Frank H. Chae

"I had my first visit with Dr. Chae on 4/2/04. Dr. Chae is a very warm, caring person. Not to mention extremely knowledgable. And he has a great bedside manner! I think he has a wonderful mix of both, and that is exactly what I look for. He addressed risks completely, and answered all of my questions, even questions I had after I had left and had e-mailed to him. His office staff is awesome, very helpful, and spent a long time chatting with me on my first visit. I finally got approved, and had surgery on 11/17/04. Dr. Chae is waiving his fee, since he is currently out of network. I am so thankful for everything that Susie and Dr. Chae have done for me! If you have Great-West Health, make sure you have everything, be patient, and never give up! Dr. Chae is worth the wait! Had some issues, but I'm thankful I was approved in time to have surgery before our insurance changed. "

Pro Score 100 Chocolate

"This is the best chocolate protein shake out there! I can't stand chocolate shakes, but this one is awesome! It has a nice chocolate flavor, with just a hint of marshmallow (to me it did at least), and best mixed with 4 oz of water or less. "

Pure Whey Protein Stack

"The Banana Scream is the BEST! It's not too sweet, and just the right touch of banana. Excellent flavor, and I found it best mixed with only 4 oz of water. I drink 3 of these a day, and I love them! I also use the Vanilla for mixing, not too crazy about plain vanilla, but it's good too. I couldn't stand the chocolate or mocha, but that's just my taste. The strawberry is ok, a little bland, could use more strawberry flavor."

EAS Premium Whey Protein

"I have the Vanilla, and it is so good! I can't mix it with milk (makes me feel ill), but mixed with water it tastes great. I found some great shake recipes, vanilla is just so versatile! This is one of the first protein powders I tried, and I love it! "

All The Whey

"I haven't tried the flavors yet, but I have the "flavorless". I add it to my shakes that I make with a different protein powder for a nice extra boost (about 32g total). In shakes it's flavorless. In other foods it tends to thicken it a little, so I can't add much, and if I put in too much, it has a strange flavor to it...maybe it's just my strange taste buds! Definitely a great and cheap alternative to other more expensive flavorless powders."

Sky Ridge Medical Center

"I thought this hospital was excellent overall! The nursing staff was awesome and the hospital is gorgeous."

Kelly Elliot

"Kelly is very easy to talk to, and has been working in the WLS field for over 17 years. "

Clark B. (Ben) Zimmerman

"Dr. Zimmerman is a very cool, down to earth doctor!"
About Me
Parker, CO
Surgery Date
Aug 07, 2002
Member Since

Friends 1
