11 weeks post op and I feel a slow improvement

Oct 13, 2009

Hi everyone.  Just thought Id check in and give my latest weight loss developments.  First I weight myself obsessively...I know Im not supposed to but Ive got that type of inquiring mind that always wants to know...what makes what tick...hence the obsessive weighing in.  I always want to know...how did treadmill impact my weight...how did that piece of pizza impact my weight...how did that glass of water impact my weight...and as far as weight loss is concerned....Ive learned that I must drink my protein shakes or I hit a stall...very weird  I never really was an over eater so the eating part of this is a breeze for me.  I really havent experienced any serious hunger pangs...but I do believe that I am starting to feel hunger twinges lately.  I dont crave things anymore...my old favorites...hamburgers...pizza...french fries...pepsi...coffee (it was my obsession)...but now..ho humm...they all bore me now...I have to be honest...what rocks my boat these days is healthy food...like I would kill for cantalope...yummmm!.  I still am not able to eat meat very easily...it gets stuck and I throw it up.  The weird thing Ive noticed about throwing up...IT IS SOOO EASY NOW...LOL...all I have to do is bend over and open my mouth ...and out everything comes...another weird thing huh?  My energy levels are beginning to rise...I wish they would rise quicker though...Ive never been known for my patience!  One item of concern is the dreaded hair loss...OMG Im losing it by the handfuls.  I went to town and invested in Selenium and Biotin...it seems to be slowing down my hair loss considerably but it has not stopped it.  Im not sure...but I also think that my hair is growing slower...I color my hair and I used to have to color it once every two weeks...but now...since surgery...I havent had to color it but once in 3 months...also weird.  So far Ive lost 44 lbs..that is disappointing...I was hoping to be down about 65 lbs by now...we are doing Xmas with all the California relatives this year and Im hoping to be in TOP FORM!!   Well folks...thats all for now...Ill check in again at my 3 month post op...cya laterz!!! Gina

