Update: 3 Weeks (or so) on TPN

Feb 13, 2011

So, this TPN experience has been very interesting!

They started me off on 3 days of liquids only.  They said it's standard protocol:  they did not say that I was dehydrated.  So, for three days I had an infusion of electrolytes only.  I was still feeling REALLY terrible!  I was depleted, nauseous, and I was still vomiting.  

At some point in that 3 day period, I thought my TPN was going to be delayed by one day.  The dietitian said that it was coming "tomorrow," after I was told it would be delivered "today."  I was so sick that I called the pharmacist that  works for the agency who does my TPN to ask her what was in it.  I was going to tell my local hospital to start me THAT DAY on my TPN so I wouldn't pass out, go into a coma or worse.  The pharmacist assured me that I would start "today," and I did.

That was three weeks ago tomorrow.  So far, so good!  I feel a bit more normal.  I'm not puking 2-3 times a day or 2-3 times per week.  I can actually last 4 hours or so without feeling like I'm gonna toss my cookies.  This week, I was able to get through choir rehearsal and church service (4 hours) with no problem--a first for the past 8 months!  

I have more energy, although I'm not up to 100% yet.  I still sleep about 10-12 hours per day (my usual before surgery was 6 hours).  I'm dragging by 1pm, and I'm up usually by 4am.  It's still better than it was.  I have foregone my 4-hour midday nap.  That's progress!

I only vomited ONCE since I was on TPN, and that was because something I ate got stuck.  I had to up-chuck all the food I ate within the previous couple of hours.  My stomach was in a ton of pain, and no Peptoo or Tums would touch it:  so, I had to send it up.  That has never happened to me before.  In all my nearly 8 months of vomiting, I've always only vomited clear stuff, bile, never food.  That stuck food thing was horrible, a lot worse!  

I think I was vomiting so much because I was so depleted that I was starving, literally.  They say that nausea is thirst and vomiting is hunger; and I guess when you're malnourished, you are beyond hungry and thirsty.  Looking back, I could have never eaten enough to get out of that hole of malnutrition!  Between the vomiting and being malnourished, it was a never-ending cycle for me.  I puked because I was malnourished; and I was malnourished because I was puking!

My arm only hurt for about 8 days.  It was sore, smarting, and tender.  I guess that's what happens when someone sticks AND stitches an IV to you.  The medicine administration didn't hurt at all, my arm just hurt all the time.  Now, it only hurts when I step on the feeding tube and it pulls.  Ouch!

I'm grateful for this treatment.  What would happen if I didn't have TPN as an option?  I would have to have revision surgery, and pronto.  I am NOT under any circumstances trying to go back into surgery!  I barely left that hospital with my life, and the thought of going back terrifies me.  I'm glad that TPN works 100% of the time (they say).  

My husband and my 11-year-old daugher are a lot happier.  They were so very worried about me, having been so sick for all those months.  They breathe a bit easier, and smile a lot more (we're a pretty darned happy family, so missing smiles are very noticeable!).  Friends tell me my color is better.  My husband has stopped telling me I look frail.  My daughter only hovers 70% of the time now.  I'm sure they're glad that I can finally keep up with the laundry and housework ('cause you know THEY weren't doing it!  ).

The challenge for me during and after TPN will be keeping up my 100+ g of protein intake.  I'm dreaming of 120-150g every day.  It is so hard for me to eat that much!  I usually get in about 70g.  I haven't had luck with protein shakes other than EAS, which is only about 17g of protein.  I drink 2 of those per day, working up to 4.  They're expensive.  My hope is to find a 30g shake that works well for me:  that way, I can drink 90g per day, and whatever I eat will be extra.  That will be a huge blessing.


About Me
South Central, PA
Surgery Date
Jan 13, 2007
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