4 month update

Dec 22, 2013

Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah/Joyous Kwanzaa/Blessed Yule to everyone!

I've been to the clinic for a 4 month check up - down 4 pounds from last month (194), a bit of a stall, I'd say, however, my clothes are even looser than before so I'm not worried about the numbers. I'm getting decent protein in now that I'm drinking protein shakes in the morning ('Rooney' still doesn't like food first thing in the am). I use Six Star Pro Whey Isolate Protein powder from Shopper's Drugmart - 30 g of protein in a scoop, chocolate and vanilla. It's not bad.

I'm working on getting the water in - still a mix of fruit juice and water because plain water is a no go. And NO CAFFEINE - man they just go on and on and on about that at the clinic so ya, now I'm doing decaf tea. Still don't like decaf coffee, I mean what's the point? right? lol

I'm searching out a partner for ballroom dancing lessons in January, did that years ago and really want to go again. Keep your fingers crossed for me to find a partner - I don't know hardly any men, let alone ones interested in ballroom dancing but I'm still hopeful it will work out.

I've recently heard about some people's thyroid levels being knocked out of whack after surgery so I must remember to ask the doc to check that. Along with a baseline bone density, the dietician suggested that I start taking liquid calcium (because I can't swallow big pills). That's about it medically.

Emotionally - I've had a couple of times where I couldn't finish a meal - feeling sick (but not vomiting, I haven't done that in a long while, now that I know the 'stop' signal). Both times were when I was eating with others. So I think it's the timing of the eating. People tend to eat really fast, so I think I need to be more mindful when eating with others not to 'match their stride' so to speak.  Both times I was able to eat my meal (reheated) peacefully after the people left. It was really disappointing to have to stop eating when others continued. I was definitely feeling deprived at that moment. But, now I know, big whoop, I'll eat later. Or, in a perfect world, I'll keep my own pace and enjoy the meal along with everybody else!!

Hope everything is well with you and yours

Bright blessings for a fabulous 2014!!





About Me
Stratford, ON, XX
Surgery Date
Apr 02, 2011
Member Since

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