Living my life in two sections or seasons

Jun 07, 2011

It does appear my life has two sections or season and training season. I enjoy both and they both have their huge upsides and a few downsides.

There is nothing like working toward a goal in training season (trained for marathon events in the past 2 years) and seeing the benefits. However, your body takes a slight beating and I have to live such a strict and disciplined life. I seem to also, enjoy the structure and require it.

 The joys of off season! There also is a great deal of benefit to "off season". I focus on mixing things up and keeping life fun. The downfall is less structure and miles, equals an average of 3 pounds on the scale. This is the part that really stinks. I have to focus more on my diet and balance my life. This is truly the story of my life. I'm an extreme person at times. I'm in it 110% and giving it everything I've got. I've got to incorporate balance in my life.

My family has taken a No Fast Food Challenge with me. The only "fast food" we will be take apart in will be Subway and Jason's Deli. I will be working on better food planning on those days we are running around. My family seems to be up for the challenge. I'm feeling encouraged today! The scale tells me the 3 pesky pounds of "off season" are with me today (128 lbs), but I'm making changes and I will work towards balance today.

I also, have my eye on a new crazy goal. It seems really crazy and somewhat comical at times. I am looking into taking Fitness Instruction Classes. It's a crazy idea, since I'm extremely shy and have been known to avoid social events in my most "darkest" times in my life. I also don't, have an ounce of rhythm in my body. I will need to focus on those classes that don't require "dance instruction" of any kind. I can't keep it out of my head though. I can't really put my finger on it, but it is something I feel so drawn to do. I guess it's sort of like the crazy idea of running a marathon. I know saying it out loud was huge for me and sort of comical at first. However, I made it happen so feel encouraged to tackle yet another "crazy goal". I'm excited!

