Hanging on (by a thread, but still...)

Sep 01, 2010

Just a mini update on me since I try to at least do one monthly on here… I’ve lost more weight since my last blog and can wear anything from a sz 0-sz 3, primarily 1 and 2. My surgeon is telling me to GAIN back about 10-12 lb and stop losing right now. I am so screwed in the head from my body dysmorphia that this makes me upset. I truly look sick/unwell and could stand to gain, absolutely, but I’m struggling with that thought. I have a psych appt next Sat with a new therapist specializing in eating disorders… and it cannot come soon enough!  

Payday today and I’m back to being broke :( I paid car pay, electric, cell, credit card, and my autosavings. I have to leave $ for Nora’s vet and my psych appt.   I am taking steps (albeit small ones) to take my life back. I have a 12 month plan to get everything kosher and where I want everything to be. In 13 months (eek!!!!!!!!) I’ll be 30 and I am looking forward to starting that part of my life with everything the way I want it. I read Suze O. finance books and finally implemented her plan for women- I increased my 401k, started a Roth IRA, and am doing autosavings into an ING account that I don’t have easy access to. I’m also working on paying down my one credit card and paying off medical bills. THANK GOD I just found out I got a large raise at work so that begins next check, plus I get retroactive pay for the last month. I will finish my MBA right around my 30th bday (Oct-Nov 2011, depending on class schedule). I have a kitten named Lenora that I just got to try and help fill the void from when my dog died last March. I have not been running as much as I would have liked, but I will start that back again soon.


About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 16, 2009
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