10 months out!

Jul 01, 2011

Wow, almost a year since my surgery. This has been a roller coaster ride for sure. I have to face reality and tell you all something. i am over 3 months pregnant. so no more worrying about meeting my goal to get 199 by the end of the month or to become 180#. I have to accept that its not about just me anymore. i have to give the proper nutrients to this little baby inside of me which ultimately means more food.

Now, with that being said, this does not mean I am going to be gaining a lot of weight. I forbid it! I will be back to the gym Tuesday more for 30 minutes of cardio everyday. maybe some lite weights for my arms and legs, obviously no crunches.

So there we go, I let the cat out of the bag. This is the only place i have said this to. Haven't even posted it on my facebookk yet.

I now weigh 218. gained 3 lbs. but again, I won't obsess about it. lol. though I know it sounds like i am ( i am trying hard to convince my self not to).

I had my blood draw this week, next appt with surgeon next week. suppose to be the 9 month follow up i think. He knows about this, and said that even though i am not that far past the surgery date, i should be ok just as long as i take my vitamins the way i am suppose to plus a little extra. I have been doing a good job of that recently, before not so much!

I have my first prenatal appt on July 14th. Can't believe it took so long to get the appt made, just a lot of insurance issues going on, but now resolved.I will be approximately 4 months along by then. Almost time to find out what this one will be! that will be exciting, perhaps I will become more excited about this after that happens.

Well, I probably won't be on here as much since i won't be reporting any losses and i can't bare to update the health tracker with a higher weight number. so maybe once a month and then once i deliver I will start over again with the progress and new set of goals. My overall goal hasn't changed. I still want to become 180 and I will achieve this at some point in the early next year. and then after that, I will be at the plastic surgeon to get my breast done which i what i had planned on in December (not pushing out another child! lol)

until next time...


About Me
Ocala, FL
Surgery Date
Sep 03, 2010
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