Week 9

Oct 14, 2013

I just wanted to check in and update!

Things are going well, other than a little issue with nausea and vomiting that ended in dehydration and some IV fluids. I'm not sure if I had a virus or what?? Or maybe my tummy was just irritated? My dose of omeprazole was increased for a couple of weeks and I am feeling MUCH better! I really struggled with nausea and vomiting in the beginning. I'm so glad that part of the journey is behind me. 

To date I have lost 53 pounds. I have a lot more energy to do the things I want to do. I am still off of all diabetes medications. RIght now I am working on trying to bump up the exercise. I have been exercising but not necessarily formal exercise. So maybe I would take my little guy to the park and chase him around... Or leisurely walk through the mall. I need to bump it up a little bit but I'm not sure what form that is going to take. I've been walking on my lunch but I'd like to find something else, especially with cold weather coming. It would either have to be before work. I AM SO NOT A MORNING PERSON! I hit snooze 3 times before I can drag myself out of bed and would negotiate with the devil himself to get a few more minutes! Or, I could go later at night after dinner, about 8 pm. I am a little reluctant to do that because I am worried it will keep my awake. I am going to have to do something though. I've been looking into classes at the YMCA and there are a few later ones. I feel a little self conscious still in regards to my size and taking a class. If I could find something I really enjoy that would make it a lot easier to exercise. 

Eating is going ok. I still struggle to get in 75 G of protein a day. Today I got to 72. Protein shakes are still making me nauseous but I did try a new recipe tonight. I made a smoothie with light vanilla soy milk, a banana, 2 peach halves canned in juice, a light Greek yogurt (vanilla), and packet of the syntrax nectar fuzzy navel protein powder. I also threw in about 4 ice cubes. I blended it until the ice was crushed then I divided it into 3rds. Each serving had 15 G protein and about 160 cal. I guess that is a little high calorie wise, but I always have plenty of calories left at the end of the day and am low in protein. I have to get that protein up before I run into trouble. I don't know how people do it !!!! I can only get in about 2 ounces of protein at a time. 

There are a few things I still can't tolerate. Beef that isn't ground comes back up every time. I hope this passes. I love steak and am not much of a chicken eater! Eggs are iffy. I would say about half the time they go down ok, and half of the time I regret eating them. In terms of dumping, it doesn't happen often but fruit juices are the devil! I've had a bite here and there of sweet foods but I seem to have lost my taste for them so I haven't tested the water. In the beginning sweet tastes triggered nausea so I still have that diversion.  Little bits of pasta, rice, and potatoes go down ok. Bread makes my pouch hurt a little so I avoid it. I don't really miss the bread or the sweets which surprises me. I do miss the steak. 

Since I can only eat small amounts I've been trying to stick to foods that I really want. When I was craving Lebanese food I  went to a Lebanese deli and got a tablespoon full of couscous and some fatoosh. My whole meal was less than $2 and was delicious. Its kind of fun! I've been experimenting with different vegetables too. I cooked a stripetti squash and had it with a couple of turkey meatballs and some marinara. I've also become obsessed with cookbooks and cooking shows. I don't know what that's about but my husband seems to be enjoying it! 

The weight loss is slowing down but I am still averaging a few pounds a week. It's not quite as exciting as it was in the beginning but at least the scale is still moving downward :)


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Apr 07, 2013
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