Pre-Admission Testing

Oct 05, 2010 was blocked for my Pre-Admission Testing. First off, I couldn't find a Handicap parking space, so I knew my lower back would be throbbing. Sure enough at Registration the lady waiting on me asked if my back was hurting. Then proceeds to tell me how to get to Pre-Admission Testing. In my head I was figuring up how far I could walk until I had to stop. ANYWAY, I got there and was taken in by the PA, a Dr Shu. She was a tiny little thing, but very cordial, and funny. She asked me so many questions, I thought I was giving info for my memoirs! My blood pressure was really good, 111/80, oxygen level normal, EKG normal, and they took six vials of blood. I don't have to do the 2-week liquid diet, but I can't have any of my pain meds b/4 surgery, so I'll be a cripple for the next two weeks! Plus I'm having facet injections done on my back on Tuesday Oct 12. I'm hoping that the injections will allow me to walk more than 200 ft. w/o throbbing pain. I had an MRI done last week b/c everyone keeps telling me that it's just arthritis, but I don't believe it's just arthritis, it throbs 95% of the time, if I'm standing in line at the store, or in front of the kitchen sink, it throbs so bad I have to sit down. Then while I'm sitting down it throbs, why? That's what I want to know b/c "it's NOT just arthritis." There's got to be something wrong. P/T, meds, water aerobics, now injections. Think of vacuuming your carpet and having to sit down every 10 minutes b/c the pain is so bad you actually cry out loud. Yeah, that's me. OK enough of the pity party. My surgery is coming up fast, I've bought all of my supplies, I just have to clear out a shelf in the pantry so I can place them all in the same spot. I've got the Ninja, which I practiced on when I first bought it, so I'm going to start using it again so I can acquire the finesse it deserves. I love that machine. I'm a telecommercial junkie, I love to watch them even though I very seldom buy anything. When I saw the Ninja turn ice cubes into "snow" I was hooked! Bought it that nite, and got 2 for 1, gave my daughter the other one. So the first thing I did when it arrived was put those ice cubes in the pitcher, put the top back on and pressed, "VOILA" it actually turned the ice into snow. Now at our Family Reunion they were trying to make snow cones for the kids, and as I watched them almost burn the poor motor on their blender I just said to myself if I'd brought my Ninja, it wouldn't have taken almost 30 minutes to make slush! Well I'm going to stop this blog b/c I've got to go to bed, got an early appt with the pool tomorrow. And learn to swim classes on Thursday. Yay!!!! 


About Me
Cleveland, OH
Surgery Date
Jul 13, 2009
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