been through, then I am all for it. I love to continue learning more and more about this whole process the further out I get from my surgery date. Maintaining the weight loss is my biggest challenge at this point in the process. So far, it has been very easy, but I cannot get lazy about it. I have run into people through speaking to these groups that have actually had the surgery only to have much of the weight come back after several years. I'm sure they said the very same thing that I say when I say that that would never happen to me. You have got to be on top of this every day for the rest of your life or you can fail. I have worked so hard up to this point that I will fight ten times harder to keep it this way. I had been overweight all of my life and I have no inclination to want to return to being that way. My back is finally getting a little better and my diabetes continues to stay in check. The cirrhosis of the liver that was discovered during my surgery has all but disappeared. My sleep apnea is gone and there is no need for the c-pap machine any longer.
The kids, all 8 of them, continue to grow up before my very eyes. It is amazing how fast time goes. Our babies are getting bigger by the day and our youngest is now rolling over and is making lots of noise in her quest to communicate to all of us.
Life is very good right now. I was elected to our church council and that has been a very positive event in my life. Serving God is such an important thing to me and I feel like this is a super way to do it. We try to be as involved in the church as possible with my wife teaching Sunday school and with me on the council. Spring is not far away and everyone here is excited for the warm weather. I will try to become more diligent in journaling on my profile in the future. I slipped below the 200 pound mark for the first time in what I would guess to be about 30 years or so. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought that would happen. There is nothing but good things in our future and we are looking forward to riding the wave!! Take care and God Bless. Tom

December 20, 2005: been sort of a rough couple of weeks. The pressures of Christmas and the sadness of the first one without mom is really beginning to get to me. Been working 3 jobs lately and trying to get everything done for Christmas. It has been a real strain on both Sandy and I. We are both physically and mentally exhausted. Eating hasn't been going real well as of late. Been pretty sick to my stomach. The doctor has me on some acid reflux medication so that iis helping a bit. I wouldn't be surprised to be under 200 lbs by year end. I would have never invisioned that when beginning this journey. I would have to guess I was probably in elementary school when I last weighed that much. I am eating as much as I can tolerate and trying to look for high calorie foods. I am feeling pretty much ok, just a bit depressed. I guess that too will pass. I will work to try and "gain" a bit over the holidays. Everyone have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Tom

December 5, 2005: well, tomorrow is one year since my gastric bypass sugery. I guess all in all things have gone pretty well. I look at pictures of myself one year ago and I still can't believe it. I now weigh about 1/2 what I once used to. I have lost nearly 30" on my chest, over 2' on my waist, 7" on my neck, and even a shoe size! My diabetes has been completely in check and my sleep apnea has gone away. My liver function tests have been normal with no signs of advancing cirrhosis. I guess with all that, I shouldn't complain too much. I would be being less than honest if I don't still have a few struggles though. Depression can be a real bugger. This quick change to my body has really played some games with my mind. I also have not recouped all of the energy that I thought I would have and my strength is much less. I guess that will come back in time though. I have my one year check up tomorrow and I'm kind of excited for it. I can't wait to see the surgeons to see their reaction to the progress that I have made. Eight children, three jobs, recovering from surgery, the recent death of my mother, on top of daily living has set me back on my heals a bit, but I'm trying not to let things get me down. Our last child was premature and has dealth with RSV and pneumonia as of late. We have 6 kids that are either teen agers or pre-teen and they are quite a handful. I know I wouldn't be able to do any of it if it weren't for my beautiful wife, Sandy. She works so hard with the kids and our home. I tell people that I am the one that has three jobs and she stays at home with the kids. I tell everyone that I am the lucky one with the "easy" time of it. I do have my days when I question whether or not I should have had the surgery. I sometimes wish I could go out and enjoy a meal with my wife like I used to instead of picking at a portion and having to be so careful with everything I eat. To not have to experience "dumping" when I try to be clever and trick my new body. Funny thing is, it always wins. I haven't fooled it yet. I guess what I am saying sounds very foolish, but it is from the heart. Anyone considering this surgery needs to know that just because you lose all the weight and more than likely you will probably look physically better than you ever have in your life that it won't solve all of life's problems. I'm not trying to make this whole thing to be a big downer, I'm just being very candid with anyone getting ready to make this very big step. Well, I'll have to report back in after my appointment to let you know what happened! Wish me luck!! Tom

September 8, 2005: weight 219 pounds (down 152 pounds since date of surgery, 206 overall) Well, this has been a tough week. Mom died last Sunday night and our world's have been turned upside down. Eating is definately an afterthought for sure. Too much emotion coming out and we have been getting up early and going to bed late. This past week has been very, very busy to be sure. Tomorrow is the funeral. I am not looking forward to it, but realize it has to be done. I will be such a relief when it is over. Hoping my appetite comes back a bit and the weight loss will finally stop. I am about 20 lbs lighter than I ever expected to end up at the beginning of this surgery. It is beginning to concern be just a little bit and I am going to talk to the doctors pretty soon to see what I need to take control of this runaway train. I will write more later.

August 22, 2005: weight 225 pounds (down 146 pounds since date of surgery; 200 overall) The weight loss seems to be beginning again. Eating isn't going all that well again right now. I'm not sure why. I guess there has been a little extra stress in my life right now with the kids in Kansas so I guess that might be part of my stomach problems. I have been working a second job again so I'm getting a little more exercise again as well. That is always good. Our new baby is doing well and gaining weight like crazy. She is up to 7 lbs. 9 ounces. She is due tomorrow!! Ha ha, she is almost 7 weeks old! I canot wait for all of my children to be back under my roof again as we come into the school year. I am always nervous when any of them are away. I have my 9 month check up coming in early September. I am hoping the doctors will be pleased with my progress. Write more later.

August 12, 2005: Weight 235 pounds (down 136 pounds since date of surgery; 190 overall) Well, since the birth of my 8th child, life has been pretty busy. The baby finally came home after being in ICU for 19 days and is doing fabulously. She is close to 7 lbs now and seems to be just as normal as any other kid. The weight loss has slowed down a bit, but that suits me fine. It was somewhat out of control for awhile and I must admit that I was getting a bit concerned for awhile that I was going to lose too much weight. My doctors have told me that I would probably bottom out around 200 pounds before the weight loss would stop. That just amazes me because just 20 months ago, I weighed in at 425 lbs. I will be less than 1/2 the man that I used to be!! Who would have ever imagined something like that? Eating goes, but not always great. I had a little bought of my diabetes acting up it's ugly head about a week ago when I had had a few bights of a dairy queen blizard and I was thinking that my blood sugar would probably climb up pretty high. Well, about a 1/2 hour later, I started getting shaky, sweaty, and very sick to my stomach. My blood sugar bottomed out at 37. How???? I called my doctor the next day and he figured it was because I had shocked my system with all of the sugar and it dumped a bunch of insulin into my system to compensate for it. Wow, I sure didn't expect that. I learned a lesson that day and will be much more careful with what I put in my mouth from now on. My wife and I are starting to sell some of my big clothes on eBay. We figure it is time to let go of all of that material!! I was the guest speaker for a group of preops for the psychiatric department of Altru last Wednesday. It was a lot of fun. The doctor in charge said that he would like for me to return and speak to future groups later on. I was very flattered and really enjoy it. If I can be an inspiration to anyone and help them understand what this surgery is all about, I am all for it and I'm there. This has been the most amazing journey that I have ever been on. I think this surgery literally saved my life. The loose skin is still a problem. The doctor has suggested that I look into getting fitted for a body suit that will help support the excess skin and take away some of the drag and pain that I have right now. The skin removal surgery probably wouldn't be considered until about the 18 month mark after surgery so I have a ways to go. He compared it to the types of suits that people who have had severe burns would be put into as a part of a compression stocking. He said it would cost about $600 but that insurance would probably cover it. I am looking into it now. Not too much else going on in our lives right now. We are getting ready for 6 of the kids to go back to school and are excited for the three to return from their trip to Kansas for the summer. It will be nice to have all 8 under one roof again soon!! Will write more later.

July 22, 2005: Weight 238 pounds (down 133 pounds) Well, life right now is wonderful! Our 8th child was born on July 7th and I feel younger than I have in years. My weight is still slowly dropping even though I really haven't been paying much attention to what I have been eating. I think that is almost telling me that my life is getting back to normal. If I don't have to analyze everything that I put in my mouth and just use good basic judgement at all times, I can eat just about anything, within reason, that I want! Really sugary things are still poison, but maybe they should be! :) I was asked to be the guest speaker at an organization with Altru Hospital that works with people who are going through the weight loss process either by their own personal weight loss plan, lap banding, or gastric bypass surgery. I spoke for about 30 minutes and answered several questions for the group afterwards. I truly enjoyed myself and would love to speak again if they would have me. I am such an advocate of this surgery that you wouldn't believe it. My whole approach and attitude towards life has really changed and I am happy to be alive!! I am so blessed with my beautiful wife and wonderful 8 children that I couldn't ask for more. I can look into the future and almost chuckle because I am so high on life right now. The only minor troubles I am having as of late with post op is some tenderness of my skin on my stomach. I compare it to the feeling of almost a sunburn. Why? I have absolutely no idea, but this too shall pass. My wife just having her last child is beginning to go for walks with me and we are both enjoying it greatly. I cannot get enough of being with her. She is my strength and the love of my life. She is my very best friend and I cannot imagine my life without her. Most people think we are nuts because of all the kids, but we just tell them that we are just so in love that our kids are a reflection of the love that we have for one another. I am beginning to think seriously about the skin removal procedure. I have been told that they like to wait until about 18 months before they consider it. I guess this makes sense because they want for you to be at a somewhat stable weight before the remove the skin. For me, this would be the icing on the cake. I want to do everything I can do to remain healthy so that I can live as long a life as possible to spend with my beloved and my precious children. My doctors say that they think my weight will bottom out around 200 pounds. I cannot even imagine such a thing, but they have been right about pretty much everything else, so why should I doubt them! I am now working on building up my muscle mass again which will probably result in the gaining of a little weight due to the increased muscle mass. This doesn't concern me as I would be perfectly satisfied if my weight loss would stop right now and I didn't lose another pound. It has been a blast buying clothes too! My wife and I love going rummage saling and have picked up tons of bargains. My shirt size in down to an xlg and sometimes I can even wear a large!! That is a far cry from the 6xl that I wore at Thanksgiving last year!!! My waist has gone from 58" to 38". That is what really blows me away. 20"???? My gosh!!! That even amazes me and I am very proud of that. I also love the fact that I can move around much more gracefully that I ever have been able. I told my wife that I wanted to do something that I probably hadn't done in about 30 years; that is to RUN!! That probably sounds very silly, but it is a dream of mine. I am also going to start bowling again this fall and am considering trying to join a softball team next summer. How cool is that? I am really excited for my three kids to return from their summer vacation in Kansas. We miss them very much and look forward to everyone being together again. This year, we have 1 eight grader, 3 sixth graders, 2 fourth graders, as well as a 15 month old and a 2 week old. I am planning on running for the church board this year as well. For the first time in my adult life, I really want to live!!!! It only took me almost 41 years to realize it, but I guess better late than never!! I will close now as I am probably boring people to death. I will write more later. Tom

June 4, 2005: Weight 252 pounds (down 119 pounds) I had my 6 mth appointment last Tuesday and I think they drained every drop of blood from my body. I guess they are running all kinds of tests on vitamin levels and what not. The doctor seemed to be pleased with my progress so far. He said he wouldn't be surprised to see me end up below 220 which kind of scares me a little bit. I'm not sure I want to be that thin. I kind of like having a little meat on my bones. We'll just have to see. I just can't eat enough to even think about gaining. Oh well, I guess this is what I wanted! I also went to a support meeting last Thursday night. There were a lot of people there that were pre op. You could see the fear in their eyes. Probably what I looked like too at that time. Trying to tell them not to worry and that it would work out fine seemed to be a hard sell. I guess it isn't possible to make someone realize that this is the best decision they will ever make for themselves. They will have that to look forward to. Well, not too much else. Will write later.

May 16, 2005: Weight 255 pounds (down 116 pounds) Don't ever let anyone tell you that sickness doesn't help weight loss. The flu has invaded our home and it's isn't that I'm not eating, it just isn't staying with me. The loose skin has gotten to be a little bit of a problem, but there isn't much I can do about it for quite a while according to the doctors. It is very tender and very frustrating. OH well such is life. Baby number 8 is fast approaching and my wife has been put on bed rest. We are trying to figure out what the name will be of the newest addition to the family. I have my 6 month appointment on the 31st. I am hoping that my liver function tests all are coming out alright. I will write more later.

April 25, 2005: Weight 263 pounds (down 108 pounds) Food has not been going all that well lately. I have been eating as much as my stomach will tolerate, yet I keep losing. I guess that is a problem I never could have even thought of having a year ago! The loose skin is getting pretty uncomfortable. I am thinking that I will be looking very seriously into having it removed when the doctors think the time is right. My waist size is down from 56-58 to 42. My chest is 48-50, down from 68-70. Buying clothes has become a great deal of fun!! Anything with sugar really has been making me sick. I need to really watch what I'm eating. I have gotten a little lazy about it.

April 6, 2005: Weight 271 pounds (down 100 pounds!) I had my 4 month appointment today and things went pretty well. The doctor is very happy with the progress that I have made up to this point. My liver function numbers are completely normal again and my diabetes has all but gone away. For that, he said that the surgery was completely worth it. My waist has gone from 56" down to 44". I have gone from 5xl and 6xl shirt down to 2xl. I am very happy to be able to buy clothing right off the rack at Wal-Mart or where ever instead of having to take out a loan and having to go to a big and tall shop. That is an amazing feeling. The doctor also feels that I should consider going on antidepressants again, to which my wife whole-heartedly concurs. I am making an appointment with my primary doctor to see which medication he would like me to go back on. It would be nice to get a grip on this depression that seems to have a hold of me right now. I'm sure my wife and kids would be much happier as well. Eating goes ok, I guess. Still having quite a bit of upset stomach after eating. I cannot fathom being able to overeat this surgery. I get so sick from just one too many bites that it would be hard to imagine gaining any weight from this. I guess in a way, I am lucky that way. Will write more later.

March 21, 2005: Weight 278 (down 93 pounds). Not too much going on here. It has been a blast getting some new clothes and fitting into old ones that I haven't been able to for a long time. It's been hard eating as of late. I have been really nauseous, but it goes. I am looking forward to spring being here and warmer weather. Looking forward to getting a tan this summer. I am thinking more and more about looking into having the loose skin removed. I guess this would be the cherry on top. I will have to contact the plastic surgeons in Grand Forks to see what the criteria are for the surgery.

March 1, 2005: Weight 286 lbs (down 85 pounds). I had my three-month checkup today. The doctors are very happy with the progress so far. My blood pressure was very good and they did another liver function test. I started going to a health club last week and I am beginning to get my stamina back. I am only using the treadmill so far because I am still a little nervous about doing much lifting. The doctor called me his "poster child" which made me feel awfully good! Both doctors seem to be very pleased with the progress that I am making. I asked the doctor about the skin removal procedure and he explained it to me. It is beginning to interest me more and more. I am pretty sure when the time comes that I will go in and have that done. He stated that I could probably lose another 20 to 30 pounds in just excess skin. Wow! That really surprised me. He also dispelled my fear of losing my belly button. He stated that they cut around it and move it to make sure that it is in the proper position. That made me feel better. He also stated that some insurance would cover the procedure if it were a medical necessity. My increasing back problem may qualify me for that. I am very hopeful.

February 13, 2005: Weight 289 lbs. (down 82 pounds) the weight continues to drop and I am starting to see some loose skin on my stomach and a little under my arms. I guess my dreams of that not happening may not come true. I am going to try and work out more on those areas in order to try and keep it to a minimum even though the doctors have told me that there is little I can do to stop it. They said that age 40 is the point where the skin begins to lose its elasticity. I guess that has happened after all. My appetite has been pretty strong even though I am finding it nearly impossible to find things that appeal to me and will not make me sick to my stomach. I have gone back to drinking diet Pepsi, even though I have been told that the carbonation can cause discomfort. For some reason, it doesn't seem to be bothering me. I suppose everyone needs something as an escape, well, diet Pepsi is my vice. I am hoping that it continues to agree with me. I have now gone from 5x to 2-3x shirts. It is really fun to wear clothes that I haven't been able to wear in a very long time. My back is still posing problems. There doesn't seem to be much I can do for that. My wife and I are planning on getting new bed when we get our tax returns so I look forward to that. It is sorely needed. I am also hoping my stamina gets better. I wear down so quickly right now. It is very frustrating. I found out that my brother in law's brother who had this surgery done a couple of years ago has begun to regain much of the weight he has lost. That scares me to death. I can say that I would never let that happen to me, but I'm sure he said the same thing. I can only say that I am going to do my best not to let it happen to me. That will have to do for now. Well, I�ll just have to keep at it. Enough for now.

February 6th, 2005: Weight 295 lbs. (down 76 pounds) my appetite has been coming back pretty well as of late although I am still very nauseous after eating. I must be eating one too many bites or something. My stamina is still non-existent which concerns me a little bit. I am trying to increase my walking and am considering going back to the health club on a regular basis to try and get back into shape. My moods are still very up and down. I think we need winter to be over and to enjoy the sunshine and warmth of summer. It won't be long now. I have my next appointment on March 1st with the doctors. I had another liver function test last week to which all the levels are now normal. I am very happy to hear about that. They want to continue the monthly testing though just in case. Not much else to report. I feel as if my weight loss has plateaued a little bit. I guess I can't expect to lose the weight in such large chunks all the time. I just have to keep at it.

February 1st, 2005: I had my two-month checkup. Both Dr. MacColl and Dr. DeBeltz seemed very pleased with my progress. My liver function test came back and the numbers were in the normal range which is very good news to me. I may not have to continue taking the test for the full 6 months. I have to wait and see what they decide, but that is still very good news. Eating is still not going as well as I had hoped, but I guess I am still healing and I have to be patient. My abdomen is still very tender and that still concerns me even though the doctors do not seem to be very concerned about it. I guess I will just have to hang in there.

January 30, 2005: Weight- 296 pounds (down 75 pounds) There are some new pictures on my online photo album. I went back to work at my second job this weekend at the newspaper. It is a more physical job than my main job and I was looking for ward to getting back so as to increase my physical activity. I must admit, I am completely exhausted after this weekend of work. But, I was pleasantly surprised when I stepped on the scale and saw a 5-pound weight loss. I ate a piece of pizza this weekend as well. It would have been ok if I wouldn't have reached for the second piece. Bad habits die-hard. I ate about 1/2 of the second piece and I started sweating and got so sick. It took almost 3 hours to get myself feeling just a little better. I guess I will have to learn the hard way! As usual!! I am looking forward to my appointment on Tuesday for my 2-month check up. I am no longer afraid of scales. It is pretty exciting!! Waist size has gone from 54-56 to 44-46. It is fun getting new clothes even if we are getting them second hand! I find myself looking in mirrors all the time. I hope I don't get too vain!! It is nice to really enjoy taking pride in how I look again. Well, I will report in after the appointment on the first.

January 23, 2005: Weight- 301 lbs. (down 70 lbs) Eating is still not going very well. I believe more and more that stress plays a major role in my eating. My wife and I have 7 children and as you can imagine, the dinner table tends to be pretty wild sometimes. Any time I get upset, I really lose my appetite or it really doesn't matter what I am eating, it will not agree with me. I am taking Previced every day but sometimes even that doesn't take care of it. I think I am going to try eating at a later time after the kids eat. My moods have been really yo-yoing. One minute I am really up and the next I am in tears. I haven't been as physically active as I should be and I really think that this is making a big difference in the slowing down of the weight loss. I need to get off my butt and get to work again. I am going back to work at my second job this coming weekend and I am excited for that. It is a much more physical job and I think the exercise will really help. I have been getting pretty frustrated at the fact that I haven't been eating very well. I get very hungry and then sit down, take two bites and am sick to my stomach. I need to regroup. My wife asks me if I regret having the surgery. I tell her that that is a very complex question. 99% of me says I would do this again 100 times if I had the chance. The weight loss is exciting and it feels so good to fit into clothes that didn't fit before. I also like the fact that my diabetes is under control. But, that 1% makes me really angry. Lets face it; I didn't get to be this size because I hated eating. I love food. I love to cook, I love to eat. My wife and I love to dine out at new places and try different things. I know that in time, I will be able to tolerate more and more. That can be good and bad. I have to be so careful because a person can overeat this surgery so easily. I never want to gain back this weight now that it is gone. The rational side of me will always reign over the compulsive side. I will never let that happen, you can take that to the bank. I just have to ride out the storm and come to my senses. No one ever promised that this surgery was going to be easy. Well, they were right, it isn't. But, I just have to look in the mirror and realize that less than 2 months ago, I weighed 70 lbs more than I do now. That is all I need to jog my senses. I have my two-month checkup on February 1st. I also have another liver function test to see how things are going there. I will address some of these problems with my doctor at that time. Talk to you later.

January 14, 2005: Weight- 304 lbs (down 67 pounds). Eating has not gone particularly well as of late. I have been feeling awfully nauseous. I had two teeth pulled yesterday so I think that may have been part of it. I am hoping that the weather begins to improve so that I can get outside and get a little more physical activity. Bought an electronic scale today so that I can weigh myself at home instead of going to the clinic. It was the first time in a long time that I could find a scale that could actually weigh me! It was a nice feeling!

January 10, 2005: I returned to work today for the first time since December 6th. It was so nice to get back. By the end of the day I was exhausted. It is just one step closer to getting my life back to normal. Feeling a little nauseous today but I think much of it was the excitement of returning to work. Had many nice comments from co-workers. It felt really good.

January 6, 2005: I have compiled some weekly pictures that show the progress that I have had so far. Go to: This should link you to it. .

January 3, 2005: weight 311 pounds (down 60 pounds) I had my one-month appointment today. The doctors were very happy with the results. My blood pressure was 114/60. Those aren't numbers I've seen in awhile. They also did lab work to do a liver function test. They seem very optimistic about everything. They do not feel that my liver situation will get any worse and are happier than ever that I decided to have this surgery. They are sending me to a therapist to check out my right arm. Since the surgery, I have been having sharp almost electrical pains shooting through my right forearm. They cannot explain it. It is pretty uncomfortable. I will be seeing a dietician in a week or so to go over my diet plan. Their main concern is my protein intake along with water. I am taking vitamin B12, children's vitamins, a calcium supplement, as well as a gall bladder medication called actigal along with Previced to help with ulcers. By the time I am finished taking my medication, my stomach is almost full! Oh well, the price of becoming beautiful!! Ha!
My wife kind of hinted on the way home that she kind of misses the rolly polly me. That hit me a little out of left field. I guess I'm going to have to think on that one for a while. We used to really enjoy going out to eat together trying different types of foods and having lots of laughs. Now, I can only take a bite and I am full. I guess I can see her point. I guess the more I heal, the more I will be able to tolerate but just in smaller amounts. We will just have to see. My next appointment isn't for a month. I will continue to weigh in weekly on my own and update from time to time. Bye for now.

December 30th: Talked to the bariatric department at Altru and described the problems I was having with pain in my abdomen and also my chest area. They felt that it might have been a result of my rapid weight loss coupled with overdoing it a bit. It was suggested that I take another week at home to recover before returning to work. I notified my employer and made them aware of the situation. It looks as if January 10th will be the day that I return. I am getting a little stir crazy being home so long, but I guess it is for the best. I have my one-month appointment on January 3rd. I am excited to see what the scale says. Looking forward to our New Years Eve party for the kids tonight. Movies, munchies, and mayhem. Well, maybe at least some movies for me! ;) Not sure if I will be awake till midnight. The kids are each having a friend over for a sleepover. That means 12 kids running around the house. It's going to be interesting. Lord, give me strength!!

December 28th: 319 pounds (down 52 pounds). Feeling very nauseous today. I wish I knew why. If it persists I will be heading to the doctor. I am really trying to watch everything I put in my mouth. Write more later.
I found out that I have erosive esophogitis, which postpone my surgery for 7 months. It is very disappointing. I feel like I have had the wind knocked out of me. I will have to just hang in there and wait.

12/27/04: Big news! Number 8 is on the way!! We have gone from the Brady Bunch, to Seventh Heaven, to Eight is Enough! My wife and I can't be happier. We are truly blessed. I also got word today that I can return to work on January 3rd. I am very excited for that as well. I am getting a little cabin fever being home so long. I have been having some abdominal pain the last few days and I called the doctor regarding it. I wonder if I may have just overdone it a bit during the holidays? I will give it a few days to see if it goes away. I just need to keep an eye on it. I will be having another appointment about the 3rd or 4th. I'm sure they will address it then as well.

December 26th: One day after Christmas and it is nice for things to begin quieting down. I am kind of glad for all the hubbub to be over. Eating went pretty well over the holiday. I just took a "taste" of pretty much everything and stayed away from the high fat and sugar stuff. I was satisfied and I didn't call attention to myself with many very concerned family around wondering if I was OK. I didn't feel all that well that night of Christmas day, but was able to pull it off until I got home to the privacy of my own home. Today is better and that chicken broth is really hitting the spot. Not much more today though. Giving my system a little chance to take a breath. I'm not certain as to what kind of weight loss to expect this week because I tried so many different things. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't much. I will update next Wednesday when I go in and weigh myself. I hope and wish anyone who has suffered through and read all of this a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. Thank you all for caring so much about me. God Bless

12/20/04: 323 pounds (down 48 pounds) I am now 2 weeks post op. Things are progressing pretty well I guess. The surgeons are very happy with the progress so far. I had the drainage tube removed last Tuesday. They also removed all the stitches at that time as well. I must admit that when they pulled the drain out, it literally took my breath away. The doctors' comment just before pulling it was, "well, this will be the worst part of your day today!" I guess he was right. I was down 38 pounds as of the 14th. I will be going in on Wednesday to get weighed again and have another check up. We also have a support meeting that night to which I am really looking forward to attending. The first week after surgery, the menu was broth, Jell-O, and juice or tea. That was it.... three meals a day. When I got out of the hospital, I stayed with that recipe for until my first appointment because it seemed to really agree with me and kept my hunger satisfied.

After the first appointment when the doctors told me that my system seemed to be doing well, my wife and I began to branch out a bit with some other food options. Up to this point, I haven't had anything that hasn't agreed with me even though I have been playing it pretty safe so far. I had a bit of "dumping" last night but I think that was just because I was eating too fast. I guess your body has it's own way of teaching you to slow down!! I went to my first post op support meeting tonight after my doctor�s appointment. It is nice to get some other people's perspectives on things so that I do not feel that I am alone. I'm not certain I agree with everyone's approach to this whole process, but I guess that is what makes us all different and to each his/her own I guess. I still encounter some people even post op that I really question their motives and whether or not they are going to make it. I guess for that matter, I question my own all the time. It isn't easy that is for sure.
It would sure be nice if the weather would get a little nicer so that I could go out for a nice walk. The wind chills were about 15 below today so I didn't get out much except for going to church. Christmas is just 5 days away and I am hoping that the holiday meal with family goes well. I am not concerned because I really think I have the hang of this slowing down and chewing game. I can honestly say that I haven't enjoyed food as much as I have in the past week. I am savoring the taste, smell, and texture of every bite. I think before when I was eating out of control, I never really enjoyed the food I was eating. I think I was just eating to get full. Now, I eat so little that I think my mind is concentrating on enjoying each and every bight. I think I like this. I was a little scared at first as to how I would adjust, but I think this is the best decision that I have ever made.
The doctors also told me that they had gotten the results back from my liver function test that they did during the surgery. They stated that I had the beginning stages of cirrhosis of the liver. I was a bit surprised simply because I am a non-drinker. They said that the diabetes could also cause damage to the liver in the same ways that alcohol can. They said that if I had questioned my decision as to if I should have had the surgery or not that this should be the clincher as to why it was such a fantastic idea to do it. They are going to be doing liver function tests for the next 6 months just to keep an eye on it, but they felt that the weight loss and the keeping of the diabetes under control should make it a somewhat non-issue. I was told that if I hadn't had the surgery, that it could have become a very serious health issue in just a few years. I guess someone upstairs is really looking out for me. Thanks! :)
I have been documenting my progress with pictures every week. Having a digital camera sure does make that easy. I will hopefully be able to get together an online photo album to share all the progress that occurs.
On a special note, I wish everyone out there could have the benefit of someone as special as my wife, Sandy, has been. She takes care of me so well it is almost embarrassing. She makes sure that I have all the special foods that I need and she makes up things in advance so that I do not have to do much cooking at all when preparing my meals. She also takes care of our 7 children and does not complain, but does it willingly. I had no idea what I ever did to deserve someone like this person. It amazes me that she has the strength to do it all. She works 2 jobs, takes care of me, takes care of the children, and still seems to figure out a way to have time for herself. Now that I am back on my feet more and more every day, I truly hope that I can repay her for the love and understanding that she has for me. I also work 2 jobs and it has been a struggle since I have been off due to this surgery. We work together and make things work. Beings this surgery took place just before Christmas, obviously it was a big concern of ours financially how we would do it. But, Sandy has been so creative and so thrifty and has made this all work out well for us as a family. The kids will have a plentiful Christmas and they won't notice any difference than from years gone by. She puts herself last on the shopping list when it comes to buying personal things and that does bother me. I hope that when I get back on my feet, I can find something special that I can do for her to show her how much I love and appreciate her. She is one special lady and I cannot imagine my life without her. I could have never done this surgery if it weren't for her being behind me. A person has got to have a sense of security that things will be taken care of while you are down and I never had to worry about it at all. I think God for her every day.
12/13/04: 333 pounds (down 38 pounds) one-week appointment. The doctors removed my stitches and drainage tube. They seemed pleased for the most part with my progress. I am still having some pain in my abdomen near the incision where the scope went in, but it is getting better every day.

**UPDATE: Tom had his surgery on Monday 12/6/04. All went well. He is still currently in the hospital. Says that he didn't expect it to hurt that much. Hopefully he will be home on Thursday. Sandy, Tom's Wife**

December 6th: 371 pounds

December 6th: just 6 hours until surgery. Getting pretty nervous now. Finding it hard to sleep. Doing some praying, some soul searching, some crying. My faith will bring me through this along with the love of my beautiful wife and 7 wonderful children. I am the most blessed man alive. Turning in. I will write more when I am discharged on Thursday or Friday. Talk to you then. T

November 30, 2004: Went in and met with the surgeons one final time. Finally brought BMI down under 45. Total loss in the last 30 days has been 24 pounds! Ultrasound of my gall bladder on Thursday and meeting with the anesthesiologists to go over everything that is going to happen. Surgery will be Monday morning, December 6th for sure now! I feel like I am living in a surreal world right now. It really hasn't kicked in yet so I have gotten fully excited about it. I almost felt stunned that this day is finally coming. After being postponed 3 other times, I guess I will believe it when I wake up late Monday morning. Will write more later.

Update: My surgery has been set for December 6th, 2004. After having the procedure postponed 3 different times, you can about imagine how excited I am to finally have a date. I will be the first male patient in the Altru Health System to receive this type of surgery. There was a requirement for me to have a BMI of 45 or less. This required me to lose 21 pounds before I could get a date. After going on an almost starvation diet and not taking my diabetic medication, I weighed in this morning at the doctor at 351! That was my goal weight. I was in tears when I saw the scale!! My doctor was aware of what I was doing and he stated as long as I kept a close watch on my blood sugars, that he didn't care if I did it. The amazing thing is, it seems the less I ate, the better my blood sugars. He feels that after the surgery takes place and I begin my weight loss, that he would determine that my diabetes has basically gone away. What a dream come true!! He states that I will always have the propensity for diabetes, but as long as my diet is controlled, no further treatment would be necessary.

My surgery is now 14 days away. There is so much to do before that date. I had blood work, chest x-rays, EKG's, and a physical done the last few days. Wednesday is the pulmonary function test, and the 2nd is the gall bladder ultrasound.

After an almost 2 year wait, my day is fast approaching. It is a dream come true!

Baby number 7 surprised us on the evening of April 20th and decided she wanted out!! Now we are the proud parents of 7 beautiful children. We are truly blessed. I will keep the faith and I'm certain my surgery date will be soon!! God Bless!

January 2004: Went to my first informational meeting at Altru regarding the new bariatric program that they have offering gastric bypass surgery. This is amazing and I am going to research this more. I think I've found what I have been looking for.

December 2003: Weight 440 lbs. Looking into setting up an appointment with Dr. Howell in Fargo and Meritcare for gastric bypass surgery.

About Me
Warren, MN
Surgery Date
Feb 08, 2004
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
After having to lose 50 lbs to qualify for Roux en Y surgery in 2004, about 440 lbs. (Highest weight of 490)
440 lbslbs
After- 210, lost a total of 280 and been lucky enough to keep it off for 10 years. Atfer picture: 2014 pictured with my wife Sandy.
210 lbslbs

Friends 5

Latest Blog 4
Family and Friends
