New pictures

May 06, 2015


21 Months - I'm a slacker

May 05, 2015

So I didn't want to be someone who stopped posting so I suck for that. I'm still here and slowly losing. I think when the weight loss slows down you lose all motivation to keep on posting because there is not a whole lot to update. I will get a better update with pictures soon. Made it down to 190 pounds woo hoo but damn it I need to keep going. I've gone back to protein shakes for breakfast so try to keep things rolling. I think it is helping but I haven't been doing it long. Weather is warming up so I'll be more active as well.

Have to get ready for work now but I will post pictures soon.


11 1/2 Months

Jul 12, 2014

I can't believe it has already almost been a year since I had my DS. I still believe it is the best decision I could have made. I'm down 166 pounds weighing in at 213. So close to being under 200. The weight loss does slow and you start to feel like this is where you will end up then finally a couple pounds come off. So slowly but surely I still have hopes to reach my goal of 130 pounds. For my height I will still be chunky but I'm good with that. I will be so much skinnier than I have ever been and super happy. People have really started to notice the loss and that makes me smile.

Still no complications. Anal fissures I will say are the worst part of it. They are sort of common because of our different bowl movements and they are in no way comfortable. I only bring this up because while I've had them several times since having the DS I'm just getting over the worst longest lasting one ever. I was getting really worried it might need surgical attention because of how painful it was and did not seem to be getting better. I bought some preparation H the internal and external cream and it helped some. I stopped using it after 3 days to let things dry up and while it still was not comfortable today it is no where near as painful.


Now for the pictures.




10 months

Jun 03, 2014

Well I am just starting my 10th month and things are still going great. Slow but great. I'm down 158 pounds. Still hope to make it under 200 by my hear mark. I'm weighing in at 221 today so I think it is do able by July 29th. I just joined a local gym since we moved and I am finally going to get my butt into gear and get some good exercise added to my routine to keep things moving and hopefully speed the loss back up. Only lost 8 pounds this past month which is great, but I like to see the scale results.

People are starting to notice the loss a lot. I get facebook messages when pictures of me are posted about how great I'm looking and what is my secret. Those close to me know I had surgery and i'd honestly rather not tell everyone. Not because I'm ashamed, but I know not everyone understands even though we had surgery to give us an extra weight loss tool we still have to diet and exercise. I shouldn't care what people think, but I still feel like it is looked at as the easy way out so I avoid answering the what is my secret question or say super low carb high protein diet with exercise. I just feel like such a liar and don't want to be that person.


No comparison photo's for this post but I do have a few recent pictures to post. Still a long way to go, but happy with the progress.




  Photo             Photo: Rescued a baby deer from the middle of the road. Thought she was dead until I picked her up. She is back in the woods with her mom now.          

Months 7-9 Slacking

May 03, 2014

Wow time fly's. I am clearly being a slacker on the blog. I'm just starting my 9th month. I can hardly believe It has been 9 months since I had my DS already. I'm so close to a year out. I'll be honest. I hoped I would see myself as a lot skinnier by now. I still just see how far I have to go. Even though I know the progress I have made is HUGE I just can't stop focusing on how far I still have to go. Still so thankful for my DS and I am so much happier with myself now that I have lost so much weight.

Now for the month break down and all of my slacking excuses. When month 7 came along I was feeling like I hadn't lost enough or looked different enough to even bother with updating pictures so I didn't and that lead to me not posting. I was going to at least post about how I was feeling and then just never did it. I haven't run into any new issues in the last few months. Still feel like a normal person who can't eat much. Still missing carbs, but doing my damnedest to stay under 50 a day. I can pretty easily do it these days at least but still want so many things that are so many carbs.

Alright the month break down. I at least still write my weights down on a little calendar so I can tell you what my weight progress was. In the last post at 6 months I had lost 121 pounds so far weighing in at 258. The weight started dropping so slow and I know people hit stalls and say you still lose inches and I felt that in my clothes but couldn't see it in the mirror so it really doesn't please me as much as scale movement does. Anyway at 7 months  (March 2nd) I weighed in at 249 making my total weight loss 130. So I lost 9 pounds in month 7. Month 8 I has so much going on I seriously slacked on writing down my weights. I don't have anything to report at the beginning of April or pretty much that entire month because of it. We have been in the middle of moving, finding new jobs, and finishing a semester of school so I've been super stressed. So I can give you a weight to start off month 9 and that is today's weight of 229 so I am officially down 150 pounds today.

230 was my next goal because it is the last weight I remember from growing up because I remember saying that was my weight when I got my drivers license. So I'm officially under what I was at age 16 :) everything after this is lower than I ever remember being. My next goal is under 200 pounds so I have 30 pounds to go. If I can keep dropping 10 pounds a month I would hope to be under 200 in 3 months so I guess that is my year weight loss goal. That would be 180 pounds lost in a year.

Alright so here's the updated comparison pictures. I did take one in the 8th month planning to post an update and then still never did. Oh and I'm starting to notice bones. My collar bones stick out a bit and my shoulders are sort of boney. I kept poking one thinking I had a lump or something and after a while I finally realized it's just bone. It's funny how you start to discover things like bone.


I did end up having to get a new sweatshirt because I was looking ridiculous in my old one. It swallowed me whole and was practically to my knee's. I bought an XL in mens and the following picture is right after I got it. I think this was early in month 7 because it is already pretty big on me. I find I actually like to try on clothes these days because I never know what size I wear now and lets face it even though I have more weight to lose I look a million times better 150 pounds lighter. I bought the suite outfit for job interviews. I actually felt sort of skinny in that picture.


In-Laws & Vacation

Feb 15, 2014

It was pointed out that I never mentioned if my in-laws noticed the weight loss and how all that went in Florida.

No one said anything about noticing I lost weight. I did end up telling them I had surgery because I started to feel like a jerk being super picky about what I was eating and how much I was eating. The first time I felt silly was my first meal in Florida. We went to Junkaroo's and I read over the menu to find some protein and the best I found not breaded was shrimp. I asked the waiter to make it just shrimp instead of being on a bed of rice. Of course It was brought to me with the rice because the waiter was a major tool, but we wont get into all that. So on top of my massive pile of rice was three pieces of shrimp. They were bigger at least and I would never have spent $16 on three pieces of shrimp but I figured it was enough for me. My husbands Aunt and Uncle were with us and they were pissed for me. For some reason sometimes shrimp doesn't sit well for me so after two pieces of shrimp I was in pain. I did not want to finish it but felt like it was a dead give away that something was up. Fat girl eating two pieces of shrimp and being full yeah right. They kept trying to give me their food and I kept trying to make up a reason for not wanting it and I finally just told those two about surgery. It was so much easier than having to keep denying food and feeling awkward about not eating and being fine with it. They were happy for me and had lots of questions. I told them I haven't told anyone else and would when I was ready.

I think a couple days passed of me saying could we get something non water, diet, and non carbonated to drink, I can't eat that too many carbs, I could use some high protein no to low carb snacks around here. We had rented a house on the beach and Blake and I flew there and they drove so we had no way to go to the store and felt stuck with what they bought. I felt a little blown off when asked if we could pick these things up and it was out of my control with no vehicle. I thought we would all go to the store as a group so I could get what I needed. Luckily I packed my own protein powder and some quest bars so I had something. One night they were planning lasagna for dinner and I said I couldn't eat it and they said what about all this and then finally settled on picking up some fish for me. I felt like such a jerk because I wasn't eating anything they bought and the only one being picky so I told them. They then said they had noticed I was thinner and had a lot of questions. I was relieved to not have to explain why I couldn't eat certain things and look silly being a fat girl eating a couple bites and being done. So the rest of the trip was pretty good except then they were being super caring asking if I could eat everything or if I needed something else.  Here are some pictures from the trip.


My Husband and his brothers Seth (18) and Chase (17)

Blake's Step Dads Mom, His Step Dad, Blake, His Mom, and his brothers.

Blakes Aunt and Uncle


And more pics just to share...



1 comment

6 Months

Feb 08, 2014

Down 121 pounds so far. The pounds are dropping slow but at least still dropping. I can see a difference in pictures and feel it in my clothes so that is awesome. I had a closet full of smaller sizes from gaining weight and my mom giving me some of her old clothes so I tried them all on again today.... and everything fits. I've gone from a size 32 jeans to a size 22 jeans. I prefer my clothes to fit a little loose still so the 22's are not ideal but they fit good enough to wear out if I wanted to. I finally started going to the gym so that might be part of the reason I've been in a 3 week stall. I assume I need to catch up with muscle gain before the scale will drop again.

My 6 months labs had me up my vitamin A again and my Iron. We are watching Zinc because it dropped but is not yet low. My Cholestaerol is flagged as low with a total of 103. I never had cholesterol problems so they are not too worried about it just guessing it is due to my malabsorption. I was also told to do better at getting my protein in because I could only say I was getting 60-90grams and they want me to get 100-120 minimu. They said it will help my weight loss pick up as well so I've been trying to get more protein shakes in. I started adding two scoops to decaff coffee in the morning instead of one but it just doesn't not taste good so I'm searching for tastier shake ideas to get more in. They would like me to get 3 in a day giving me 90 grams of protein plus whatever I eat in the day. I don't have a problem keeping my carbs low.

well here's some new pics.



5 Months

Dec 28, 2013

Today starts my 5th month post op. The past months weight loss was a bit slower with only a 2 pound loss most weeks. I'd love it to keep dropping 4 pounds a week but I'm just happy the weight is dropping. Down 108 pounds so far. I started in a size 32 jeans at my highest weight and now I can button and zip a size 22. 22's are not comfortable, but getting them up is an accomplishment.

Nothing much else to report. Headed to Florida for a week soon and while I wish I had lost a ton more before being on a beach I'm so ready for the vacation. I did try my bathing suit on and while it is still usable it is a little big in parts. It looks much better on me now than it did when I wore it last. Maybe if I'm feeling really good about myself I will post some pictures after my trip.



Dec 07, 2013

Well I'm a little into my 5th month now and things are still going well. This morning I hit 100 pounds lost. Woo Hoo. My only complaint is 100 pounds is such a huge number and I wish I looked like I lost 100 pounds. I know it will come with time and I am happy with my loss so far just want to see it in myself.

I feel a lot better every day. One night as I was leaving class I got tired of waiting for the elevator so I said screw it lets use the stairs because I was tired and thinking we were going down for some reason. Once I got to the stairs I was like crap its up 2 flights too late now I'm doing it. These were not 2 quick flights though its go up 15 turn a corner and go up another 15 stairs before you get to the next floor. I made it and didn't feel winded at all my skinny husband on the other hand was huffing and puffing. Funny how that works. In your face skinny man .

149 more pounds to lose before I get to my goal of 130 pounds. Crossing my fingers that things keep coming off. The only complications I had in my 4th month were the worst bowl movement of my life and killer Apple Pie on Thanksgiving. I wont go into a ton of detail on the bowl movement because no one really wants to read about that but I must have been a tad constipated and the energy, tears, and sweat it took to get it out was insane. I don't want to experience that again. The Apple Pie was my first real sugary food since surgery and clearly too much. I did not eat the crust but I was loving the sugar on top. I only had a small piece and didn't even finish all of the apples from it but about an hour later it felt like someone had my entire stomach in a tight fist and kept squeezing. I laid in bed in the fetal position for an hour waiting for the pain to stop. I'm not doing that again anytime soon.

Going to Florida with the in-laws January 4th-11th so I hope December is a big weight loss month. They don't know I had surgery and I want to look as different as I can before I see them. They live out of state so we only see them a few times a year. Last time I saw them I was at my highest weight and decided enough was enough.


Happy Birthday from my DS

Nov 15, 2013

Yesterday was my birthday and for a while now I was determined I was going to have at least a bite of cake.

I went to Red Lobster for dinner with my Dad and Husband and got the Harbor bake. It was pretty amazing. Muscles, Scallops, Shrimp, and Lobster on top of garlic butter pasta. I didn't touch the pasta of course but the rest tasted great and I dipped it all in butter to fatten it up to make my DS happy.

I decided that was all good enough and I'd still rather not eat anything that will get in the way of my weight loss so I avoided sweets. I woke up this morning down 2 more pounds making my weight loss at 90 pounds :).


I started at my surgeons office in June at 379 pounds had surgery 7/29/13 at 354 and I'm now at 289 :) 10 more pounds to 100 lost! I LOVE my DS.


About Me
Grand Rapids, MI
Jun 28, 2013
Member Since

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