8 weeks post op...slightly improved energy levels

Sep 14, 2009

Its hard to believe that I had surgery 2 months ago.  I am finally feeling my energy levels improve slightly and I can definitely tell that my energy levels are directly related to the amount of protein that I do (or do not) consume.  Ive struggled to discover new palatable ways of getting my protein.  Ive found that whey protein shots, milk, yogurt and soy crisps work the best for me...I still cant hardly look at a protein shake without dry heaving.  Im still waiting for my energy levels to rise to the point that I dont have to struggle to get in my daily exercise...I treadmill from 25 - 45 minutes every other day...and its a struggle to hang in there.  My weight loss for the whole month is very disappointing...only 4 lbs lost this month..but hey I guess thats better than zero. I had been on a 4 week stall until day before yesterday...so that was inspiring to see the scale move slightly again.  Everyone on the main board says...oh dont worry about the scale because if you arent losing poundage..then you ARE losing inches so measure yourself.  Well THATS NOT TRUE...Ive weighed and measured...and when I was at a stall I neither lost pounds nor inches....I WAS AT A STALL.  The good news is...I went clothes shopping for the first time since WLS and bought myself 1 new pair of pants...I got sick n tired of hanging onto the waistband of my jeans when I was out and about...so I only have 1 pair of pants that fit..FOR NOW THAT IS...Cya all next month...Gina

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