I know it's been a long time - not enough time to write....

Apr 07, 2009

...well, I wanted to take a little time to say, I've missed being able to post my blogs.  I've missed being able to encourage those coming in "fresh".  I've missed hearing from my friends.  So today, I thought I must take a short time to play "catch-up".

News:  I had my brachioplasty surgery on February 2, 2009.  I think I posted a short blog right afterwards.  All is well.  I'm still recovering, and there is still some numbness and soreness, but not bad at all.  The scars are healing very nicely. The final results are yet to come, but I will say that my tops fit so much better.  I'll have to update on the arms as the process continues...

In the meantime, my mom was hospitalized in ICU my 5th week post-op.  It's been so hectic since then.  I can't begin to try and explain it all here at this time.  I continue to pray for her complete recovery, and ask that you join in prayer with me.

I've been off the exercise bandwagon since my surgery, so it's been about 2 1/2 months since I've had a total work-out - until last night!!!!  I decided that enough is enough, and it's time to take back the lost time.    I started with my 1 mile video.  There was no doubt that I am out of shape - that one mile kicked my butt!!!   I'm going to work out again tonight, but on my nieces Wii thingy.  I haven't tried it yet, and my mind freaks out a little thinking about the man who did only one (1) session of exercise on the Wii, sat down, and had a massive heart attack and died right there on the spot!!!  WOW!  Anyway, I'm going to try it. 

My little furry companion, Winston - my schnauzer, was very ill for a couple of weeks.  To this day I'm not sure of what his problem was.  I couldn't get him into see the vet.  Actually, on his most ill day, I tried to be a walk-in, but they don't take walk-ins.  Anyway, he is absolutely 100% back to him self again.  In all honestly, after making a few accessments, along with watching his "habits", my deduction leads me to believe that he was only - now get this - "constipated"!!!    My dog needed a laxative!!!!    Well, it "all" "worked" itself "out"!    I am cracking my own self up!!!   Honestly though, I'm so glad that my little fella is ok.

Well, this is all the time that I have for now.  I must run, but will return soon!  God bless all, and please continue to remain encouraged - no matter what things or situations look like!!!

...today is a wonderful day - ENJOY!

