Day 3 Post Op - Miserable

Jul 31, 2013

Well yesterday went down hill pretty fast. My IV blew so they went to the back up they put in my foot during surgery since they had so much trouble getting one in me. I have holes on my legs, both feet, my shoulders, at least 7 black and blue marks on each arm. Probably not an hour after switching to my foot IV it started burning really bad and they had to stop it. They send someone up to try to start another one with no luck. I spent the night without an IV trying to get in my fluids on my own, but everything bubbled right back up when I tried to sip so I was not able to get much in. I did manage 5 oz of protein and maybe the same of crystal light, but was so nauseated when I woke up they had to get an IV in me to get better meds started. I had to get a pick IV started in interventional radiology under ultrasound so they could see deeper veins to use. It has been working, but next they sent me to get an upper GI and that was the worst. I couldn't drink the required fluids for nourishment and they were telling me to drink this horrible Windex tasting shit faster than I couldn't possibly drink anything. I of course got sick but luckily not enough to have to try to drink it all over again. It showed no leaks thank god. When I got back from all my tests around 2:00 today I went for a little walk and finally got them to let me sleep an hour. They still came in and woke me for a bunch of reasons every 10 mins but when I woke up I felt so much better. I walked a few laps until my side felt like it was going to tear off. Had some liquid vicodin and have been sitting up feeling almost normal for a couple hours now. I've been able to pass gas and while drinking still bubbles some I am doing a ton better than I was. I'll be honest I was regretting putting myself through this until now. I am so thankful for my mom and husband. They took great care of me while here and I love them so much for it. If everything continues to go well I should be able head home tomorrow. I just hope I stay feeling well once I get home and off the IV fluids.


Day 2 post op

Jul 31, 2013

Well I survived. My surgery was 4 hours long and everything went as planned. I've officially joined the DS family. Yesterday was pretty uneventful. I was up attempting to walk the first time at 10pm. I didn't make it too far before I felt sick. I was able to get my catheter removed at that time and they have me up walking every 4 hours. I can do about two laps before my incisions feel like they are burning. Other than the burning I feel fine walking and could go further.

I've been able to get in 2 oz of protein so far and a little water. Not a ton. I prefer the Ice chips over sipping water because I feel less likely to over drink. I am pretty tired. They want me sitting up as often as I can now but I have not had a lot of un interrupted  sleep so I keep dozing off just typing this.

The worst part of things so far was the attempt to get an IV in. After 7 tried they settled for a mediocre one and planned to try again after they put me under. I am filled with holes. They stick with the mediocre one but I have a back up in my foot incase this one blows. It is really uncomfortable having it in my foot.

Well woo hoo to life changing. I should get to go home sometime tomorrow to get  things started on my own. I hope to get as much sleep as possible tonight so I'm not overly tired when I get home.


Final Pre Op.

Jul 25, 2013

My final pre op appointment was on 7/19/13, but the blog has not allowed me to type a post until today.

First of all there was a close call... I have only told 3 people at work, one being my manager to get the time off, because I did not want to talk about it 24/7, get a lot of attention, or have 15 people trying to visit me in the hospital. I work in the hospital that I'm having my DS at so it would have been too easy for everyone including those I'm not really fond of to stop by. Maybe some people would like the attention but being laid up in a hospital bed feeling fat and miserable is not a time when I feel like seeing a lot of people. I will tell them when I come back to work. So anyway I check in for my appointment and they tell me to head to the shop and put in my post op order for my protein product so I can pick it up after my appointment. I walk into the shop and scan the people in it and of course there's one of my  co-workers who had a RNY earlier this year. Thank God her back was to me. I quickly left and asked if I could wait in the back area until she left. We managed to get out of there without being seen... I think.

So the actual appointment fine. I had lost 4.5 pounds in the week since my previous appointment. I thought this was awesome, but they didn't seem too thrilled. Maybe it was because I was the last appointment of the day but I felt like I failed them some how by not losing more. That made it 19 pounds since June 5th. June 5th I started my own diet of 1500 cal a day just to start dropping as much as I could before surgery to make sure they could do it all at once. After my appointment I did my final pre-op lab draw and headed home.

July 14th I started the pre-op diet consisting of only the protein infused foods my surgeons office sells equaling 800-900 cal a day. I stuck as close to 800 a day as I could to make sure I lost as much as I could and dropped 4.5 pounds the first 4 days. I lost two more pounds since the pre-op appointment the 19th bringing me up to a 22 pound loss, but after that I screeched to a halt. It couldn't be more frustrating to eat 800 crappy calories and stop losing weight. I've made a point to keep active. Yard work (trimming tree's, weeding the garden, and push mowing the law), house work, 15min walk, etc. but no loss. Yesterday I gave in after a third day of No loss and called the dietician at Dr. Kemmeters office. She said maybe I was burning too many of the calories and to add one more product a day to get me closer to 900 calories. This is my 2nd day making that happen and it does not seem to be making a difference. I just don't want to get to my surgery date and have them thinking I was not sticking to the diet. I haven't even tasted anything other than what they said I could. I'm following the diet and taking my vitamins religiously. I'm going to be devastated if I can't get the entire DS done in one surgery because my liver did not shrink enough or any of the other reasons they are not able to. I want my life to change now.

Wish me luck only 3 1/4 days to go!


Pre-Op Appointment

Jul 12, 2013

Just got home from my Pre-Op appt. Starting Iron and ADEK tomorrow. Lost 14 pounds so far. Everything is still a go for surgery. I start an 800 calorie per day diet tomorrow eating only protein infused product from the store the surgeons office has. Spent $235 just on a 14 day supply. They want me eating within 1 1/2 hours of waking up and every 2-3 hours after that.

My husband and I went out and splurged one last time. We went to a buffet and of course neither of us could even eat much to splurge because our stomachs have gotten use to not eating a lot. We did get to enjoy some foods we haven't been eating though. I'm slow consuming maybe the last piece of cake I'll ever have :(. Its so sad to think how much I'll miss certain foods. It will be so worth it though.

I go back the 19th to check my blood work one last time and then surgery on the 29th!!

16 1/2 days :)


Surgery is scheduled

Jun 28, 2013

My surgery is scheduled for 7/29/13. I just have to get my Vitamin D up from a horrifying 16 to around 40 and lose as much weight before surgery as I can.

I want this so bad at this point that the fear of not getting my D up or enough weight off is all I think about. I don't want to wait for this life altering surgery any longer.

Being over weight my entire life with an all time high of 380 horrifies me. I feel miserable and can't do half of what I use to as far as activities. I'm currently at 369 and even though it is not a huge difference it is enough for me to feel a tiny bit better. !

Bring on the change!

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Grand Rapids, MI
Jun 28, 2013
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