Does Barium taste like funky sperm?

Mar 17, 2011

No, I wouldnt know

Check out my youtube video"Does Barium taste like funky sperm?

Finally did the interview with the "WLS hata"

Mar 12, 2011

Please check out the newest video from BORNLEADER1979

Raw interview with the WLS hater

No Editing ! Purely UNCUT

Excuse me on my amateur marketing skills LOL

The verdict is in....

Mar 11, 2011

Nurse  Shelia called:

Triglycerides- 228( normal is 150 and below)

Vitamin D is low ( I have to take 5,000 iu's)

Dr Mann (ETN doctor)

I have sleep apnea!...(No one is really shocked) Stopped breathing 30 times(Now that shit had me about to hit the floor)

So of course I have to do part 2 with the CPAP machine *Sneezes "bullshit"

It is now 2:00am eastern time (That should tell you how fuckkked up my sleeping pattern is)

Goodnite OH!

Where dey do dat at?(Yes I meant to spell it that way) lol

Mar 07, 2011

I called duke today to see if they submitted my paperwork for surgery. You know what those clowns told me..."Uh, we dont submit your paperwork for an approval until we give you a surgery date". Are you kidding me "Why would you do that?".Elena22 it looks like Im about to Jump ship along with ya!.

Why would you play with my emotions like that Duke? why duke? why? why? whyyyyyyyy?

Check out my new VLOG" Can I get a New Family Please?

Mar 06, 2011


So I meet Sudan

Feb 28, 2011

Well how did it go? Not bad ..not bad at all

Long as hell..I think they drag the process longer than they should.

I waited an hour for someone to actually speak to me. While I was waiting I did meet one of my OH friends(elena22)...She kept me company until someone came to get me(We talked like we knew each other before today)

Well I met with the "nut"..I truly believe she may be a nut for all in my biznass...but I guess that was her job(Played around with her for a bit to make the whole visit she offically thinks Im "Sybil" now...Lol.

Nurse Shelia..Awesome!

The lady who stabbed me in my veins to get blood work..Awesome!

Dietician..Once she got the stick out her ass...Awesome! LOL

Nurse Practioner...Awesome X2..Very informative and helpful!

Finally...Drum roll please......

Dr.Sudan -I told him OH patients call him "Sudan the man"..He blushed and started laughing! his whole staff did..llol

I didnt really ask him too many a brain fart!

He basically told me I would be in great hands with him and his Robot! lol


If you have sleep apnea ..he wont operate on you? Thats what the NP said..

Have another appt for Barionum swallow..eeeek
Ekg and .....I

Till next time...Im starting to get Carpal Tunnel
1 comment

Youtube link to my video.I will find out how to add them to OH

Feb 23, 2011


I think my Husband is comming around

Feb 22, 2011

My husband is my bestest friend in the world. What he thinks matters alot to me. I think he finally sees that.I showed him a few lingerie pieces from Victoria Secret that I wanted to buy post op. Man if you could see how his face lit up. We have a cruise to Bahamas that I have delayed for atleast a year and half(had to pay to extended the trip) because Im embarrased to do anything. He wanted to go parasailing(Too fat for that)..go on the glass bottom boat(scared i might break it) lol.Always wanted to go to the spa but the robes are morbidly obese challenged.I can go on and on.....Im just happy he finally sees a smidget of what I see.

Just thought I share

I dont know shyt!

Feb 19, 2011

Im feeling pretty low right now.......

Ok so this is whats up with me right now. My grandmother and I were talking about the surgery I choose.For some reason she thought I chose the Lapband because she thought I would get the most safe option.Well I told her I was really geeked about getting the DS and proceeded to tell her about the perks of having it. Well than she asked me to describe the procedure and my face basically went  <<< yeah like that. I couldnt describe it at all...all I know is a duodenum..thats it! This is my response to my grandmother " Oh its like an rny but you keep a pyloric(Im not even sure if I pronounced it and your food doesnt get stuck dont dump...and I wouldnt absorb a steak 100% like I do now....basically this was her face.I know if someone told me that...I would be " what the fukk are you talking about?".I feel I should know more..I dont know if the ADD is kicking in ..I go on DS really dont soak it in..Its almost like I dont take this surgery for face its not as serious as it really is! ya know(Which is totally not true).Does it change my mind about having this surgery? Absolutely know why? Its all I think about everyday! I thought about all of the four major wls procedures and this is the only one that doesnt give me that sick feeling in the bottom of my anxiety doesnt flare up thinking about it...I dont feel like it would be a mistake. I guess it started to bother me when I read something Ms. Cal  culator posted...That if you cant describe the procedure(something to that effect)..than WLS isnt for you?...I couldnt describe a c-section but hell I had to have knew what she meant though!..I basically get my info from OH DS post ops...thier experiences...thier questions...hell even the "Surgical Wars" are the most informative info on DS that I can possibly get!...Reading medical journals and such bore the fukk outta of me...(its the ADD in me)...Uggghhh Gnite


Feb 10, 2011

Ok Im still on a sugar high...trying to come downnnn

I finally put up a you tube video of myself. I feel my words arent just enough. I want to really share this journey with my OH peeps!. I hope you guys like it...definitely watch and tell me what you think. I do some name if you hear your name and youre not comfortable with it. Let me know and I promise not to do it again!!!.

Im really excited about this because I really dont see many Duodenal Switch videos on Youtube...(trust me I looked...borderline drove myself crazy looking deep deep into You tube for DS videos)

Well everyone have an awesome day....TTYL


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Fort Campbell , KY
Dec 24, 2010
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