Halloweeny Meanie

Oct 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

    I went to the Nut today for my overview of pre and post op diet. I like her a lot and don't mind her being part of my medical posse! I told her that I have this vision of myself walking down a crowded city street with what looks like my back up dancers or my own personal theme song except it's my medical posse cheering me on. If someone walked in the room during that conversation, their eyes would widen and walk right back out LOL. We were jumping around and swinging our arms to the tune of my visual. LOL! Now I just have to pin down my theme song.

     So anyway, we had a chat about what I will be doing with my eating and really it is not too far off of what I have researched the crap out of here. I'm kind of on OH overload right now. Time to take a research break, I got all I need to focus on keeping my weight inching down the scale until pre op. Which by the way is 5 shakes and clear liquids daily. I think I can get through it..........I know I can get through it!

     I did tell her she was a meanie for forbidding me chocolate. She felt bad as she should  LOL. Yes I have known for a long time that chocolate candy is my trigger food! I can honestly eat a whole bag of Hershey miniatures if I take the first bite. It is like my job to eat all the chocolate in the world (sometimes all at once lol) to save others from the evil of it's decadence. I'm being way over dramatic, but I am going to miss it terribly. That my friends is my addiction!

All in all, a nice day. Very refreshing after Sandy's destruction. I was working at the hospital all week and I am thankful that my family and friends are ok and that our area was not hit with all her force.We still have many families with black outs until next week, however. My thoughts are with the shore community and the people of NY who lost their homes at Sandy's hand.


