Mixing it up

Feb 10, 2010

I'm enjoying mixing my training up. I'm in "off season" and I'm focusing on strengthen training and keeping things fun with my runs. It's going very well!

I've been researching Clean Eating and I'm so excited about fine tuning my eating habits. It is very similar to how I've been eating for the past two years. However, I love sugar and I would like to fine tune that nasty habit. I'm not giving up sweet things. I'm will just fine tune it with natural sweet things. I bought the book Squeaky Gourmet and I'm so excited about all the new yummy recipes including desserts!!!

My weight is staying stable. It stays between 123-126 lbs. I'm very happy with my weight. I try not to focus on the numbers though. It was a sickness of mine that wasn't working for me so it's something I try not to focus on. I try to stay in tune with my fitness goals and my overall wellness. I'm in the best shape of my life!! I will soon be training to run a full marathon. I tackled the half and soon it will be time to tackle the full! Life is good!!!

I love what Bob on Biggest Loser said the other day......it's time to take back ownership of your body!!! Love it!!! I finally feel...I have ownership!!!

