is this the right thing?

Jun 04, 2007

Okay here i am today.  I sent out to all my online friends a topic about the Lap Band and was it right for me the way i eat.  You know some people are bulk eaters, emotional eaters, or grazers. I'm sure there is a bunch inbetween,  but since mine is Grazing, the list stops there.  I have all along thought that weight loss surgery was the way i needed to go, I just never thought that RNY was for me. So when I discovered Lap band and got over the whole freaky thing about something inside me forever,  EEeekk!!  I thought this was my lifeline to the other side.  Then, after being online and listening to other LBers it seems that they were all Bulkees, and so the restriction is good for them. . .But what about grazers.  I posted the question and basically got no  support, everyone is "grazing will defeat any WLS"  "sucks to be you" and so on.  I was hoping for a bit more positive you know like  "  Girl no problem this will fix everything thats wrong". . . okay maybe not that positive ;P  But the fact now i think, is that i am actually so close, I am starting to play with myself with just anoher failed attempt.  I suppose if i set it up now it will be easier to take later right? You know what i need to do is, I need to get off this negative ride I am on.  I'm going uptown tonight.  Driver!!

Here we go!

May 24, 2007

I have joined a great support group and they are very supportive.  It looks like i will have to be a self pay so I am now on the search for a surgeon.  Its kind of scary how many are out there.  I have got to say, some have been rather "excited" at the thought of a self pay. . .Hmmm.  I am at this time seeking out the ones from my group and if that doesn't work, I will continue my circle out.  Wish me luck!!  May 24th 2007

About Me
Surgery Date
May 03, 2007
Member Since

Friends 39

Latest Blog 22
Life is better
unfil and done
Not again!
Another CC please!
I've got good news and bad news
Here I sit. . .
one week after. . .
Second Fill and life feels. . . Tight
If you ask me, its 5 pounds and I'm stickin to it!!
