15 lbs Down!

Nov 20, 2009

I am 16 days post of my DS and am 15 lbs down (weight wise)  Now like 10 lbs of that I Lost and Gained TWICE in the pre op and Post op period from the terrible swelling and fluid retention from surgery!

The weight that I am losing now is the *True* weight loss and so let the party begin!

I am at 262 lbs this morning.

My stomach is still very sore but Yesterday was the First day I noticed it was a bit Improved~

I would say recovery from the Open surgery has been more intense and slower than I expected.

I started sleepin in my own bed night before last! 

That was a treat! This whole time I have been sleeping in recliners. 

Ian got the jacuzzi cleaned out and filled up again..and soaking in it was Sublime.

It was the first time I had a bath or a soak of any kind in weeks!

Since I was cleared for tub baths and my incision has no open areas I got right in!  Ahhhhhhhhhh... sooo nice.  I had a terrible back ache because I been sitting at the kitchen table for about an hour and a half making 24 Birthday Treat Bags for Benjamin's classroom at school.

They had a little writing pad, cute pencil, eraser, candy and a homemade notecard attached to each that said: It's Ben's Birthday! Jesus has a birthday, too on Christmas Day.  Can you write YOUR Birthday? ..
then a line with a place for them to practice writing their birthday.
A little sparkle gemstone on each card and tied with a ribbon!

So that took awhile but Ben and I enjoyed making them. Ben filled the bags while I did the notecards.

Hunching over the table though.. had my back in a spasm and had my back hurting.  The jacuzzi did wonders. I couldn't believe it.
I soaked for about 45 minutes and when I got out my back felt so much better.

I went in it again last night with Ben. This time I wasn't in pain when I went in, but it was still wonderful.

Vitamins: I am still working on my vitamin regime.  I need to get a few more, or different kind. But am taking my multis,
D and K .. the vitamin E I purchased in the wrong form.  I need to get the dry form. I am taking Iron Carbonyl.  Calcium Citrate.

I need to get Magnesium Citrate to take with my iron. Switch out my E to a dry form. and get some other stuff.

The end

