Brian Lane

" Dr Lane has dissapeared. I contacted the BEST bariatric surgeon in the country, who works at Mayo Clinic, and sent him all of my surgical records. It was his opinion that Dr. Lane DID NOT give me a weight loss surgery, he only rearranged my anatomy. I can not find him anywhere on the internet so I am not sure if he is in Mexcio, Canada or just not working anywhere. The Toledo U Hosp is a very prominent hospital and thought this Dr was as well. No wonder they must have asked him to leave after a year or so."

Brian Lane

"1 year and 8 months later and this VSG was a HORRIBLE choice. I am only down 30 pounds. I have had trouble loosing weight. Only after upping my thyroid meds was I able to take off some weight this summer. Dr Lane left UT and now I dont know where he is. I met with Amy at my first visit. She was very easy to talk too and was extremely knowledgable about all WLS aspects. She made me feel very much at ease and confident. I had my surgery on 4/20/09. I had some unforeseen complications (that can happen with any revision surgery) The staff at UTMC was great I met with my 'surgical team' everyday. Not only does Dr Lane visit, but interns are also on your case and check in on you. It makes you feel like an 'important' person to have so many people working for you. I live 45 miles from Toledo and have gone back several times for office visits. I have never had trouble getting med refills or a nurse on the phone to answer questions. If you are considering WLS then Dr. Lane is a top-notch choice. You also have an excellent care team provided by the University of Toledo staff as well. Thanks to Dr. Lane and Amy and everyone for taking such good care of me."

Medical College of Ohio

"My care team was exceptional. I was very well taken care of and loved all of my nurses (well, there was one who wasn't assigned to me but gave me some grief) The biggest problem I had was my roomate was the Roomate from HELL. It wasnt HER exactly as her family and the fact that no one put batteries in the poor womans hearing aid so everyone that came in to speak to her had to YELL at her to communicate (That is always pleasant at 3am). Her family was very loud and rude. Her son-in-law kept peaking thru the curtain at me, I had to have the nurses paperclip the curtains closed and ask him not to come on my side of the room to 'look out the window". When she had guests I felt trapped in my bed- I couldn;t even use the bathroom cuz they all sat infront of the door on her side. I had to ask for 2 days until they found me ear plugs. By day 6 I was at my wits end. I had complained several times about the noise issue. I had not slept in days because of the noise and after a glitch in my feeding machine left me soaked with solution I tried calling the nurses station but cuz my neighbor was getting a sponge bath and they were YELLING at her to instruct her on what they were doing the nurse at the station didnt hear me. I yelled, 'FINE ILLL DO IT MYSELF" then broke down into tears. The nurse came in and defended herself while I was standing there half naked and soaked. SHe then said "Well, your not going to go home until you can show that you can be more independant" - well EXCUSE me for asking for help. I wouldve made an official complaint against the rude woman if she hadn't given me a private room when I explained to her how unhappy I was and asked if I could get moved. I was so happy to get my own room I let it go. Otherwise I was extremely happy with my care. "
About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 24, 2009
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