day one right after surgery

May 24, 2013

In the clinic have a wretched catheter in and an IV had dry heaving this evening but in no pain, they gave me an injection of pain medication, I believe it was morphine. I didn't sleep but maybe an hour all night and felt very groggy. There was plenty of channels to keep me entertained that spoke English, Patti was my nurse this first night and was very quick to take care of me if I needed anything, she checked up on me often. I wasn't allowed anything to eat or drink but was given IV fluids to keep me hydrated i refused all pain meds after this and just had some anti-nausea medication which worked very well. I wasn't in any pain at this time so i didn't see any point to take medication for pain. They also gave me IV antibiotics to prevent infection.


Driving to Monterrey

May 19, 2013

We started in Oklahoma where I live at 8am, dropped off my baby girl in Abilene Texas, went on to Laredo Texas got here at 12:30 am and slept in Laredo at the doctors hospital.....yes in the car in the parking lot, I felt very safe being here and my car is quite comfy, we got up at 6am and drove to the border, here is where I became VERY nervous (for no reason too), paid a $3 toll charge here, was told to pull over to the side which I more than gladly agreed to, had to get out of the car me and my auntie joy along with about 7 other vehicles, they looked around the vehicle a little, didn't open any bags, had a small truck slowly go beside all the vehicles (this truck was scanning the vehicles for something, drugs, guns.....your guess is as good as mine lol), we was then waved on through, next stop was just a hair down the road at the actual Mexican crossover where we stopped to declare our stuff, just in case and I needed to get a permit for my car in order to take it across the border as well as a temporary permit for me and my auntie so we could go into Mexico, my espanol is nada so they found someone who figured out what we needed and a very nice mexican man took us around the corner a few miles actually lol to the appropriate place to obtain our permits and stuff, we was asked to provide our passport cards, picture ID, my car title proving it was free of liens and in my name, as well as the tag number, then i had to pay a $200 holding fee just in case I decide I'm not bringing my car back lol.....ummmmm I don't think that's a hike I'm willing to take lol. I then was pointed in the right direction to get to Monterrey by the Mexican man and I sent him on his way with a $12 tip, best $12 I spent in my entire life, he saved us hours of HELL. From this point on my GPS worked remarkably well and never took me the wrong way, the roads although they had some potholes weren't as bad as I expected, I have seen worse in some areas of Oklahoma lol. The roads had butterflies everywhere and I'm not talking a few I am talking 1000's everywhere for miles and miles, there were even men on the sides of the road doing something with them. I did see people walking on the sides of the road, more than we would see in my part of the USA, I'm sure some of the bigger cities have people walking the streets a lot there also though. I then went through another check point where I got the red light again, GRRRR, pulled to the side, a lady walks up,I tell her I don't speak. Lick of Spanish, she gets a guy who doesn't speak a lick of English lol, he motions for me to open the trunk which I willingly do, I have two enormous bags (one of which is full of nothing but food), a case of water back there, my auntie's purse, a pillow And a few other things. He looks at the water and says picnic and I say no surgery, he had no clue what I was talking about smiles, points and says vamanos lol, we are on our way again and come up to a toll that says $205 pesos, the lady here speaks no English and I'm so stressed I don't even think about my converter so she says something about a dollar and I hold up 2 dollar bills limbo, of course she smiles and shakes her head no, I then hold up a $20 bill and she shakes her head yes, takes it and we go on our way, thought about it a mile down the road did the conversion and I should have gotten $3 back, I'm not griping because it was with three measly dollars just to get through lol. We then proceed to Monterrey, I have the hotel obispado galleria in the hotel, by the way when u have it in your GPS it tells u the address is different than the one I got off here on the OH, but I knew it had to be the right one because it is the only one with obispado galleria in the name. So we make it to Monterrey and HOLY BATMAN BALLS, this was a nightmare, I will make damn sure I fly next time we come, these people are crazy as hell, they use no turn signals, they cut you off, it is chaos said as nicely as possible. I wanted to choke the hell out of some and had wished it would have been legal to bring a gun to shoot the tires out of a few vehicles, found the hotel,for the life of me passed it three damn times because we couldn't seem to get my sexy Scottish man on the GPS to help me figure the streets of MTY out lol, went the wrong way on alone way street, and low and behold I finally made it in one piece to the hotel. Got all the way to MTY with my bag of food which consisted of twizzlers, marshmallows, beef/turkey/pork jerky, peanut butter, Nutella, crackers, some canned goods, my protein bars, protein shots, muscle milk, protein powder.....ummmm yea,I brought food that will prob be left here lol. Got the fridge in the room, plugged in my wax melter and got my room more homey, took a video of the room, the Mexican flag that is amazing right out back of the hotel, to much smog on the mountains so they aren't very clear at the moment. Took a short video while at the HEB, took a few pictures. Was picked up at 7:30 by Dr. Sauceda (he is awesome), just as everyone described, my anxiety was quite high but after we got there and everything I felt more at easy, I feel like there is. Smurf inside trying to get out with all the blue ink on me lol, hmmm maybe I will come out of this sexy as hell looking like smurfette hahahaha, the implants we looked at are 400cc, if he is able to do everything he is talking about doing I am gonna rock this "body by Sauceda" lol. I am super anxious but ready to get it over with at the same time. Not sure when I will be able to update this again I am praying for a speedy recovery for myself and seriously can't believe I am actually here, feels so surreal. We are on the 2nd floor of the hotel, I wish it had been the top floor with a better view of the mountains, best part of being here other than the new me that's gonna be happening, the view is just breathtaking, but I do love the mountains. They will be putting a recliner in the room really soon. I took some pictures of my marked up body along with some of the cups he uses for the implant determination size and also one of an implant he had there. I ate some crab corn chowder but it was a bit to fishy for my liking so I threw it out and ended the meal with a muscle milk and some protein powder added to it, I ate a protein bar before my markup so I am good to go. 7:30 comes bright and early so off to bed I go, will update again really soon.



May 06, 2013

So I had another strange dream last night, I didn't end up without a leg like last time lol but I did however have some implant issues, the doctor who delivered my first two babies was my plastic surgeon for some strange reason and my right breast implant wouldn't settle so she removed the implant and did something to the pocket after putting it all back together i stand up after surgery just to have the damn implant slide down into my lower belly WTH I can't win for losing lol, thank goodness I know my dreams never come true, usually because they are so far out there it is just unrealistic, this always happens to me right before I do anything that I am stressing over. I know I don't have anything to worry about but I do it anyway, oh well one more day down can't wait to see the results.

playing with rice

May 05, 2013

so there is a rice test youcan do to see what size implants you may want to go with since they come in cc's.....1 and 1/2 cups of rice equals 354 cc implants, i'm really thinking this will be the size for me, even after the excess skin is removed i am loving how they look. I may go a bit larger depending on what i see and try once i get to my mark-up but right now i'm going to say 350ish it is lol. playing with the rice has me ready to get there even more. what an early birthday present this is going to be. I sent Dr. Sauceda an email asking for something official showing my surgery date so we can possibly try and get my ex's passport so he can go with us but i'm still unsure if that is going to happen or not. plus i asked him a few q's about my calcium, b complex, and vitamin c that i have started taking. we will just wait and see what he says and go with the advice he gives me.

The countdown continues

May 05, 2013

I leave for MTY in exactly 13 days and my surgery is 15 days from today, still unsure if it will be just me and my auntie or if my ex is going to be able to go with us. I am ready for it to be here already but NOT ready at the same time. I purchased a really nice camcorder so i will be uploading some youtube videos of my experience there. My grandbaby still hasn't decided to make her way into the world so i'm worried about this but i'm not postponing my surgery so i will just hope for the best at this point. My ex doesn't have a passport and in order to get one we will have to get something from Dr. Sauceda with my surgery date and go to a regional passport office to get his since we are so close to my date, i did get an email saying my passport has been processed and will be in the mail around the 8th as well as my auntie's passport so this is one less thing to worry about. my EKG is done, bloodwork is done, i am set to go. my final nursing test for this 3rd semester is this coming up Tuesday and i pray to pass that, this has been the hardest semester of my life. I am so excited to see Dr. Sauceda, i have seen so many people see him and their results have been nothing short of phenominal and i can't wait until my unveiling of my own new body.......


it's getting real now.....all my duckies have been paid for!

Apr 16, 2013

I have paid for my surgery with Dr. S in full, my bags are almost completely packed, I have purchased some flip flops just for MTY as well as a nice long comfy dress to hide the Alien babies while I am there, my EKG is scheduled. I have purchased my Mexican Auto insurance already and have everything I need to go, now if my darling daughter will spit out my grand baby sometime soon so I don't have to miss the birth I will be doing good, that and making it through this semester of nursing school with some of my sanity left. I am getting all the procedures I truly want except for my arms, really wish I could get those done also to wear some nice sleeveless shirts but I guess that will have to wait for my next visit to the wonderful Dr. Sauceda. I have a box full of food I'm taking and I will pray it doesn't get confiscated by the custom check points once I cross the border, I also am taking two cases of water and many things I am happy I am able to take that I would have to leave behind had in been flying. I have to buy a tourist card at the border as well as a temporary permit for my vehicle, both together are less than seventy five dollars. My passport card and birth certificate should be back in the mail to me any day now (fingers crossed) my new car is tagged and everything has worked out better than I ever expected it to. My mom is making some of my dolls since school is keeping me from doing so, this way i will have extra money. I think the only issue i am now having is how big I want my new ta ta's to be lol. I will get mine right b4 my birthday so I'm super duper spiked about my new toys I will have lol. I have registered my trip with the website this way if I am kidnapped they will know where to look for me and my Auntie, I am adding international calling to my cell phone next month since it is only $15 and i want to be able to talk to my kids since they don't have a way to skype with me while I am in MTY. My data/txt will be turned off and I will call very little from my cell phone. I will use the free WiFi to connect with people on the OH, and Facebook as well as keep myself from being so bored. I'm taking my laptop and my iPad. I plan on making some videos of my trip to upload to YouTube and for the OH board, praying I remember this part as it is really important for me to show pre-op patients live feed of the experience. Can't wait to see the good doctor and patty as well as Ms. Dr. S, i will update again as things come up. Oh I also got my hair cut for the trip, I'm excited about that as I haven't had my hair this short since before I hit puberty I'm sure lol.

inguinal hernia repair

Feb 10, 2013

I just had surgery this past friday, hurts a LOT more than i expected, i almost wonder if i have become a sissy, i handled childbirth and labor with ease, my c-section wasn't to bad although it was 10 years ago so maybe time has altered my perception of how bad the pain really was, i literally haven't been able to walk without holding my stomach, this pain is ridiculous. I sure pray i can handle the pain of plastics, i know with the hernia repair it was internal stuff also and the plastics is just skin except the the butt flap augmentation and the tightening of my stomach muscles. I havepain medicine but have only take three....that includes the one they gave me at the hospital after surgery, i just fear constipation so much, i know they would help, tomorrow is day three hopefully it starts getting better real soon. I'm glad i had the hernia repaired though, at least it will be healed well before i go have surgery with Dr. Sauceda. School is going by faster than i expected, i guess with all the homework and clinicals that's to be expected though. Things in life are really good right now, March will be here soon and i get to go get my new car from my brother, then school is over the beginning of May and Dr. Sauceda is the 20th of May if all goes well. I keep hearing about how hernia repairs are pain free, NOT all are pain free TRUST ME.....this SHIT hurts something fierce, you will have a complete new respect for a cough, laugh, burp, or fart lol.....lord help you if you have to sneeze also hahaha

counting down to sauceda land

Jan 26, 2013

I keep playing with the numbers and one day i'm unsure if i'm going to have enough and then the next day i think "yea, i will make it" May will be here before i know it and i'm so ready for this part of my life. I sure wish i was having my arms and legs done as well but i guess i should be happy about having my breast and lower body fixed, i know i will go back for the arms and thighs it is just the waiting that kills me as i am soooo impatient lol. The saucedas are sure going to be nice, is it crazy that i dream of them? Oh well, they are gonna rock, watch out bra section because i'm gonna buy out the store after surgery lol

Wiggle room worries

Jan 23, 2013

I am literally spending every extra dime I have on this surgery and am so worried that I'm not going to have enough when the day gets here. I have sent my deposit to have my date held for me and get to take off a certain amount for my gas for driving since I'm not taking   A plane but I am still going to have to get a little more to have enough for everything's need for the trip and surgery funds. I am just stressing so much about this because I have worked so hard to get to this point in my life and want to feel good about my body instead of still feeling horrible every time I look into a mirror. Just venting I guess GRRRR lol, everything seems to be falling into place but it is just to close for comfort and with no wiggle room I'm having some anxiety over the whole issue. When I want something I want it yesterday lol, I need to just relax and let what happens happen but I guess only time will tell. Dr. S has been wonderful and very patient so hopefully everything will turnout as planned. 


new goal

Jan 05, 2013

My original goal was to get to 137 pounds, this being the weight i was when i was 16 years old i figured it would be a good goal, well now i want to get down to 130 pounds, according to my frame and height i just think this is a good weight for me and if i'm going to have some skin removed i want to leave some room for the swelling weight and weight i may gain related to me not being able to exercise while i am healing. I have been having a lot of trouble sleeping here lately, i have never had much trouble sleeping in my entire life so this is very new and strange to me. I am so happy to have lost a little less than my entire body weight, i actually had someone who i haven't seen in over a year ask me where my other half was and at 1st i thought they was referring to my ex-husband lol, felt really good when i realized they was speaking of the weight i have lost. I'm so ready to be in MTY already, i feel like i have been obsessing over it so much and it just can't get here fast enough.
