Life update 2018

Sep 23, 2018

i popped back to post an update. It is 2018 and I started my journey over 10 years ago. For those who don’t know my story I started at 282 and hoping my life would change.  Went down to 189 (lowest) when I couldn’t eat from gallstones. I Wasn’t a true weight as I was sick and not heathy for weeks  

Well my life had changed a lot. My weight stabled out post surgery at 210-220. 

A few years ago I saw a photo of me... was in shock. Then I got motivated again and made a few changes. I went down  to 180. Then hit the gym hard. This year I have been training hard and fluctuated between 180-190. I was training for a competition and went up to 196. I didn’t sweat it because I was doing everything I could to get fit

This year I have climbed a mountain, done an extreme hike, did a fun 5k, rocked the gym, tried new classes like pound, Zumba, strength, boot camps, and living my best life. I feel and that I have come into my own! I did also become single this year ... kinda weird after many years together.

Looking back ... things I would say

  • it’s only a tool... whatever surgery you do...just a tool. Some of my friends have had surgery after me and put all the weight back on plus some. 
  • Get help ... you can’t do it alone. My best helpers at the weight wise clinic were the incredible dietician and nurse. Building a relationship with them and making small steady progress has kept me going long after I left the program
  • Start again... and again... don’t give up. I have PCOS which makes it so hard to lose weight. It is a lifelong issue. 
  • Be kind to yourself, love yourself at all stages. 
  • Sometimes you will fall off... get back when you can
  •  all diets will eventually fail 98%... instead learn your body your metabolic rate (through the dietician) and make small changes that can be maintained. 
  • Get your vitamin D checked... mine was low and there is some link to weight 
  • Ignore people’s kindness in trying to give your their advice...listen to yourself... everyone knows deep within something that is right for them and they can do. When I joined the weight wise clinic I gave up diets. But I do still track my food. I use my fitness pal because it’s free and you can scan food labels. 
  • And find a group to share your struggles. I did a lot alone. But obesity help was amazing for me... I reviewed thousands of posts... made me feel less alone. 
  • Besides don’t give up... try something new or something you love. I danced like no one was watching at 282... and still do. Tell yourself no one is watching me... I’m going to move and do what I love.. and so what if others don’t like it.

Much love from me to you on your journey 

We are all in this together. xoxo



preop to post op

Oct 31, 2009

Here is my story preop-to-postop


Preop--I had lost 49.5 pounds (drat as much as I tried for 50) before which I believe helped me through this journey. I remember posting stuff like ‘how can I wait this long.’ And what can I do. Which I got great advice …and helped me not miss food at all.


I started at 282 went to 245 then 233.5 with the pre-op diet. So about 12lb on the preop. My nut said I would probably lose 6 pound on my 3 week preop and I doubled it. Did I cheat? Uh define cheating, if I did cheat it was a popsicle a teaspoon or 2 of yogurt or cottage cheese on the first week. The second week was still hard and I had a few week moments of yogurt or protein soup (no noodles). I was allowed 3 shakes with 1 cup of milk or 4 shakes a day. I work out a lot so this really tough and I did wind up modifying my exercise.  


Wednesday --Day of operation-I walked in at 8am and the first nurse said “your not very big”. Ok…I thought yeah thanks…but my health is still at risk. Diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure etc runs in my family…so let’s get going. I got my iv in and had one med for anti nausea and then just before going up to the OR then make you drink some kind of 1 oz drink to try and reduce the gas in your stomach.


As I was lying upstairs the doc came up and talked to me briefly and I asked him if he slept well and had a steady hand today. He said yes and that I was his second surgery today. He asked which operation, I said sleeve even though I was a tiny bit nervous. He said ‘are you sure’ I said yes. Then they wheeled me into the OR  and it was very cold in there. I slid over to the table and the female intern (or anaesthesiologist…cannot remember) put warm blankets on me which helped me relax and stop shivering. Another fellow (I think he was also an anaesthesiologist) said sure you don’t just want the band...I said nope too many complications for me. Next thing I know I got a shot (in IV) to take the edge off…then a shot to go off to sleep.


Post op—I woke up in the post op room and felt ok just a bit groggy. After a bit I was transferred to my room. The first night was great I had very little trouble. Nurses at the Royal Alex were absolutely amazing…and very kind. I was up for a bit the first day then slept a bit…then up part of the night and chatted a bit with nurses. I was receiving morphine shots and anti blood clot meds. Nurses asked how I was doing and I told then great but I felt like I had just done 1000 sit ups as it was a bit sore (not bad at all). They asked me several times if I was able to pass gas yet and I thought ‘what a weird question.’ I had a drain in…no big deal although I was wondering how it was going to come out. I had no gas the first day. I called a friend and said it wasn’t as bad as I imagined…


Thursday fever—I woke up with at 6am headache and cold feverish on Thursday. About mid afternoon I felt cold and flush. The nurse checked my vitals and my temp was up about one degree so I got some liquid Tylenol which helped take the edge off.


Thursday-ok the first part of the day not too bad…mostly relaxed and rested but about mid day the most uncomfortable feeling came. It was from the gases they use to blow up your stomach…all I can say is don’t underestimate the pain of gas. I also had some packing removed at about 10 pm, no biggie. It was harder for me to get comfortable and was up half the night on the toilet trying to rock it out and standing and rocking and walking the halls. It is ALL you can hear as it is loud in your stomach! I couldn’t lie down from 2am-6 I just rocked, bathroom, walked, and sat. I slept in the chair 6-7 as it was the only comfortable position I could get into. I did have meds (codeine) and Tylenol which helped me be more pleasant.  By far this was the worst part.


Friday—I still had rumblings in my stomach and felt pain from the gas in the morning. Meds helped take a bit of the edge off. I got my drain and IV taken out around 11:30 then off I was home. I don’t really remember much of the trip home…too tired. Tried my best to focus on fluids and how great it was to be home. I went to bed and had an amazing sleep in my own bed.


Saturday-woke up and had a lazy morning  and worked on getting fluids in. I was able to shower and eat a bit of oatmeal and ensure and liquids in. So far the pain of surgery is not too bad and the gas is a bit better but still there (a friend of mine said it might last up to a week). I feel ok…just taking it easy.  


Support-I strongly recommend you have a main support person. My support partner was so great and did a million things for me that nurses could know to do. Helping you wash, organize, helping your brush your teeth, cream, check out your wounds, help you up and walk, remind you to breath and a million other jobs you cant even anticipate. Life was manageable because of my supporter. Ask for what you need and answer their questions honestly. My support partner really asked me tons of great questions…


The other support that was great was stylyn79, she was 9 days out and said that things got a lot better…day 2 was tough and I held onto that hope. There were several others that send me great wishes and good thoughts and prayers, this was also helpful and all the amazing questions were answered here at OH.


Breathing—I think my low grade fever was due to surgery partially and coming out of the antiseptic and the fact that I didn’t breathe deeply. I thought I was breathing when they were checking my lungs however my night nurse mentioned that my breathing was superficial (much to my surprise) and this might be causing a fever. Once I figured that out I started breathing down to my lower stomach. This helped a lot! Breathing is an amazing thing and underrated. So try to practice breathing lots…deeply, it will get you through the discomfort.


That is all for now…hope this helps those pre-op. it is doable, you can make it through and get to the other side. I put on 4 lb in the hospital (237) but I am now down 5 lb from preop weight (228) that is cool.


 hugs everyone


 oh I forgot one small thing...first morning...postop...when I went down to radiology they made me drink some gluey stuff and it was gross and they made me drink too much as I threw up twice, unpleasant but short lived and I have no leak...whew. Glad I don't have to repeat that one.



It is my turn

Oct 26, 2009

Hi I have been on here a long time...

I have seen and read many posts and seen many of you have good times (mostly) and great success. I have seen people come and go...and some stick around for a while.

At last it is my turn....I am going in Wednesday for surgery. Yeah is time. Thank you for all your great questions and time spent posting. Even when I wasn't posting...I was reading. I have learned a lot here...thank you all my oh family.

I was 282 when I started...went to 247 before pre-op diet. Went to 233 as of this morning with my liquid diet...and yes I was not perfect on the preop. That is a total loss of 49 lbs. I hope to lose one more pound before tomorrow...I went to my spin class today (exercise) and I am crossing my fingers.

Talk to you all post surgery...wish me luck


Update in March

Mar 23, 2009

So--not much has changed. I am seeing the nut and the nurse and have seen the doc once. There is no clear roadmap but I am doing pretty good. I am tracking my food, thanks to my iphone which makes it easy and have lost about 15 pounds which I am thilled about.
I don't feel deprived and on a diet ...just living how I should be living post-op (good choices). The support and great answers on OH have been amazing and it keeps me going and it is wonderful to turn to you and ask questions.

New goal=My hope is to be approved for surgery in a few months and lose another 6-10 pounds.  Life is good...
I do feel better even though I have a flu today...

My first blog...a new leaf

Jan 04, 2009

Well where do I start? I live in Canada and the wait list is long. I signed up for a weight clinic in may of 2007 and have my first appointment Jan 2009. It feels like an eternity. I have no idea if I will ever qualify or get through the tape to get the surgery but I am going to try. I think there is faster ways to get through I just don’t know them. I could fly to Mexico or somewhere else and get the surgery however I believe I must have issues that I need to sort out.

I have researched for hours and hours on types of surgery, success rates, watched each one on orlive and listened to why people regain the weight. I think that people do better with a support team and I would be less likely to gain the weight back, my biggest fear. Surgery is the first step…but keeping it off for life is my goal. I don’t want to be one of those women who take off a hundred pounds…then put it all back on…I would rather it be forever…and so I wait for my team.

Motivation? Why am I doing this? The year plus waiting time has allowed me to reflect on why I am doing this. I have followed the surgery for 18 years and just decided I am now ready…I know it has taken me a long time to get here. I am finally ready to give up anything to be the person I need to be. I am a thinker and so I research lots, then some more, think, research, then I might act. In my world a problem is a problem when it interferes with your life. I now acknowledge that it interferes on many levels. I am close to 40 and have tried everything in the world…I give. I realize if I don’t do something I will soon have high blood pressure, heart disease, and type II diabetes as it runs in my family. I can’t exercise the way I want to anymore, nor climb, or spring out of bed. I have always been heavy but now it is affecting me. I have only told a few people and my partner…it is a personal journey but I realize I need to join a support group as I live in a rural setting. And so my journey begins…along with each person on this board. Good luck to us all   New leaf

About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 15, 2008
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