What a great day to be alive!!!

Jan 20, 2009

We're living history in the making, and I'm so proud to be living at this time!  I will continue to pray for our country, our president and his family, and all of my own family and friends!  God is so good to us all the time, and to Him I give all of the Glory!

I am so happy today.  I just officially recieved the great news that the surgery for arms is approved.  My surgeon's office called me a little while ago, and set up a consultation appointment for Friday!  I am so elated that I'm walking on ALL the clouds!!!    The original date of surgery was February 12, 2009.  However, it's quite possible that that date may be changed to earlier....possibly as early as the end of this month!  Yahoo!!!!!!!!!  This is the last of plastics as far as I'm concerned.  I said that I didn't want to have anything done to my thighs, butt, or breasts.  I'm just not that concerned about those areas, and they're not causing me any problems like the other areas have caused me ~ thank God!

Last week, I bought new hand weights (5 lb. free weights), and an pedometer.  I used them for the first time this morning.  So far I have walk over 2000 steps.  I'm not sure of what the count is per day to stay healthy, but I'm going to find out.  It tells me that I've walked my hour and 18 minutes...like that would be the daily goal at least.  I'll find out about that also.  In addition, I started back on my 2 mile exercise program this morning.  I'm going to also try to do the 1 mile in the evenings again, so as to get my 3 miles in per day.  I want to do this before my surgery because I won't be able to work out for at least 6 weeks afterwards.  I'm doing good with my suppliments, but I need to do perfect as I enter into the time of my surgery.  I want all my levels to be in order when I get my pre-op lab work.  I know that this is the Will of God for me to have my arms done.  I know this because everything happened exactly opposite of what we expected to happen.  I.e., the surgeon that I JUST KNEW would do it ~ won't (yes, I'm upset.  Poor office ethics, to say the least.  I was so shocked by it all), and the surgeon who is out of my network and doesn't even bill insurance (would only do surgery on a cash basis), is the office that decided to seek authorization on my behalf ~ AND GOT IT!!!  God is so awesome!!!  I just couldn't be happier!

I will always encourage others to hold onto your dreams and what you are believing for.  My life has truly been a testiment to how wonderful God is.  I'm a strong believer in prayer, and that all things are possible if you only believe!  I continue to encourage those who are hoping to better your health, and are looking into this avenue as your help....don't stop!  If it is truly your way of getting help, stand firm with prayer.  Do your homework, and seek the best surgical team that you can get.  Always remember that this is ONLY a tool and a means of HELPING yourself!  I highlighted those 2 very important words.  This surgery is not a miracle cure by any means, but just a tool.  If you don't do what you're supposed to do, along with working the tool, you will be a failure!  Sad but true!!!  If you do what you've been told to do, be faithful and work your tool, there is NO DOUBT that you will be a success story like many of those you read about here!  My prayers and cheers for your good successes!

God bless you all, and remember that Today is our BEST Day....in EVERY way!!!!!  Congratulations President Obama!!!!!

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