Two years and five months

May 18, 2010

Wow! it's been awhile. Life is busy...busy and busy plus "good health" doesn't always go hand in hand with someone who is fighting the fat.
I am proud to say....I have managed to keep my workouts at the top of my list. I sometimes have to get creative, but whatever works is my motto!  I truly don't feel "good" unless I've worked out. I do have "break day", but I'm always eager to get back in the gym. My marathon training schedule starts soon. Can't wait!

My band has a mind of it's own. Sometimes, I wonder if it is still there and other days it reminds me often. I do have to practice discipline. I go through stages where I want to eat super healthy and then I go through stages where I want junk. I'm sad to's junk stage. I'm thinking it's stress. I hope to calm down some and "desire" to eat better.

My weight is around 125-126 lbs. I stayed around 122-123 for a large portion of my "goal and beyond" stage, but I do have to keep in mind....I run just about everyday and I lift weights. It could be muscle mass. My clothes fit about the same so I'm sure most of it is new found muscle gain.

My body image issues- well it is still there. The "I'm so happy I am not fat" has lost it's luster a little bit.  I now fight being down on myself for wrecking my body. The saggy and baggy look will forever be with me unless I do PS. It's not in my near future so I have to keep my emotional health at the top of my list just like working out. It's nothing I cannot do or live with as of now.

Life is good and living it "healthy" is amazing! Best wishes to everyone!

