ramblings on stuff

Dec 11, 2004

I was talking to my husband about my frustration regarding how long it will take to save the money for the thigh lift and possibly boob lift. There has been no overtime at all at work, and my ace in the hole for a 2nd job fell thru, they are laying off at this time. He offered to sell his beloved mustang... I said no, my conscience would die first.

this is so funny. I was talking to someone about how I had terrible Achilles tendonitis a few years ago and that it had gone away after I lost some weight. She said, "I can't imagine you needing to lose weight, you are so TINY" I laughed, and just left it at "I was not this size then." It felt good to hear I was TINY! after being so big just 2 years ago.
I have been under a great deal of stress lately, family stuff. I am struggling with stress eating once again. I had been really good until recently, but have caught myself eating to cope, and having a hard time stopping myself from doing it. It is almost like a mindless reflex. My weight is at 128, I am pms-ing and always go up about 5 pounds at this time of the month too, but it is making me crazy because I KNOW I am not always eating what I should. My pouch limits my intake but it is a little scary to find yourself eating something you shouldn't, when you are not hungry and realizing it is a stress reaction. As so many others have said, "they fix your stomach, not your head." I do know this, I will likely struggle with food issues for the rest of my life. I just hope I can win out and maintain. I envy those who have been able to make food a strictly utilitarian issue, i.e. only eating as fuel for the body, not relating it to anything emotional.

the Plastic Surgery experience (Chapter 1 )

Oct 01, 2004

A lot of people have emailed me asking about my plastic surgery experience, so I wanted to post this:

My insurance paid only for skin removal on my abdomen. I had a lower body lift, belly muscles tightened and repairs. I had a big split in my upper abdomen where I had a hernia repair and the general surgeon placed mesh but did not fix the muscle,(last august) apparently standard practice! I also had an arm lift.

The lower body lift far exceeded expectation. My tummy is flat and my belly button is beautiful. My butt does not sag any more. I am not as sure about the arms. The shape is great. The scars are thicker than I expected and puckered a little. He says it will flatten as the stitches under the skin dissolve, and the research I have done and other people I have talked to confirm this to be true, I'll have to wait and see for my self.

Now, I have to say, I am an RN on staff at a hospital where he is on staff, so he said he would discount my prices. Going to an outpatient surgery center likely saved me thousands of dollars. I went home the same day so that in itself likely saved at least a thousand dollars by the time you factor in room charges and the hospital costs for medications etc. I am honestly glad I went home right away so I could sleep in my own bed with my own pillows, and peace and quiet. My last several hospital stays were nightmares with noisy roommates who were watching TV at all hours of the night and having noisy visitors all day. As soon as I would dose off someone would want to check my blood pressure, not because I was in any way unstable but because it is routine to do vitals at midnight and 4 am.

I will also likely have a thigh lift and breast lift and augmentation in the spring. He wouldn't do it sooner because he wants me fully healed from this first. It is hard to wait, but, I also have to raise the money to pay for it.

I have to say it is well worth all the overtime I have worked and I feel better than ever. With all the skin hanging on my belly I still felt so fat and blobby and ashamed of my body. I told him that the weight he removed from me has made more of a difference in my self esteem than the 130 pounds I lost before I saw him and I was telling the full truth on that. The only problem I have is that with the belly gone I now have full view of my thighs! LOL !
The only other problem is the $200.00 I have spent on lingerie since I had the surgery. LOL!

Emotionally this has been something else. I get a little weepy when I look at my stomach, at first I couldn't even talk. The first time I looked at it was in his office 4 days post op, and it was like an out of body experience. When I got home I took off the binder and looked and tears just started streaming down my face. It still happens sometimes. I am still sorting out my feelings. I think a big part of it is regret for the years I lost to obesity. And fear that this won't last. And gratitude for this new chance. fear of waking up morbidly obese and the past 2 years being just a dream.

Physically, recovery has not been as bad as expected. I was up and around right away, had surgery on Sat, I was able to go up and down stairs that night and sleep comfortably in my own bed. I had an onQ pain pump ( for info - www.askyoursurgeon.com ) I started walking outside several blocks a couple times a day on Monday, then the next week about a half a mile 2 times a day to break it up. now I am doing 1 -2 miles a day at a stretch, as long as the weather is nice. I have not felt up to the treadmill though, I need to go at my own pace. I really think the activity helped me get my strength back. I also doubled up on my vits, plus 2000 mg of C, and upped my protein from 60 grams a day to about 100.

About Dr.XXXXX He will take the time to answer long lists of questions. He seems very caring and understanding. He is also board certified in Plastic Surgery as well as General Surgery. That was important to me. Another issue for me was seeing people who had tummy tucks closed with Staples. That leaves a horrendous scar. He did all stitches under the skin. VERY IMPORTANT to me. I would have gone elsewhere if he did not do it that way. I know it is a LOT of work to individually sew all of those thousands of tiny stitches.

I hope this answers your questions, and was not too much info.

My adventure continues. I was visiting a friend in Denver and got an ILEUS, other wise known as a paralysis in my small intestine. Very scary. I truly believe it was from the constipating effect of the carbonyl iron that I recently switched to. I have to talk to my doctor about adjusting the amount and preventing this happening in the future. The pain was horrendous. I lost 5 pounds, down to 120, but I expect to go back to 125 with food and fluids in me.

I talked to my plastic surgeon about my thighs, and possibly breast lift and implants. The total cost will be about $11,600 for both. I may have to take a second job. Apparently the type of implants I want are more expensive, but I think I want to get what I want first time around, So I will be happy with them. It is a huge decision for me. The LBL was a no-brainer, but the breasts seem a little vain and shallow, but I still want them anyways. I'm having spasms of guilt for spending so much money just on me to just look better. All I would have to show for the money, I wouldn't really be "showing off" to anybody but me.

I am thinking a lot about my future plastic surgeries.
I will hopefully be having a thigh lift in the spring, a scar will be on my inner thighs vertically to take it in and around my groin to pull it up. I am considering a breast lift and augmentation, My dr said he can do what is called a peri aureolar lift (also called a Bennelli lift) which would have a thin scar just around my nipple. I am wondering - How much is too much? I am afraid anyone who sees me naked will be thinking I will look like the bride of Frankenstien with the scarring. My husband refuses to comment, will not say a word one way or the other. He only says it is your decision, do what makes you feel good. I think I am thinking too much...

September 2003 - Sept 2004

Sep 01, 2003

weight 141, had my longest plateau, moving on now.

weight 138

weight 136

weight 135

weight 132

weight 129

My insurance is going to cover my tummy tuck - HOORAY!!!! My weight is holding steady now. I am looking forward to feeling like I look "normal"

Lower body lift and brachioplasty day. To the Water Tower Surgery Center in Chicago at 6 am, into the OR at 8 am, surgery for 3 hours then recovery for 4 hours, then home by 4 pm. I was very nervous about doing this as an out patient, but it went quite well. I am glad I went home the same day. I am actually posting this 4 days later on 9/15. I am able to go walking several blocks. I got the bandages off today and got the first look at myself with a flat tummy and my new belly button and I did not know what to say other than this is going to take some getting used to. My belly did not look this good at 18. Of course at my 18th birthday  I was 7 months pregnant, lol. Even swollen and bruised it is amazing to see. Standing up straight is it perfectly flat, but when sitting there is still some pooching skin at the bottom.  my pubic mons area is HUGE.  that should have been addressed  with this surgery, I am surprised a plastic surgeon would have left that area looking the way it is.  It shows through clothing.

2nd anniversary, 44 years young! YAH! current weight 125! I can now fit into size 8 jeans. I have come a long way in 2 years. I do know that I personally will always struggle with food issues and coping with out food as a coping mechanism. The eating disorder will always be lurking under the surface.

My normal / average day food intake

breakfast - 1 egg with cheese, maybe a turkey sausage or 1/2 English muffin. Or egg & cheese rolled in a small tortilla with a little salsa

snack - cottage cheese 1/2 -3/4 cup with fruit

lunch - 1/2 sandwich with meat and lettuce, tomato, or a salad with about 1 c greens/veggies and half a chicken breast or 5 -6 shrimp.

snack - small detour bar (1.4 oz size)

Dinner- 3-4 oz meat, 1/4 c veggie. couple bites potato or pasta(occasionally) sliced fruit

snack - sugar free fudgecicle


The first year after my Gastric Bypass

Sep 25, 2002

RNY Gastric Bypass, 9/25/2002 weight at 260#
by Dr. Eric Schlessinger at the Bariatric treatment center in Belvedere IL. I was in the hospital for 4 days. Pain control was a definite issue. I also hated sharing the bathroom with 4 ! people as the hospital was very busy.

I am adding some info much later because I was thinking about my surgery experience and wanted to share some stuff. I was terrified about going in to surgery. I was so afraid I would die and leave my kids and grand kids. I was taking care of my little grandson who was 4 at the time on a full time basis, as my son is a single parent who was working full time and going to college full time as well, trying to get it together so he could support himself and take good care of his son. . They were living with me and my Grandson is like my own kid. I was so scared going in that when they wheeled me into the OR I had tears streaming down my face as they were getting me on the table and set up. The anesthesiologist saw me crying and shot some meds into my IV and next thing I knew I was awake with a big pain in my belly. Surgery had gone fine, but I experienced a LOT of pain. The incision hurt and All my abdominal muscles were cramping, Like when you get a charlie horse cramp in the leg. Eventually I did get some muscle relaxers to help with it.

Ice chips were a lifesaver, I was not allowed to really take in much orally for a couple days, but the ice chips refreshed my mouth. I also coped with the dry mouth by brushing my teeth very frequently, probably every couple of hours or so, every time I got up to walk or go to the bathroom.

I did get up and walk. Every time I woke up I would go walk the halls for a few laps. I really believe walking helps you feel better sooner and get your strength back faster.
As far as thing to bring to the hospital, I brought a huge suitcase of stuff. The only things I actually used were my carmex, tooth brush and going home clothes. (A very baggy sweat suit) I did have surgery at Barix and they provide a huge kit to their patients with kleenex, a small pillow for your incision, big tongs to use in the bathroom to reach, tooth brush, tooth paste, bath soap, a big water mug to use at home, socks, etc. I can't even remember everything now.
My own pillows would have been welcome, I just sleep better with my own pillow.

I think that fear is normal and maybe even healthy. It made me think seriously about what I was doing and helped me be determined to do as well as I possibly could with the surgery.

In having the RNY I felt a responsibility came with it, to my insurance company who was paying so much money. To my DR. who was spending his time working on me and putting faith in me that I was a good candidate for surgery, my husband who took over the house while I recovered. He did laundry, dishes, shopping and waited on me. If I needed anything at all he went right to the store and got it for me. He was 100% behind me on this. Even my grandson who was only told that gramma was getting her tummy fixed and had a big owie was trying to take care of me and was checking my incision every day to see if it was getting better. He behaved like an angel as I recovered, because he knew I didn't feel well.

All of that helped to motivate me thru some really hard times.

I had a very bad almost metallic taste in my mouth for a long time post op. My sense of smell was very intensified, body odors, food, anything smelled really strong and often smelled bad to me.

when I sipped water I could hear and feel it gurgling thru me. that lasted several months. I have always been a big ice water drinker. After surgery with the taste in my mouth, water was nearly intolerable. Thank god for crystal lite. I was allowed to have diluted fruit juices, but the tasted sickeningly sweet. I also lost my taste for really cold stuff for a long time. I would drink bottled water at room temp. I still do that more than ice water. Warm liquids were what I tolerated best. They felt very soothing going down. I still am that way. I can drink so much more liquid if I have warm decaf or herbal tea w/ splenda. I drink that now much more than cold drinks. I also found a sugar free apple cider drink that I enjoy warm. I did use some protein shakes. I prefer Designer Whey. The vanilla is very easy to use with a variety of other flavors. when I was allowed pureed food, I would use yogurt, a scoop of protein powder and some fresh or frozen fruit and make good smoothies. The chocolate protein powder is good pureed with strawberries. Otherwise, I just mixed it with skim milk.

my weight at my 2 week check up is 240.3
terrible itching of the scar. Ice helps minimally. It is hard to not eat solid foods. I want to chew!!! something. I actually took a bite of my grandson's cheeseburger and then panicked for fear of hurting my pouch and spit it in the garbage. best allowed food, wonton soup from the Chinese place with all the wontons strained out. Sugar free pudding. sugar free fudgecicles. cottage cheese. Dannon lite and fit yogurt.

at 6 weeks weight is 231
After the first 30 pounds I hit a plateau. lasted several weeks then weight loss picked up. Also, back to work @ 6 weeks post op. Wish I had taken 8 weeks as I really was not ready to go back, tiring very easily.

weight 202, cholesterol is now 153

weight 200!!!! first time in 20 years I have been so low!!!
However very frustrated with not being able to tolerate solid meats like chicken breasts, steak. Only can tolerate ground meat. like hamburger. It is hard dealing with the lifestyle changes. I told my husband one day that If I had know how hard the lifestyle changes were I would never have had this surgery. ( NOTE: after 4-5 months, when I was tolerating my food better and I could see the difference in my body I changed my mind and I am really GLAD I had this surgery. I could not see any change in my body until after I had lost more than 50 pounds and really closer to 100 pounds before I could really see that I looked different. Others could see it but I could not.)

weight 196 finally less than 200, and bought size 20 jeans and they for perfectly!

weight 189, recent plateau ended with a bang 11 # in 13 days.

weight 185

weight 183, cholesterol 133!!!!
finally able to tolerate meats better, A tip I got in chat, moisture is the key. Rather than the leanest steak, get a rib eye and put on plenty of meat tenderizer. Eat dark meat chicken or put on a tiny bit of gravy or something moist. IT WORKS! I feel much more normal to be able to eat these normal foods. Not so deprived. I know I should not care about food if I was a perfect weight loss surgery patient, but I am not perfect and I still love my food.

weight 170

weight 165, size 16 jeans! I FEEL wonderful. I have so much more energy. I sleep better, My Achilles tendon doesn't hurt, no back pain, and more energy than I have had in years. My blood pressure is normal, no meds. cholesterol down >100 points. the reactions of others are interesting. I was a LITTLE taken aback when someone said "I always knew there was a pretty girl under all that! :-0 My dearly beloved husband doesn't say much, he doesn't want to imply that I was too overweight before. some are happy for me, some avoid me, I did over hear one person (morbidly obese) "well, we'll see if she gains it all back." several co workers are interested in surgery for them selves.
weight 160! I have lost 100 pounds !

weight 150, I had incredible abdominal pain in the area of the incisional hernia I had diagnosed in March. I was planning to wait to repair it at the same time as a tummy tuck next year. However, due to the horrendous pain I experienced twice in the past week, and a mild bowel obstruction last weekend I had emergency surgery to fix the hernia on Tuesday 8/12. I am sore but home and recovering now.

weight 145, I think the fast loss this week is due to poor appetite following surgery, I'm tiring out fast and still sore, and the new scar is sooo itchy.


I was strapping my grandson into is car seat and he in a shocked voice said gramma, what is that on your arm, I looked and it was
a piece of wrinkly skin hanging forward. I said it is just my skin, & he wanted to know why does it look like that, and reached out
and patted it. I said It is because I am just an old lady (42) and he patted it again and grinned ear to ear and said it's very bouncy, I
wish I could jump on it. ROTFLMAO

here is the link to my www.fitday.com profile with my sporadic entries.

I had surgery on my 42nd birthday. My one year anniversary is coming right up on 9/25/2003 I'll be 43 years old and a 1 year old at the same time.

1 year post op. I have lost 118 #, and gained a whole new sense of freedom. I am looking to the future and dealing with a lot of fears, especially of gaining back the weight, It all seems almost too good to be true. I had a blast! shopping for new clothes for my birthday. #43 and new birthday #1!

the beginning of my WLS journey

Aug 01, 2002

My info was sent by my Dr. on 8/1/2002 to my insurance, I called today and BCBS has not received it yet, but hopefully will by the end of the week.

About me
I am 41 years old. I have fought with my weight ever since puberty. As a teenager I was called Fats by my loving family at 125 # and (almost) 5' tall. I have now dieted my self up to > 260 pounds. I am a registered nurse. I work in postpartum and NICU. My hobbies include reading, gardening, cooking, telling jokes, photography, scuba diving, and collecting blue willow china. I am married and have 3 children and 2 grandchildren. I love cooking and baking, here is a picture of the cakes I made for my daughters wedding.

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A picture of me and my husband in March 2002, about a month before I started researching WLS

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My husband and I met when I was 13 & he was 15, on vacation in Florida. I knew he was one of the sweetest people I had ever met, and his sister tells me the day he met me - he came home and said he had met the girl he was going to marry. The only problem, I lived in Indiana and he was near Chicago about 185 miles away. We wrote letters, he spent thousands on phone bills, and we visited after he got his drivers license. Married June 10, 1978 at the ages of 17 and 19. It is now 27 years as of this posting. I never dated much other than Mike and he is still my sweetheart. He has stood by me thru thick and thin. I have not always appreciated him as much as I should, but I do know I am a lucky woman to have someone who is as caring as him.

August 1976 - me and my Sweetheart for life

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at the time of the first 2 pictures I was living with my sister and her husband and my family called me "fats" I should be so "fat" now. I was a good 115 pounds. The 3rd is my wedding day.

My hope is * IF* I have this surgery is: to be healthier, get off the Ziac, decrease pain in my back and Achilles, and lower my cholesterol and heart attack risk. On the lighter side, I would like to be able to do things I am now not comfortable doing such as horseback riding, going on the Batman ride at Great America, and to have more energy to run after my grandbabies. I know it sounds fluffy but I also I would like to buy prettier clothes that are on the regular size racks. I also would like to stop hearing how I have such a pretty face (with the implicit "too bad you are a fat ass").

My Doctors
both have been encouraging me to think about gastric bypass surgery and are VERY supportive . Dr. said she will write letter etc. if I need her referral.

Previous diets ~ AKA: ask me to detail my failures
Weight watchers -12 #
Slim fast - Numerous times lose some weight , gain back more
Fit for life? (weight loss program @ GSH) - 20 #
Diet program at Sherman Hospital - 20 #
Fen - Phen - 18#
Diet pills (I don't remember what From OB - after birth of 1st child) lost a few #
OTC diet pills i.e. dexatrim, herbal weight loss, chromium picolate(?spelling) etc
Cabbage soup diet - few pounds until I was sick of smelling like cabbage gas
Other various diets with a little loss and a lot of gain afterwards
hypnosis - no noticeable effect at all
joined Chicago health club... twice.

Current Meds / dosage/ reason - preop
1. Allopurinol 300 mg Q day Elevated Uric acid in urine causing numerous episodes of Kidney stones
2. Celebrex 200 mg BID NSAID for arthritis pain and Achilles tendonitis
3. Wellbutrin 150 mg Q day Depression
4. Baby ASA 85 mg Q day Recommended by Dr. for heart attack prevention due to Hypertension and other risk factors
5. 400 mg Vit. E, and Centrum
6. Ziac 5mg Q Day Hypertension

meds post op
1. Vitamins, Iron, Calcium
2 years out, I did restart the Wellbutrin a few months ago

Previous surgeries
1. Child birth X 3 - 1978, 1980, 1983
2. PPTL -1983
3. Gall bladder removal - 1992?
4. Lithrotrypsy X 2 in 1995
5. Numerous cystoscopies and ureteral stent placements X 2
6. L Achilles tendon repair 10/1998
7. R Achilles tendon repair 12/1998

Other concerns - progression from pre op / to post op almost 1 year later / 2 years post op
1. Knee pain / now rare / occasional
2. severe nearly crippling R Achilles pain/ 80% improved/ rare to have any pain here
3. hypertension / gone, no meds bp running 105/70 / excellent
4. irregular / heavy periods / regular, still heavy-damn that per menopause / no more periods
5. back pain, sciatica with hip and leg pain / gone / still gone
6. wheezing ? asthmatic episode lasting several months last winter requiring intervention with steroids (Medrol dosepack) and Maxair inhaler. / absolutely no more wheezing / perfect
7. Wheezing and/or shortness of breath with exertion such as climbing stairs / I run them now, several flights without stopping / even better
8. Loud snoring reported by husband raising question of sleep apnea, I wake with headaches frequently /no more snoring!!! or headaches in the morning / same
9. Family history of heart attacks, father died in 30's from heart attack / -115 # my risk factors are now minimal / -135 # I am even better
10. My cholesterol is 240+ ? / my cholesterol is 123 /cholesterol 135, excellent
11. ? GERD - sometimes I have a lot of coughing if I lie down after eating / not any more / no problem
12. History of numerous kidney stones / this one is staying with me/ none in the past year
13. Occasional migraine type headaches / 1 in the past year/ none
14. I am not yet diabetic, but it runs in the family / risk factors greatly reduced / with continued weight loss and exercise I am less likely than ever
15. carpal tunnel syndrome bilaterally / gone / still gone

16. father died in his 30's from a heart attack-from high cholesterol, and it is supposedly a hereditary condition. he was "big" / this history is still there, I am no longer "big" myself, and my risk factors are so greatly reduced / I am still low risk with my reduced weight, cholesterol and blood pressure

RNY Gastric Bypass, 9/25/2002 weight at 260#  at 4'11"  my BMI was in the super morbid obese range
by Dr. Eric Schlessinger at the Bariatric treatment center in Belvedere IL.

About Me
Lake In The Hills, IL
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2002
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Before & After
rollover to see after photo

Friends 102

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6 years out of surgery - wow- where did the time go?
summer's (almost) end
