2 Months and still Kickin!

Mar 07, 2013

My beginning weight - 287

Surgery weight - 265

2 Months - 234

Total loss - 53 lbs

     I feel like I see it a little but not drastically. I have been losing steadily with about 2 lbs per week. I'll take it! I am beginning regular foods, however I stay with what I know. I haven't branched out too much due to a busy schedule. My pocket it bigger though! I save so much money eating the way I do. My only downfall is the dreaded exercise! I can not get motivated but I want to. I always had a problem with exercise. I randomly do it and at low intensity. I need a swift kick in the ass! I guess I have to break down and join the freakin gym Ugggh. I'm such a lazy baby about it!

Here is my 2nd month progress pic!

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