I am fighting the "Good fight of Faith"!

Feb 11, 2009

Today is a blessed day!  I am continuing to fight the Good fight of Faith!  I always will.  There will never be an option for giving up ~ EVER!  Some of you may know what that statement means, and others may not.  In short, it simply means that no matter what comes my way, I will always know that "I win"!  Through my positive attitude, and faith in my Heavenly Father, the end results will be great...and I will always come out smelling like a....Rose!!!!  (No pun intended).  :o)

I'm still home recouperating from brachioplasty.  I'm day 3 into the second week.  I'm virtually off the pain meds...maybe a 1/2 pill if absolutely necessary.  I still have quite a bit of swelling, but I think that's to be expected.  I'm wrapped up like a little mummy, which makes me laugh.  I've learned many things this time around...like how to wrap my own arms.  Wow...what a task that can be.  However, I found out that I can truly "do all things with the help of Christ"....for real!!!  :o)  I do wrap my left arm a bit better than my right one...since I'm right-handed.  lol.  Nevertheless, I get the job done.  I'm looking into purchasing my compression garments, so I'm sure that it will be a lot easier to get those on once I get them.

I'm so thankful for this site, and the wonderful friends that I have here.  It seems that more and more, I learn of the value of OH site.  Admittedly, there are times when I don't go on the general board, or some of the others.  I do try to be of encouragement when I see a post that I feel my experiences can or may help them.  I have come to realize the value of a positive attitude which surely helps in the healing process.  It helps us emotionally, spiritually, and definitely physically.  A good attitude can even speed up the process.  Now trust me, I'm not the saint here.  Please ask Mary, Laina, and Stacie...and some others.  There have been times when I have surely needed the help of these precious friends to get me back in check!  However, once I was sent whirling back on track and got my focus back, I remembered what I was supposed to do. 

I said all of the above...for everyone...the oldies, the newbies, the "thinking about its"...for everyone!  As I encourage myself, you all please stay encouraged as well.  Keep your mind healthy...as your body gets healthier!!!  I'm taking my own advice as I continue to heal here at home.  I'm trying to remember to increase my protein (I've done a great job at that) and my fluids (I'm doing a lot better at that also).  I guess, when we're working, it's just not as easy to constantly much on the healthier proteins (I can't always have something going in my mouth), and it's not always so easy to jump up and run the the ladies room 1,000 times a day.  Nevertheless, I vow to do a lot better when I get back to work.  This is for my good health.  One day I'm going to retire from that job...and if my honey moves a little faster (in the marriage proposal department), I may be retiring sooner than later!!!  Hallelujah!!!  LOL!  Thank you Jesus!!!  I won't force or pressure him though....I'm trusting God for His Divine timing in our time of marriage!  I just can't wait.....YES!!!  Oooo y'all, I'm so in Love!  LOL!  It's truly a wonderful feeling!!!  I've been divorced for close to 10 years now, and I'm so ready for a wonderful, man of God to love me like I should have always been loved!  Wow...how did I get off on that?  I'm just happy.... :o)

Be blessed and always remember that Today is your Best day!

Much love,

