OK-here goes..........
Hello OH. I am a 34, soon to be 35 year old single mom from Philly. I live in DE now and my weight is about 326# Yikes! I have played the diet game- WW, Jenny, LA Wt Loss, Medifast, low carb...yadayada for so long. And now I have been on the WLS kick. I have always thought WLS was the sucka move0 you know...the easy way out. I always saw it as a high risk, no-guarantee, no-respect way to lose. Now I am changing ,my mind. I am sick of being fat - soooo fat. I have never been below a sz 14 and for once I want to be NORMAL. I always cheat on diets. I get hyped up but have trouble following through. I am at a point of no return for me and my little one. I am ready to live John10:10-the abundant life! I am ready to meet my future husband, I am ready to say BuhBye to Lane Bryant and Ashley Stewart--and hello to the Limited and Ann Taylor. I don't want any Xs or Ws in my sizes. I want to have seat belts fit easily. I am sick of turning sideways to get through an aisle. And I don't want to keep resting my hands on my stomach when I fold them over my chest. Oh so so so much I want and I think the LB may be a way to get me there. I mulled over this 20# ago last year and finally in Nov 2008 I went to the seminar at Christiana. I met with Dr. Wynn in 12/5 after waiting 4 weeks for an appt. I hear she is great! She did my coworkers byoass surgery. I am doing lots of reading and research. I wanted to keep a blog so this site is great because I can develop ties in a nonjugmental community like this one. I have set up my cardiologist and pulmonologist appts for Jan 6 and 7.  MY PMRI appt is Dec 29 and my 3 classes are Jan 5-12-19. I pray to God that Blue Cross will be merciful and accept my documentation from WW and Jenny Craig. Lord knows I have spent hundreds of dollars at those places. I didn't exactly attend those palces 3 months straight but I did at least visit the centers at least once a month over the course of several months.

I would love to have the surgery ASAP but I don't want to use so many sick days so I may wait till April and Spring Break
