My first blog...a new leaf

Jan 04, 2009

Well where do I start? I live in Canada and the wait list is long. I signed up for a weight clinic in may of 2007 and have my first appointment Jan 2009. It feels like an eternity. I have no idea if I will ever qualify or get through the tape to get the surgery but I am going to try. I think there is faster ways to get through I just don’t know them. I could fly to Mexico or somewhere else and get the surgery however I believe I must have issues that I need to sort out.

I have researched for hours and hours on types of surgery, success rates, watched each one on orlive and listened to why people regain the weight. I think that people do better with a support team and I would be less likely to gain the weight back, my biggest fear. Surgery is the first step…but keeping it off for life is my goal. I don’t want to be one of those women who take off a hundred pounds…then put it all back on…I would rather it be forever…and so I wait for my team.

Motivation? Why am I doing this? The year plus waiting time has allowed me to reflect on why I am doing this. I have followed the surgery for 18 years and just decided I am now ready…I know it has taken me a long time to get here. I am finally ready to give up anything to be the person I need to be. I am a thinker and so I research lots, then some more, think, research, then I might act. In my world a problem is a problem when it interferes with your life. I now acknowledge that it interferes on many levels. I am close to 40 and have tried everything in the world…I give. I realize if I don’t do something I will soon have high blood pressure, heart disease, and type II diabetes as it runs in my family. I can’t exercise the way I want to anymore, nor climb, or spring out of bed. I have always been heavy but now it is affecting me. I have only told a few people and my partner…it is a personal journey but I realize I need to join a support group as I live in a rural setting. And so my journey begins…along with each person on this board. Good luck to us all   New leaf


About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 15, 2008
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