So I confess....

Feb 02, 2011

So after reading numerous profiles and posts on OH. I kinda feel .......slow(I mean Forest Gump with a touch of Bubba slow....

I noticed that majority of the members on here have been researching for years and havent even considered doing WLS until than.

I on the other hand I havent considered doing WLS until ...December 2010.Didnt research until.....December 2010.Was the only person at my information seminar that raised my hand when the surgeon asked "who is having"     " surgery. Raised my hand for all I got some laughs...even the surgeon laughed.(I didnt even think they could laugh)lol.

I mean I have been fat and mostly miserable for a long time<< I just cant wait too long. Its either I want WLS or I dont.

My husband thinks its something new everyday...he said " What want to be a stripper"...I said" Hey hey thing at a time please...LOL

Seriously I know I dont need to research for yrs or contimplate if WLS is for me.

All I have to do is ask myself one question ---  Do you want to be fat , unhealthy and miserable another year? Hell No!

SN: You know you need to lose some weight when lane bryant sales associates see you at a resturant and ask " How are you ...Oh and did you get your real woman dollars?

Im gonna shout it from the mountain tops

Jan 26, 2011

I got a call from DR SUDAN(let the crowd cheer)my intial consultant and Psyc eval is on the 28th of February.Say whattttt!..Im almost there....Oh yeah...


DS I hope you know what Im going through for you!!!!!

Jan 25, 2011

This will be short and sweet..


Public announcement sponsored by Fuck this recession of america.
1 comment

I know what I want

Jan 22, 2011

I decided to get the duodenal switch...I have been lurking the DS forums and so far...I like what Im seeing.Of course I still need to get a medical opinion from the only two damn surgeons who do it  here in NC.The only promblem is ...I dont know who to go to...My options are Dr Sudan and Dr Voellinger.I just need to figure out who I need to go to.

Shake that ???

Jan 21, 2011

I went to walmart last night and brought "Just Dance 2"...Me and my sister went to work and danced for a total of 2.5 hrs.What a WORK OUT!!!...I feel if I weighed less..I could have finished the whole game.Well atleast Im starting to work on a great active activity for me to do.Well nite nite for now.

The thing

Jan 15, 2011

So last night I had my sleep study...all I can say is...IM SO GLAD THAT SHIT IS OVER!...That was the most uncomfortable sleep I never are a few pictures of me during this HELL QUEST.

SN: Notice the pepsi michael jackson jerri curl on fire pose in one of pics.LOL(Check the Pics Out

and the journey continues.........

on a sad note I really wanted to make it to the Meet Up for WLS hopefuls and graduates this morning but.....

Damn Sleep Study

I know why I dont like Beyonce now!

Jan 13, 2011

Just finished listening to Diva...and ya know what..

I never gave this broad a chance. I think the reason all the years I couldnt stand to listen to her voice is because of  her "I know Im that bitch" attitude has always put me off.My self esteem has never been that high because I hate being fat more than anything in this world.She has the body I love and the attitude I wish I had.I mean I dont want to be a bitch or nothing(Only if its appropriate<< I do that now..hehehe).Man I just really which I can start this journey I can start booty bouncing like this lol. I feel who I am not really me. I feel like I should be a "Proud Diva" instead of a frumpy Mia...lmbo.I download a couple of her songs when I get my surgery ...Ill have some positive tunes to listen to while I work it....Start my Diva


Whatchu talkin about Dr?

Jan 10, 2011

So I went to my seminar at Duke health in Raleigh NC and I learned some interest info.Well You know know how I was dead set on have the VSG..even bitching about it briefly.Welllllll....according to Dr Jin Yoo..he says the VSG is just as risky as the RNY and Duodenal Switch.Which boggle the hell out of me..especially since there is no rearranging of the intestines.On top of that he states that with VSG and Duodenal Switch you have massive acid poopy like4-5 times a day(I mean once or twice is understandable..but Im not trying to live in the bathroom.Im still hella nervous about having an RNY and the lap band was being considered until I saw that big ass needle they put in your port.Well to date ..these are the procedures I am considering.

Lap Band/Realize Band<
Maybe..and I do mean a biggggggggggggggggggggggggggg maybe RNY

Im off to see the Wizard

Jan 07, 2011

So I have my first WLS seminar tommorow.This should be interesting...especially since my husband is comming.I told him to be on his best behavior..go in there with an open mind.Oh ..a coworker of mines told me that my insurance doesnt not cover VSG if done alone.Basically ..I have to get the duodenal switch or nothing at all.I have to find a way to make them approve VSG.Damn...why does shit have to be so damn difficult.I work for you guys and pay your damn premiums...and you acting funny when I need some shit.WTF...uggghhhhhh. Man I should had this sugery when I had United healthcare or Cigna.Well let the GAMES begin!

"Lalalalalala I cant hear you"

Jan 03, 2011

My husband is trying to do everything in his power to change my mind about WLS.Sending me daily texts while Im at work"You dont need WLS...You didnt even try working out"...Uhhhhh Hello....Yeah I really did but I thought dropping dead in the middle of the gym floor would cramp my style...not a good look.So Im stressing because no one...I mean no one is really supporting this.Wow you would have thought I was having a sex change.I do need help after I have this surgery so I really hope this mess turns around.

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Fort Campbell , KY
Dec 24, 2010
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