Where does the time go?

Jun 07, 2010

Yes, it has been forEVER since I posted and yes, shame on me for that.  I know that it is important to share my successes and failures with others to help make their experiences easier but dang it I have been out enjoying life!  So forgive me.  Things are going really, REALLY well.  To say I feel great is an understatement, I really don't think there are enough words in all the books, in all the world to describe how I feel about the "new" me.  Yes, I am smaller that I have ever been in my adult life which is an awesome feeling but there is sooooooo much more to it than size.  I remember when I had my first appointment with Dr. Jawad and we talked about what my gold would be..140 lbs.  I was like WHAT? My freakin leg weighs 140 lbs.  Are you kidding me?  At 314 lbs 140 seemed like a lifetime away, I couldn't remember the last time I weighed 140 and I couldn't fathom actually weighing that little...but here I am 15 months later and the finish line is in sight!  I went from a size 28 to a size 12 in 12 months 12 days YAY ME!  And last week I bought a size 10 jeans.. A SIZE 10 !!  I still am shocked as my clothes get smaller and smaller , you would think after 15 months I would be used to it.  I am still working hard ..walking 3 miles a day, and water aerobics 3 days a week..but the weird thing about it is I LOVE it. 

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Eustis, FL
Surgery Date
Jan 24, 2009
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