August 15, 2011

Aug 15, 2011

Everything is still going great!! Down 109lbs thus far, yay!! I am happy about my weight loss so far at this point, although I think the last 2 months, my loss has slowed down. I am averaging about ten pound loss a month. Nothing to put my nose up to, but was hoping it would still keep going faster than that. I just have to take it in stride and just be thankful, it's still going down. Slowly now but surely, I guess I just don't want it to stop. Needless to say everything is going great, I am careful with what I eat and how much of it I eat. Some things like cherries I keep eating to much of and am having to stop eating it out of a bag, so I don't eat too many. I just love them and it goes down so nice and easy.

I bought my first black dress the other day and it looks great, I was so happy because I remember always trying on dresses and skirts and rememberinmg how offel they looked. This dress is actually a 3 in 1 style so I am able to wear it  as dress or a happy about that.

I started out at 354 pre op, 336 at surgery date and now down to 245lbs, my goal is to hit 199lbs and then I will set another long term goal of hitting 180lbs...I am 6 feet so I think that would be a great body weight for me. Can't wait to be in the 100's...such a life changing tool, I am so happy I finally decided to go with the RNY. I love my RNY!! It's changed my life!! 

July 2 2011

Jul 02, 2011

It's been a while since I posted and thought I would post something for an update. So far everything has been going well. My blood tests have been coming in good this time, although my HDL levels were a little low, but was told with more exercise that this would increase. I have had no issues and am doing great. Almost at 100lbs down and it feels great. Fitting into a size 16 pants from a 24, a XL to a L shirt from a's wonderful to shop in normal stores!! Those of you looking into it or just getting surgery's worth it!! 

Have a great weekend everyone, until next time!! 

April 28, 2011

Apr 28, 2011

Yesterday I received a call froom the dietician stating that my lab result were in and that my Vitamine D levels were very low. She put me on 4000iu per day, from 1000. I was also dehydrated, but this test was taken like March 23 2011 and I have been able to drink ALOT more since then, so I don't think I am dehydrated still. My next bloodwork isn't until June 3, so we'll see how that goes.

Yesterday I also quit my job. I have been working at the hospital for 4 years now and have decided that it's time for me to complete my last year of studies in Social Work full time and get it done and over with. I have been doing part time school and working for ever it seems. Now it's time to just end it and get my degree in April!! It was a big and scary decision but I did it. My last day is May 13, 2011. I start school next week for the summer session.

Well to update about food intake, everything has been going well still. There were a few days where I ate too fast, not paying attention and it ended up coming back up right away but other than that, trying all new foods has been good. I have been able to intake Bananas, Mango, Strawberries, watermelon and going to try Apples today sometime. I haven't tried salad yet but I will probably in a month or so. I wanna get all the fruits down first.

I weighed in yesterday and I am now down to 293lbs that's a 62lb loss so far. I went shopping on the weekend, to get a pair of pants cause mine were just falling off and came out 2 sizes smaller...woo hoo. That right there was a GREAT feeling. My shirt size is now an XL not a 2x or 3x .

So, so far everything is going well!! And I plan to keep it that way....

April 4, 2011

Apr 05, 2011

Yesterday was a rough day with getting protein foods down, ever since I woke up, nothing protein like would go down, I kept bringing it all back up. Today I am doing much better with it. But I have been eating more liquid type foods just to ease back into it, so we'll see what my meatloaf dinner brings.

I am starting to hate my scale right now...frustrating, it's been going so well and for the past 2-3 weeks I have been stuck between 308 and 312 up and's driving me nuts. I know it will come off, but it makes me think about what if I am that rare person that gets the surgery, follows everything and stops weight loss, I mean is that even possible? Okay, I keep trying to tell myself to quit it and stop thinking these negative thoughts, but it's hard not too, especially when you want to break the 300 mark. This weight is where I always struggled, everytime I lose weight I get to this weight and then it stops and goes back up again, which is why I think I am having these negative thoughts. Deep down I know, this isn't going to be the case, but again, I guess it's just something I have to go through.

That's my quick update...But over all I am feeling better than before!! 50 pounds lighter!! 


Mar 26, 2011

Yesterday I kept getting pressure in my throat after eating and I couldn't understand why. I sat back and looked at the foods I was able to tolerate and how I was eating and came to the realization that I was getting used to eating again and was starting to take bigger bites of food, leading to swallowing bigger amounts of food. I realized I needed to go back and take tiny tiny bites at one time and have been good ever since. Amazing the things you come to realize and how easy it is to slip into an old pattern. I am just glad that's all it was. The only thing that I seem to be bothered with is nausia here and there, it just comes on some days and lasts for a little while. I know I have read that it can last up to 2-3 months post surgery, so hopefully it will go away, but other than that all is still well. I did some yard work yesterday and today and hope to ease back into the gym in a couple of weeks. I start work on Monday and am going to get through that first week first before moving on to the gym. One thing at a time!


One month follow up and onto soft foods, yippee!!

Mar 24, 2011

March 23 2011 I had my follow up appt with Dr. Sohi (surgeon) and my dietician. Everything is going well. Although the dietician is a little concerned that I am not eating enough. So I have to work on that!! Otherwise everything is good. I told my Dr. Sohi I thought I was at a stall and he said I was too early to be experiencing a stall, so that made me I also had my bloodwork done, can't wait for the results, I want to see if I am low on anything or if I am just fine.

Tonight I am having meatloaf for dinner with potatos and a veg, this will be my first attempt for lean hamburger.

Another update...

Mar 20, 2011

Going to see the surgeon for my one month followup on, I can't believe how time has past!! I am back to work already next Monday the 28th and am looking forward to a normal routine again. The time off was nice, but just because of healing, not a vacation or anythiing. I have done pretty well so far down 42lbs and hoping to break 300 by the end of this month. That is my goal and I really hope I can finally bust that. Can't wait!!

Today I tried lasagna for dinner and it went down just fine. Thank goodness!! Lasagna was spaghettie sauce, cottage cheese, lean ground chicken, Mozza cheese and I used zuchinni for the noodles. It was soooo good!!

Tomorrow I will eat that for lunch again, because I was able to back a meatloaf pan full of it, which will give me a few I must say the more you can try and it stays down, the more normal you start feeling.

I went for an hour and 15 min walk today, I was sore by the end of it but felt good at the same time. I can't wait to start exercising more with my lovely trainer. She's waiting for

Okay folks I am going to bed, have an early start tomorrow.


Food Update...

Mar 16, 2011

Today is 3 weeks post op and have been doing pretty good, there were a couple of days, where I felt kinda nauxious all day, and a little tired, but otherwise good. My abdomin is getting better, the only thing I can't do to much of it bend over all the way to touch the floor, I can but it's not so easy still, and it irratates the areas around my incisions. Once that's gone I am good to go. But I am def. starting to feel more normal. I head back to work on the 28th of March, so that will be good, cause I think I am starting to lose my mind being home. :)

So today I tried Mozza cheese, low fat skim milk of course with my melba toast, that went down good. I also tried Tuna with low fat mayo mixed in on a saltine cracker. I am going to try some mashed potatos once I am done my Tuna, which I am eating as we speak, but it seems to be going down. We'll see how tomorrow is, I tend to try things twice to see how they work, cause sometimes the second time doesn't work out. If it goes down twice then I am good to go. Eggs lately have seemed to bother me, so I am backing off of them for a while.

So far I have been able to eat all proteins, chicken, salmon, and tuna. I am gonna try another type of fish, maybe rainbow trout or cod. We'll see.


Pureed Stage

Mar 11, 2011

March 14 2011

Besides my one hiccup with the strawberries, I have been doing pretty good, still a little sore and cant sleep on my sides but otherwise good. I have been able to eat chicken, salmon, melba toast, saltine crackers, eggs and mashed yams. Tonight for dinner I will try a new vegetable as long as there's no sugar in it what so ever. The salmon I really enjoy and am so glad it's going down.

I am looking forward to working out again and starting a new routine with my old trainer. I am hoping in another 2 weeks I will be ready to start. In the mean time, I have been dancing at home (love music), going for walks, short and long and stretching.

Today is my first day of pureed foods, I was so scared this morning to try new foods. I don't know what it is but I get anxiety thinking about trying a food that will make me dump. There should be no reason for me to dump, as I am following everything to a T.

Anyways, here's a list of my foods I had today that were new and added to my meals

B: Poached Egg
L: Mashed Yams with sweetner
S: Frozen thawed strawberries pureed and added to Greek Yogurt -yum dessert like
D: Pureed crock pot chicken with gravy, and some mashed yams (only because I knew from lunch it went down good)

It all stayed down...yeah, thankfully!! I got through today. We'll see what tomorrow brings, I think I will only try one new thing tomorrow and have the same foods as today. I also tried the last few days back some saltine crackers and melba toast which also stayed down. So right now things are looking good.

I did some dancing today, to get some exercise, oh yeah, not to mention I got my period yesterday...uggh. But I guess it's a good thing. Just didn't want another thing to deal with while recovering, I guess it's good I am
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Going to Walmart

Mar 04, 2011

Today I am heading to walmart to do some grocery shopping with the fam of course, my full fluid diet is over Wed, yippie. Biggest news of all I am going to attempt to step on a scale, because it's driving me crazy not knowing my weight 9 days post op. Hopefully there scale will be a good one and will weigh me in properly as most of them seem to only going up to 250lbs. We'll see!!

Feeling better today, my back was a bit sore yesterday, it still is abit today but hopefully the more my stomach muscles come back allowing me to actually hold my stomach in, it will help. I can't believe how much ability of holding your stomach in is lost after surgery. I felt like a Some of my tapes are falling off, which makes the area look better, and not crusted with old blood.

Everything is going good, the only thing I am still a bit skeptical about is bending too far over, so I will give it some more time.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!! 

....back from Walmart, not impressed after waiting 1 hour for a cab, boy do I hate my vehicle being broken down and waiting for it to be repaired. Anyways, I bought my scale, which I am so excited to finally have. And lucky enough it only cost me $20.00 and takes on a weight of 400lbs, so it works. I weighed in and am down 7.8 lbs. Can't wait to see what next week brings.
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About Me
kingston, XX
Surgery Date
Feb 10, 2011
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