Pretesting and the dreaded Cpap

Oct 18, 2012

      Well I am almost finished pretesting. It's interesting the comments that I get while waiting for the procedures. I work at the hospital where all the testing is located as well as the surgery and stay. AWKWARD!!! People are extra nice, but they have said things like "Are you sure that this is what is necessary?" and " Why don't you just eat smaller meals and exercise?" Well..... If we could do that, I wouldn't be sucking down this liquid chalk and you wouldn't be in the upper GI business! Others wished me luck and even though they didn't know me and never worked with me, they wanted me to stop in before i went to my unit to show them my success. It was very sweet.

     I'm not sure how I am going to feel about staying at the hospital where I work. I am pulled to all floors and I will know quite a few nurses and other employees. Good thing I am not going to try to hide it. Impossible. I just have nightmares about walking onto a unit and working along side the lucky nurse that has to pull my catheter or worse. DOUBLE AWKWARD!!!!

      This is my pretesting as of now:
Upper GI
abdominal ultrasound
chest Xray
sleep study x2
pulmonary breathing study
O2 saturation test
colonoscopy (not related but was having some chronic issues)
PCOS testing (only related to my history)

     Scheduled in the next month:
Psych evaluation
Vascular lab venous duplex
Nurse Practitioners teaching class
pre-admission testing
surgeon consult
January 2nd Surgery Day!

Wow that seems like a crap ton of testing, but my surgeon is no joke!

     I just picked up my Cpap this morning. I was kind of being a jerk when I picked it up. The respiratory therapist was going over everything and I just kept pushing the subject of "do I really have to wear it every day?" shenanigans. She just laughed and apologized to me. All i wanted to do was stamp my feet and whine like a 4 year old " I don't wanna!" lol. We started trading wacky patient stories. We had a laugh and we're buddies now. It's a sunny mid afternoon here in Jersey and I have work tonight, it's time to set up the Darth Vader mask and drift off to pressurized air bliss. Goodnight all!

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