Official Grown Woman Status

Jan 11, 2009

Hey everyone

I turned 35 yesterday - that was a big deal- I mean, you are really grown up- my BFF and I went to go see Not Easily Broken (What a great movie! Morris Chestnut  is so foiine! LOL) But a NSV for me, my BFF was on a fast and had already broken it but was trying to keep her resolve and she knows about my LB plans so we said we were going to each support one another. I sat through the movie with only water-no candy no popcorn nothing! YAY me! Now I did mention it was my birthday so did I have cake that day? Yes. Did my friend and I go out to Red Robin? Yes. Did I have a Cajun turkey birger, onion rings, and a mai tai? Yes. But...I did do a trick I learned from Bob the trainer on Biggest Loser- I poured water on my food when I got near the end of it- soooo I did not eat the end of my fries or burger. We shared the onion rings and destroyed the last 4. and I didn't finish the last 1/2 or so of my mai tai. I got on one of those How much do you weigh scales that was in the movie theater lobby and I was 326.4- so considering I was 329 last Monday, at least I was moving in the right direction. Now today I know my wt is up and I did have some more cake today so it looks like I will need to be cutting back so when I weigh in tomorrow at my Gastric Lapband class, I won't have gained.

And oh..did I mention that Mom is now able to sit up (well her bed can be positioned up) and she can take food! Praise the Lord! she had her oxygen tube moved fromher mouth and she had a trach tube put in. she can move her mouth but no sound comes out. But I am thankful because 2 wks ago some docs were talking about hospice and she has a few days to her nurse saying to her Come on Miss Janice we're trying to get you she can go on a stepdown floor. He's able! He hears our prayer!

I will touch base again this week.

Some updates:

I saw the pulmonologist on Tuesday and was cleared!
My GI eval was scheduled for 3/4 which meant I had to reschedule my cardiologist. I knew I had a full wk this wk and it was rainy and I wanted a break so yours truly rescheduled her cardiologist that was supposed to be on Wed. 1/7 to March 4. Well the next day the surgeons office calls me while I am teachign 3rd pd and I stop teachign to take the call(I almost told my student to tell the caller to call back-glad I didnt ! LOL) and they tell me your GI is on 3/4 which means once again I had to move heart  doc- so heart doc is now 3/12. Scheuled Lapband is 4/13- far away enough for me to realllllly think if I want to go thru with this but close enough that I can see some results by summertime.

Talk to you soon!

