I am a 38 year old woman who has been fat since the 4th grade.  I can remember feeling fatter than the other kids at school even though they never made fun of me.  At least they never said anything to my face.  I joined Weight Watchers in the 7th grade with my mother.  I remember the humiliation when I had to give a note to my teacher from my mother, telling him that I was on Weight Watchers and because I was drinking alot more water I may have to use the bathroom more often than normal.  He told me that I didn't have to ask permission, I could just go whenever I needed to.  I never did.  In highschool, I hated going to the mall with my friends.  They would shop for clothes and nothing would fit me.  I ended up buying shoes or  sunglasses.  My weight has always been a factor in anything I do.  I don't go the movies because the seats are uncomfortable.  Same goes for flying.  I only go to restaurants that I know don't have chairs with arms on them because it hurts my hips.  I am getting to be a pro at avoiding having my picture taken, although I can't be invisable all the time. 

I made the decision to have gastric bypass after I had my first son.  My doctor at the time was supportive of my decision but she advised me to wait until I was done having kids.  So I had my second son and went back to the doctor, I had a different doctor this time.  He wasn't supportive of the surgery at all.  I waited another 2 years and went back to talk to him about it again and to my surprise he was totally on board!  So he submitted my referral and got this ball rolling for me. 

I finally had my surgery on May 30th, 2011 and I am so excited for my life to get better.  It's only been 2 weeks but my blood sugar has come back to normal, my feet don't swell up anymore and my blood pressure is perfect.  Before surgery my blood pressure was a little unpredictable, now it's a cool 118/78.  It was worth the surgery for those reasons alone.  I think I will learn to love my RNY! :)

About Me
Sudbury, XX
Surgery Date
Mar 04, 2010
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Before & After
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Smiling, but not happy.
6 years later...enjoying every day!

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