Hello & Welcome to my Home Page :)

I'm Loretta Kay (CaliKay) .. I live in Moreno Valley, CA. That is in Riverside County of Southern California! I am a So Cal native.

I am happily married with 2 grown kids (Nathan & Elaina) and one 6 year old son, Benjamin.  My Furbabies are Opie (Shih Tzu), Lola (Maltipoo) and Macho (Maltipoo Yorkie Mix LOL) I have 7 grandkids: Justin, Jacob, Caden, Annie, Lily, Emma, and Ender.

I've been a member of OH since 2003!

Since then I lost ALL my weight without surgery.  Over 100 lbs!  I started with strictly the Optifast program then I mofified it adding lots of food but still continued to lose weight. I ate Subway sandwiches made low fat, low

calorie, Green Salads w meat, beans, cheese but with low fat, low cal dressing.  A lot of high protein, low carb eating.

However .. I gained it all back Plus and am now at my highest weight I have ever been.
What a disappointment but one that I am not unfamiliar with since I have been yo-yo dieting since I was 20 years old.
I was of normal to thin weight as a child but put on 50 lbs with my first pregnancy at a young age.
I had another child  shortly after and weighed even more!

Since then I have had periods of being *skinny* but always regained.  I remember doing what is a very low calorie High Protein diet when I was 20 years old! That was 24 years ago ..

I have tried Jenny Craig .. again, it worked! But just as with all my other attempts, I went back to my former eating habits.

I tried Atkins (it worked) .. but regained.  I've tried just *eating healthy* with smaller portions and less calories and of course it works!  I haven't been able to keep off any of the weight I've lost for any length of time.

At first my husband, Charlie wasn't down with the WLS at ALL. But he has come around.. especially after watching work SO
hard to lose all my weight only to regain it.  He also sees how much discomfort I am in now, especially within the last year.
The sore feet and all the other physical ailments that are secondary to my obesity.

My hubby is also obese and has always said he will Never have WLS himself because he is very afraid of it and any potential complications.

However .. I mentioned to him that I would *go first* with the surgery and for the first time ever he sort of agreed LOL. He didn't agree but he also didn't say no. He said "we'll see"
I reminded him that his HTN would likely be improved as well as his reflux and other problems.

I would love for us to take this journey together but for now I have to just do what is right for me!

I am lucky that my hubby has finally come around and is fully supportive of my decision.

My co morbidities are: Hypertension, Reflux, Sore feet, Apnea .. and hey these are just a few.
