Day 23

Nov 11, 2010

Well, today I went in for the shots to my facet joints. I have lower back pain from stenosis, spondlyosis (sp) and arthritis. I went to the pain center to see what could be done, and this is the 2nd bout of shots. (Had the other set in Oct b/4 surgery) They give me about 1-1/2 weeks of pain free movement. If you or anyone you know who has lower back pain, that small amount of time is better than none at all. After this wears off, I'll go back to get the RFA. It's a different kind of pain relief for back pain sufferers. And on to the 23rd day.......It's all good. I lost a few more pounds. I'm thinking that I am going to be one of the people who have slow weight loss. Since surgery I've only lost 17 lbs. But 17 lbs in 23 days isn't so bad if I look at it another way. No other diet allowed me to lose this fast so I'll hold my tongue for now.  Just as long as I can reach my goal of 80 lbs lost I'll be ecstatic. I'm tired and sleepy, so I guess I'll turn in for the night. TTYL  Anita


About Me
Cleveland, OH
Surgery Date
Jul 13, 2009
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