Day 3 after surgery with Dr. Sauceda

May 24, 2013

Omelet for breakfast was nomilicious, best meal yet. I got up and walked for a minute this day, catheter got to come out woot woot, got to unwrap the goods and shebang it was amazing lol, I was a bit hunched over in the garment and it is hard to breath in but I feel more comfortable with it on. My IV is taken out and I am now able to go pee as I please although I keep forgetting my garment has a butt flap which does fall into the toilet (ewwww), so be Careful and have three arms lol. Clip the drains to the bottom of the legs of the garments to free up that area, don't wear the gown and then all u have to worry about is holding the gauze in the front that is around the entrance of the drains and holding the butt flap out of the way. Voila it is manageable, I am told this evening to be prepared at noon the next day  to go to the clinic, soooo ready for this. 

