Fill number 6 - 7.4cc in my 10cc band

Jan 10, 2009

So I got another fill .3 yesterday. I started noticing later in the evening that liquids were starting to move slow.  Gulping stopped!  This morning same story.  I was afraid to try to eat so I'm sticking with liquids and will see how I feel in the morning.  I made a big ole pot of broccoli soup and it's delicious!  I do notice I'm filling up now..even on liquids so that's good!  Tomorrow if liquids move a little better I'll try to get some soft foods down.  I sure hope weight starts dropping off.  Seriously 29 lbs since april is not good.  That's 3 lbs a month .80 of a pound a week.  Not happy with that. 

I am going to set a goal for myself to be at or below 188 by Valentines day.  Thats 2 lbs a week for 5 weeks.  That sounds like a good number.  If this fill holds steady and isn't too tight forcing me to get an unfill I think I can do this.  I start south beach Monday (fill permitting).  I will also be incorporating my daily shakes back into the mix for breakfast so my protein will shoot up, I know I've been way too low on protein lately.

I was going to go to the gym and just swim tonight but I think I would like to run again.  I'm going to do some stretching here at home then go to the gym and try to do a 20 minute interval routine.  That will give me 10 minutes of running, then I can go to the pool and swim for a bit.  I don't really feel like I get much of a workout in the pool though I know I do.  I know if I can continue to run 2 lb a week is doable, I seem to drop quickly when I run.

Crossing my fingers that Felicia is happy with this fill.

