check in

Jun 01, 2015

omg - it's almost 2 years since surgery and I haven't updated since 7 months! My life it completely different now - so busy - so full - so happy!

I've been a stable weight for about 8 months now. I am waaaay more active than I have ever been in my entire life and I'm loving it! Loving living in this strong, healthy capable body. I feel better at 53 than I felt at 30!

Seriously, if you're looking around to see how it's worked for others, I can say my only regret is that I didn't do this sooner.

I don't miss my old 'friend' food because I've replaced it with a life of fun, activity and I'm out there instead of sitting home alone evenings and weekends eating. 

Now I'm thinking about having the plastics done to get rid of the excess skin that gets in the way of my new active life. I'll let you know how that turns out.

Bright blessings,


1 comment

7 month update

Mar 27, 2014

Hello Again Friends!

Another month has flown by - already 7 months since surgery! I've lost a bit more but definitely slowing down. Probably because of the crappy weather, I'm not getting outside as much as before and I still struggle to get enough water in. This month my adult kids and I moved my mom from the 'home place' to an apartment in my town so she could be closer. I couldn't believe how much I could do - the last time I moved it nearly killed me. It's great to be able to do physical work again.

I've noticed lately that my pouch goes through finicky spells. Something I might have eaten yesterday without difficulty is a no go today, either the texture is wrong, or the quantity - one day I can eat 1/2 cup of yogurt at a go, another day maybe only 1/4 or 1/3 tops. I have to follow my pouch's lead (not much argument there, the pain is awful) but I have to deal with the disappointment of looking forward to something and then having to leave it alone. I'm guessing this is what it's all about - from here to eternity! lol but I still think it's a small price to pay to be an 'average' size. I'm down to a size 16 and if not for all this excess skin, would likely be a 14 or even a 12. The excess skin isn't bothering me that much right now, probably because I'm pretty sure it's going to get worse. I'll deal with that as best I can once I've maintained for a year. I'm thinking a 360 Circumferential would be what I need later on, but I'll have to win the lottery to get it.

My hair has stopped falling out (yay!!) and may even be growing in again (double yay!!) so that was short-lived. People I haven't seen in a while don't recognize me, that's funny when it happens. Unfortunately I've had to reassure a couple of people that the cancer isn't back - that's not why I've lost the weight. Sheesh.

I was warned that the dynamics of some of my relationships might change after weight loss. It's true. I'm learning some great things about some people and some not so great things about others. Humans! so fickle, so imperfect, so wonderful, so bizarre sometimes!

I've joined the local Hiking club and look forward to reconnecting with nature this hiking season. I haven't taken a walk in the woods in years. If you knew me, you'd understand how vitally important this is to my sanity. Regaining the ability to spend time in the woods is soul-restoring for me. I can't wait to get my bike out again - the last time I was on it I weighed 70 pounds more. Riding is going to be a breeze!!

I feel like I'm getting back to myself - when I look at my 'before' picture I can hardly recognize that woman as me. Was that really me? Really? Wow. How unwell I was. How better I'm getting.

If you're thinking about having the surgery - just know that I wish I had have done this years ago. That's my only regret.

Hope all is well in OH Land



1 comment

6 month update

Feb 24, 2014

Greetings Everyone in OH Land!

I can hardly believe it's been 6 months already! I've been blessed with no surgical complications, no lingering food issues (sure some intolerance here and there, but brief) and I'm smaller than I've been in y.e.a.r.s.

Non-surgery victory - I no longer have to shop the 'plus' sizes. I wear a regular size. Sure, it's a big regular size (16) but regular size just the same. This is a huge change for me on soooo many levels. I am beginning to feel 'human' again. That says a lot for me, as a breast cancer survivor and obesity survivor.

I'm doing things I never thought I'd be able to do ever again. Tobogganing with my grandchildren on Family Day. We had so much fun!! 108 pounds ago, I would n.e.v.e.r. have even attempted it. I'm getting a life back. My only regret? Not having done this sooner.

If you're thinking about surgery - I weighted the pro's and con's for about 2 years. Nervous Nelly here was afraid of 'what life would look like after'. It's better than I could have dreamed it. Life is lovable again now that I've given up my love affair with food.

Speaking of food - back to having trouble getting enough protein in, the shakes were constipating me sooooo bad (no joy there, let me tell ya). Means I have to be super careful about food - which I tend to call 'fuel' instead of food. Fuel for my body and my new life - means protein protein protein, make a plan, follow the plan (portion size, meal/snack timing, water intake). Food obsession has been replaced with loving care of my body's nutritional needs. Never ever ever thought I could live like this *happily* - thought life after surgery would be non-stop feeling of deprivation - not so. Non-stop feeling of bounty.

I don't know if your experience will be (or has been) the same (*results may vary*lol) but I'm one s.a.t.i.s.f.i.e.d. customer. Life is grand. Thanks Dr. Reed!

Hope all is well in OH Land, talk to you again in 30 days (or so)!



1 comment

5 month update

Jan 25, 2014

Greetings all!

I've officially lost 100 pounds since my highest recorded weight. I can't believe it. I look at a photo of the old me and I wonder who that person was! So many changes since then and not just what I eat, how much I move. My whole outlook on life has changed. People who haven't seen me in a while don't recognize me, that's kinda funny.

Recent blood work has changed my thyroid med. Upping the dose, which is weird because I hear a lot of people lower their dose after surgery, but whatevs, as long as I'm ok I don't care which way that goes. I still can't drink plain water. I'm realizing that everything hurts to eat unless I s.l.o.w. down and chew chew chew chew. No such thing as grabbing a quick bite, not even tiny ones! Soup is ok, hot drinks ok, and sugary fattening things do not give me any trouble what so ever. Unfortunately. Which means I'm going to have to be the gatekeeper on that stuff. I don't deprive myself but I don't indulge either (not since Christmas, that is!) I'm able to have beef (if it's been cooked in stew or soup) and I've had a wee bit of ham or bacon cut up into an omellette. I don't push that yet though, just trying it out right now. Cooked vegs and salads take some serious time to eat. Lots of chewing and spacing between bites. Most times it takes 40 minutes to eat a meal (without pain or getting a case of the foamies). I am plagued by constipation (not enough water, likely) my surgery twin suggested the clear metamucil, I'm trying it starting today.

My dog and I walk walk walk walk walk. She'd like me to run run run run run but I don't see that happening anytime soon - it's 30 below and there's 3 feet of snow on the ground!! Maybe in the spring!~

I guess I don't have much to report. Life goes back to regularly scheduled programming (minus the food issues) if you're lucky. I was/am lucky.

Hope all is well in OH Land





4 month update

Dec 22, 2013

Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah/Joyous Kwanzaa/Blessed Yule to everyone!

I've been to the clinic for a 4 month check up - down 4 pounds from last month (194), a bit of a stall, I'd say, however, my clothes are even looser than before so I'm not worried about the numbers. I'm getting decent protein in now that I'm drinking protein shakes in the morning ('Rooney' still doesn't like food first thing in the am). I use Six Star Pro Whey Isolate Protein powder from Shopper's Drugmart - 30 g of protein in a scoop, chocolate and vanilla. It's not bad.

I'm working on getting the water in - still a mix of fruit juice and water because plain water is a no go. And NO CAFFEINE - man they just go on and on and on about that at the clinic so ya, now I'm doing decaf tea. Still don't like decaf coffee, I mean what's the point? right? lol

I'm searching out a partner for ballroom dancing lessons in January, did that years ago and really want to go again. Keep your fingers crossed for me to find a partner - I don't know hardly any men, let alone ones interested in ballroom dancing but I'm still hopeful it will work out.

I've recently heard about some people's thyroid levels being knocked out of whack after surgery so I must remember to ask the doc to check that. Along with a baseline bone density, the dietician suggested that I start taking liquid calcium (because I can't swallow big pills). That's about it medically.

Emotionally - I've had a couple of times where I couldn't finish a meal - feeling sick (but not vomiting, I haven't done that in a long while, now that I know the 'stop' signal). Both times were when I was eating with others. So I think it's the timing of the eating. People tend to eat really fast, so I think I need to be more mindful when eating with others not to 'match their stride' so to speak.  Both times I was able to eat my meal (reheated) peacefully after the people left. It was really disappointing to have to stop eating when others continued. I was definitely feeling deprived at that moment. But, now I know, big whoop, I'll eat later. Or, in a perfect world, I'll keep my own pace and enjoy the meal along with everybody else!!

Hope everything is well with you and yours

Bright blessings for a fabulous 2014!!






Nov 26, 2013

Seemed like I was never going to break below the 200's and today - WooT!! - 198 !! Holy man, I haven't been on this side of 200 for years and years and years! It feels Fabulous!

Just yesterday I moved my keyboard from my desk top onto the keyboard tray underneath. I have NEVER been able to do that - too much tummy in the way - so now I work more ergonomically and less back strain!

I'm loving this!

hope all is well in OH Land




3 month update

Nov 21, 2013

Greetings! I can't believe it's been 3 months already! That means I can try salads - YaY!!

I'm feeling better than every now that I'm drinking protein shakes for breakfast and getting 800 - 1000ml of water in a day. I know the water is still low, but I'm working on it!

I recently got a dog - a very active dog - so I'm walking 5 - 7km a day just to keep her entertained! No time for the gym - and getting lots of exercise! Still haven't broken through the 200 pound threshold yet ... maybe next month... clothes are getting bigger every day. I'm going to ValuVillage this weekend to look for some clothes for work. I'm beginning to look a little ... sloppy. Pants won't stay up, shirts obviously too big. Isn't that grand?!

Other than that, nothing new really. I'm a little bored with food, cooking for one can be a challenge, but starting salads might help with that. Also, Christmas/Yule/Solstice is coming, so I'll be busy preparing for that shortly. Surprisingly, I don't mind making food that only others could eat (because it's too high sugar/fat for me). And I don't feel deprived. I still have the "that's not for me' thoughts in my head. Maybe that's newbie good luck, but I'll take it!

I haven't had the foamies or felt sick at all for quite a while now. Maybe 'Rooney' and I are finally getting used to each other!

Hope all is well in OH Land!




2 month update

Oct 25, 2013

I've been busy living life (ain't that GRAND!!) and had little time and not much news to report. This past week or so, I've been feeling pretty shitty - tired, cranky, flu-ish. Then I had a surgery buddy come over for tea and she noticed that I'm pretty low on protein. She suggested getting my first protein in at breakfast, and it's worked like a charm. I'm not a big breakfast fan, but if I persist and get an egg in there, Rooney treats me better all day - lots less 'foamies' and nausea.

I'm feeling pretty good again. Still have some lightheadedness from time to time and my centre of gravity is off a bit, I fell down yesterday when I tripped on my throw rug, it's like once I start going down I can't right myself!! I should take sailing lessons or something...

Back to the dietician/nurse on Nov 1, so we'll see what trouble I'm in with them, lol!!

Hope all is well in OH Land.




back to the gym at 7 weeks post-op

Oct 07, 2013


Started back at the gym today. Went real easy - my body loved it even though I have to start all over again, seems I've lost whatever strength I had built May to August :( oh well.

A couple of people have asked if I miss anything and as far as food goes, no, I don't miss anything. The only thing I really miss is being able to pour a tall glass of water and just chug it down. This sip.sip.sip deal is frustrating! 'Rooney' has gotten even more finicky, so I've stepped back a bit, and am eating only soft foods again like scrambled egg, cr of mushroom soup, apple sauce etc. She had been tolerating roast chicken but I threw that up yesterday, so I guess she needs a break.

Has anybody else found that they sometimes have to 'step back' in the food plan? or have things they used to tolerate become intolerable? I used to have no problem with plain water, now it needs some juice in it or Rooney threatens to 'send it back where it came from'.

However, I'm currently wearing the smallest pair of pants I own, and wondering how long I'm going to fit them.... I've lost 72 pounds since I started this journey 3 years ago so I'm super happy about that.

That's about it for me, just keepin' on keepin' on.

Hope all is well in OH land



just keep on keepin' on

Sep 26, 2013

I was in to see the surgeon for my post-op check. Everything is fine. Now I just keep seeing the nurse/dietician unless an issue arises. Dr Reed informed me that I will lose muscle mass as I lose weight, and research is not decided on whether weight training this early is beneficial or not due to the serious lack of protein. He suggested that when my hair stops falling out (around 8 months) I can try back at the gym, assuming I'll be getting enough protein by then. He does encourage walking, biking and swimming, so I will continue with that. I hate weight training anyways, and if I'm not going to benefit from it, well, forget that.

I tried some fish today. Rooney no like fish. Maybe I'm trying too many new things at once. I'll leave off the fish for a while.

I feel like an archeologist - I'm finding bones everywhere! lol People at work are noticing. Most keep asking, "How do you feel?". I'm fine of course, but they're a little freaked out I guess. Oh well!

I'm taking the vitamins so my energy level is improving, even if I'm not getting all the food I need yet. I'm so impatient! I want it to be a year from now! lol - don't wish your life away, my mom always says.

I'm still amazed at the way that my food obsession seems to be *snapped*. I just eat what I'm supposed to, buy food that I require and that's that. No more wandering the store, shame and guilt-ridden, arguing with myself "will I or won't I?" "should I or not?" over all the bad food choices I was desperately trying not to make. Now I just go in and get what I need. End of story. I hope this lasts past the first year! I do so enjoy the freedom from the obsession.

I've also quit chewing my nails. I don't know why, I just don't. I'm not trying not to, I just don't. Maybe I was more anxious than I thought re: food issues.

Hope all is well in OH Land,




About Me
Stratford, ON, XX
Surgery Date
Apr 02, 2011
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