How did this happen?

Feb 24, 2009

I have posted recently that my weight loss is just starting to be noticed.  I have had so many compliments in the last 3 weeks my head is spinning.  Well yesterday a co-worker came up to me and commented on my weight loss and I was actually on my way out the door for one of my walks.  Today she stopped me on my way back in from a walk and told me that I'd inspired her and she went home last night and attempted a walk in her neighborhood.  

Later that day one of my cube mates said that people are talking about my weight loss and how much I'm walking.  I have been trying to get this guy to walk for a couple months now.  My other co-worker will walk with me and actually he and I walked to lunch one day while the other guy drove.  Anyway the non-walker said he admired my determination.  I responded that he should bring up some walking shoes (that's his excuse not to walk), he actually said he'd been considering it and even talking to his wife about it.

Wow!  This has always just been about me but it's actually helping others.   This might be a new dawn for the band.  Not only does it help the people it's implanted in but it actually is helping those without it.  Powerful little pal.

