Gosh, if I had a nickle for every time I heard..OH but you have SUCH a pretty face I could pay for my surgery cash and probably several more people here as well. Amazing isn't it that people actually THINK that is a compliment.  Just in case you didn't know ..it isn't.  I have been a big girl, fat chick, fluffy person my whole life.  And like many of you I have lost and gained HUNDREDS of pounds.  I have been on both ends of the spectrum being a smaller chunky chick and I have been on the other end (my least favorite) at my personal high of 333 as well.  I have struggled with my self image, my self esteem, and sometimes it feels like my sanity as well as I have yo yo ed back and forth.   I have tried to convience myself that I am happy with me but in reality I wasn't.  But I put on a smile for the world but in reality I was misrible and depressed.  In 2006 I made the decision to have WLS and set about getting diagnosed with as many co morbitities as I could..hoping it would make it easier to get approved for surgery.  I have high blood pressure, high cholestoral, high triclyerides, gall stones, severe obstructive sleep apnea, osteo arthritis, and the general aches and pains that come along with being so over weight.  I ended up having to have my gallbladder out that same year but was then diagnosed with NASH (non alchololic fatty liver disease..oh joy.  Sounds like it would be easy to get approved right?  Not a chance.  After thinking I had all my ducks in a row I found out that my company insurance is a self funded HMO so they get to pick and choose what they will and will not cover.  And the exclusion is pretty iron clad..they won't even pay for tests or blood work related to WLS.  I was SO disappointed, but I decided to appeal anyway..which ended in a resounding NO.  So I ended my quest for WLS at that time.  This year when it came time for insurance elections I checked my husbands insurance and much to my surprise they DO cover WLS.  SO I made an appointment and now I am just waiting for an approval.  Keep your fingers crossed!  I will update my blog as I work through the process. 

About Me
Eustis, FL
Surgery Date
Jan 24, 2009
Member Since

Friends 35

Latest Blog 38
