Nov 08, 2011

Height:  feet   inches
Weight: pounds
You have a BMI of 29.7.
This shows that you are moderately overweight.
Your BMI is not high enough to qualify you for bariatric surgery.
Holy! I can't believe it!



Nov 08, 2011

I think my stall has finally broken!!!!! I was staying at 171-172 for weeks, almost months but yesterday and the day before the scale read 169lbs and today it read 168lbs!! I hope that this is true and that the weight is going to start coming off again. I have 2 weeks of working midnights and when that is done I am going to start using my bike again and I am going to make a point of going to the gym.  I have been this weight for so long I am starting to feel like a fat ass again.  My next short term gaol weight is to be under 150lbs. That is only 20lbs away.


Nov 06, 2011

I did it, I quit smoking. It is day 3 and man I am so bitchy this time around. I had to stop taking the Champix. It was making my belly burn. But I am not going to smoke again. I do not want bleeding ulcers. On Thursday I smoked my last smoke in the afternoon and was thinking about going to buy another pack and I started googling pics and info on ulcers. Anytime now, if I get the urge to light one up I will just remember the images I saw. I am also still trying to take back control of my eating. I am getting better and better every day. I am not drinking while eating unless I feel like I am going to choke if something is too dry and I am following the 30 min rule. I have bought some rtd shakes and when I feel like grazing I grab a shake. I bought some pure protein shakes from walmart. They are only 100 cals, 1g of sugar and 2g of fiber. It is a nice change of pace. i also still use my powder but only 1 scoop per day. Between the both I am getting 50-55g of protein from my drinks. I have mostly been staying away from the sweets. I am not perfect but I am doing so much better. It is harder yet at the same time easier than I thought it would be. I am glad that the Halloween treats were all gone today at work. I made sure to go grocery shopping this week and buy meat , cheese, jerky etc. I am trying when I get the urge to have something sweet to have some bread and butter pickles. it is kinda doing the trick. I have been very lazy in my house work lately too. Everything keeps getting in the way. Lately I have been very upset that my husband doesn't help me. I have been getting very angry with him lately. I wish I didn't get so mad. I have been asking him to help me and he doesn't at all! this week I am going to clean up so well that when he comes home and drops his shit on the floor I am going to have it out with him big time!  I don't know if it is hormones or what but I have been so emotional lately. I don't want to leave the house but when I do I don't want to come home because so many things piss me off here. I can't even put it into words how I have been feeling. I got a major hair cut. It hasn't been this short since I was 8 years old. I think it is cute when it is done but it is high maintenance and I don't feel as pretty as I did when it was long. I know that it looks thicker and you cant tell that i have lost hair with it this way but I sure wish that every time I catch my reflection that I didn't have to look twice to see if it is really me.

I have now lost 99lbs from my heaviest recorded weight. I am happy that I am happy that I am slowly but surely getting there. It can be frustrating when I hear how people who have gotten their surgery after my have lost more weight than me. I know that I have sabotaged myself many times. I wish that I had more restrictions. I do not like that i am starting to be able to puke up stomach contents when I have eaten too much. I know that I just have to stop. I don't puke up everything but just enough to settle my stomach. I have only done it under a half dozen times. I am trying o relearn what is too much for me. For a while I could really eat lots but I know that I was eating the wrong stuff. Now I am trying to eat all proteins and not much else unless it is veggies but I cant eat as much protein as I could shit foods and have been over doing it some meals. I have to remember not to take that extra bite. It seems like people get into this program and they don't have struggles with the diet. I cant after eating like shit for 36 years to be able to over night change my ways. It is a daily challenge. Some days I fail miserably and some days I do really good. I do not have to go back to work until Thursday night (joy, midnights) do i am going to be very careful with what I eat and how much I eat. I work many midnights in the next 2 weeks :(. The only good thing about work is that I am not by my fridge and I do eat much better. Then after these dreaded midnights I almost have 2 weeks off work. I really want to start exercising again. I haven't really done it consistently since before my wedding. I have to start caring again. I am going to the states in May. It is far away but I would love to be at my second goal weight by then. It is only 30 more pounds. I would love to be 139 when I go. I am wanting to shop until I drop :)

i have been having some issues with one of my friends. Her attitude is changing towards me. I feel like I am so far away from being skinny yet I feel like sometimes she mocks me about it.  She even told me that I can't talk like a fat chick anymore. Please. I am always going to like food and just like her. I am going to have to deal with food addictions.  Just like her.

Well I guess I am done bitching about shit for now, 'Till next time...



Oct 29, 2011

The only thing that I have being doing is taking the Champix. It is day 8 on them. I think that Ièm on my last pack of smokes. I caèt see me wanting to smoke after tomorrow. One monkey off my back. My eating is getting better. Not as bad as it was though. I knew I would be the one that wouldnèt be able to shake her food addictions. One day at a time right.  I hit something on this keyboard and I canèt figure out what I did.  I have been doing better with the drinking rules. I was getting bad with that. I wasnèt drinking when I ate but drinking too soon after. I have totally stopped that. This is the longest that I have ever been on a diet. I did expect more limitations on what I can and canèt eat to help during this time in my journey. I knew that I would have problems after my wedding sticking to my diet. I would like to loss another 40lbs at least, but I am pretty happy whee I am. From my heaviest I have lost 97lbs and I feel great. I think that is all I am going to write at this time. I have to work in the morning. Working still tires me out.

Time To Get Back On Track

Oct 18, 2011

Well, I suck, lol. I have been eating bad for a month now. Ever since my wedding. Tomorrow I kick the bad habits in the ass and get back on track. I have made up a menu plan. I am going to basically eat the same things everyday except for super when I get to mix it up a bit. I am going to stay at 1000 cals/day give or take 50 cals. I have scheduled drink breaks that are small enough that it won't take me an hour to drink. I am going to give up some of the protein that I get from my protein drink and trade them in for less calorie foods. I also have started smoking again. On Thursday I am going to be starting Champix again. I figure the cost of them will be cheaper than the amount I am smoking. Time to smarten up and use the tool that I was given.

Before and After

Oct 04, 2011

Here is a before and after in my wedding dress. For how much they had to alter (they took a little over 12 inches) I was not disappointed with my dress.

Visit With the Surgeon

Sep 10, 2011

Their goal weight was 177lbs for me. At 8 months out I weighed in at 175lbs. I am very happy that I have reached my first goal weight, now on to mine of 135!

Woke Up This Morning...

Sep 01, 2011

...and the scale read 176lbs!  That is 1lb less  than the NUT's goal weight for me. I am so excited. Now on to my goal weight. I am very happy that I got the bike. I ride it for about an hour a day. I credit it for helping me break through my stall.


Aug 05, 2011

I got a recumbent bike given to me today. I am very excited! Started today with 15mins. Tomorrow 20 mins. Going to build it up 5 mins per day. I am very happy that I got it. Watch out stall, I'm coming for you!


Aug 04, 2011

I told myself not to get frustrated when I stall but come on! How long is this going to last? I have been the same weight now for about 4 weeks now. I just wanted to be under 170 for my wedding. I have been hovering around 180-183 for what seems like forever. I keep trying to convince myself that if this is it to be happy with my weight. I haven't weighed this little in over 10 years. The diabetes is gone. I could be happy, or at least I should be happy but like almost everything else, l want more. In the last few weeks I have stopped smoking pot, upped my  protein intake (in drink form) and have upper my liquids and as a last resort have stopped taking my birth control pills. I found that as soon as I started taking my pill that the weight loss slowed but at least it was still coming off. I am thinking if the stall hasn't broken by Monday that I am going on just liquids for a week to see if that helps.  Ha-ha, going on another diet. At least that is what it is going to feel like, at least I won't be hungry. Frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10lbs in 2 months, unacceptable.I am rally starting to hate the question, "So how much have you lost now?" and having to answer, "Still the same" :(  I know it is a waiting game but I am not a patient person!  I really wanted to be in the 160's so bad for my wedding, even 169 I would have liked. I read post were people have started out around my weight give or take 7lbs and they are down 90lbs in a few months. I try so hard not to get upset with it and to be happy for them but what about me! I am getting really down about it. Well enough about that!
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